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My heart, my all

My heart, my all

pecu lin


I watch as she falls off the cliff, but I could not save her. I could not do anything to save her. How do I live without her? How do I survive? Why! Things change and this lookalike. Why is she so like her?

Chapter 1 Rose


A dark and rainy night, screams in the dark.

"Don't" I whimpered.

It was to late, I hear him pull the trigger, I rushed but I couldn't reach her, she fell down the Cliff.

It was like time stopped, my heart stopped.

I fell down on my knees.

The masked men had taken to their heels.

I couldn't breathe, it was raining heavily, I was shaking whispering her name.

I couldn't live without rose, she was my everything.

I closed my eyes, I wanted to die.

That was the only way I could be reunited with my beloved.

I closed my eyes, as tears trickled freely.

As the rain poured over me.

Wishing it to be over, I heard footsteps, sounds, screams, my name, but I was too weak to respond, I was lost.......

That was it! How my nightmare started...

That was the beginning of it all !

It ended with a new chapter and began with another.......!

Daisy's pov

I woke up trembling, still the same nightmare.

Always seeing myself falling from a huge Cliff.

I had this pain in my chest,it felt like someone out there was missing me ...

Someone out there was trying to reach out to me.

The dream was always so scary, always so vivid.

I checked the time and,

"Fuck! I was late for my interview.

I jumped up , freshened up and dressed up.

" Daisy?

"Yes mom" I said, walking towards her , giving her a big hug.

"Good luck with your interview"

"Thanks mom" I blew her a kiss, and walked out

Soon I was standing in front of the biggest mansion in town.

Vegas mansion.

They needed a cleaner, and half of the city would be applying!

From stories I've heard,they were all billionaires,four sons,living with their grand ma.

Their parents were in the states, going on vacations and enjoying themselves.

Wild stories escalated around town, about the Vegas mansion.

They were rarely seen, and minded their business, people saw them as arrogant, rude and carried weird rumours around them.

Breathing in and out,I ranged the door bell.

It opened automatically, and I walked in.

It was dazzling, and magnificent, smelt of royalty.

It was heaven on Earth!

Saw a long queue of contestants.

I wouldn't stand a chance,I was not worried tho.

It wasn't really important,I just needed something to keep me preoccupied.

Standing there, almost five candidates have been disqualified.

They were still going and coming back with frowned faces.

It was obvious, none of them got the job.

I was a bit tensed when, it got to my turn, I looked at the young preety girl standing at my back.

"Could we switch places?

" No get going " she said, chewing her gum rather loudly.

I walked in a bit slowly, but all i saw was an old lady with glasses peering at her book.

" Name?

"Daisy" I replied.

When the old lady, looked up at me, her jaw dropped.

It was like she had seen a ghost, I was terrified too.

"Ma'am are... Are you alright? I asked

" Rose? She asked, her eyes welling up.

It was the most weirdest situation I have ever found myself.

"Am not Rose,am daisy" I replied.

She looked at me for a long time.

"What's wrong ma'am? I asked.

" You looked like someone I've known for a very long time" she said..

I could feel the emotion in her voice,or maybe I did imagine it.

" You are hired " she said.

" Just.. like... like that? I asked.

"Yes, so today , you are going to be learning the rules and meeting my sons" she said.

I nodded.

I found it weird,she just sent half a dozen people with better qualifications.

But chose me,cos i looked like someone she knew..

Wow great!

The rest were sent home,I had gotten the job

They sighed and grumbled amongst themselves.

The preety girl, chewing gum, especially, maybe she realized, she might have gotten a chance,if she had switch places.

Following the old lady around the big house,I was lost, admiring everything I saw.

She took me to the living room, where three guys and a lady Sat.

They saw,me and stopped whatever they were doing,they too had that shocked expression on their faces.

I was freaking out!

"Isn't she... she? One with lot of freckles and lovely curly hair spoke.

" She isn't, she's daisy" the old lady cut him off.

" She looks so much like rose" the lady said.

" She really does,I thought,I thought it was her" another with lovely eyes, and long lashes spoke.

The other guy I observed didn't say,a word,he kept looking at me from head to toe.

His gaze ,making me uncomfortable.

" This are my son's, and this is my daughter ruby" she said, tho I had earlier guessed already.

" She will be working here,as our new cleaner and maid" she added.

Ruby looked at me , like she was fascinated,I could see excitement in her eyes, while the rest of the brothers peered at me, like some sort of a ghost risen from the dead.

" Grannie? All eyes turned to see him.

Cute, teenage boy, with dyed hair,sporty clothes and ear rings.

He stopped as he saw me.

"Isn't that?.......

" It's Daisy our new house help, she happens to look like rose" ruby replied.

" Oh" he replied looking at me, with a mixture of doubt.

He was clearly the youngest of them all.

" So welcome, you can Start work tomorrow" their grannie said smiling.

I nodded, whoever Said they were five son's was spreading lies

Only four son's.

I turned to go back,I could resume work the next day.

But i tripped and crashed into him!

I had not seen him coming.

The rest gasped,at least I heard.

But I could not move my gaze from his eyes,it pierced into me, and there was no way I could look away.

It was the most cutest face,I had ever seen.

Perfect features with dazzling eyes, those eyes looking at me like the most precious thing he had ever seen.

I was lost in those eyes, for a while I forgot they were people in the room.

What was happening to me?

I was definitely loosing it....

His hands were around my waist, holding me tightly to himself.

"Rose? ...........

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