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Falling for the billionaire playboy

Falling for the billionaire playboy



Eva has a one-sided crush on the boss but hides it since she thinks he's a playboy. What would she do if he began to focus on her all of a sudden? Would she be able to safeguard her heart? Or would she get together with him and change him

Chapter 1 I hate him

Uhhhhgg, when will this gala end? My feet are killing.” “ you weren’t complaining when you downed four glasses of champagne at the open bar.” “It’s an open bar. Free drinks. " and besides-“ “Try not to overdo it today; we are here in business.” “Yes, sir.” Eva smiled her professional smile at her boss as he walks away Her boss walks away to speak to other important people. She despises him completely. “You’re drunk,” Alexander Ashwin said next to her. Eva met her boss in college; he was years ahead of her and a known playboy.

He played with her friend she has disliked him ever since, even though she has a slight crush on him like every other girl They met again when she applied for the job of his secretary, but he doesn’t remember her, or so she thinks. Eva is exceptionally close to Alexander Ashwin. They met at a college, and one thing led to another: they had sex. It wasn't awkward when they met later after the party; they have been friends ever since. Eva and Alex had a lot in common, and they’d often meet in places like this because he also had his own company to run. Both Alexander and her boss, Logan Price, came from conglomerate families and took over their family businesses when they were in their last year of university. Eva and Alexander dated on and off even after college, but they were better off as friends with a little bit of benefit and would only stop whenever any of them was seeing someone at the time. Back to the situation at hand, they are currently at a gala event hosted by a friend's company, and Eva was here as her boss’s assistant plus one date. Alexander convinced her to split the hotel room with him and she agreed that’s how it’s always been with them, especially after a night of drinking. While they were talking and laughing amongst themselves someone walked up to them “WOW, will you look at that? His Royal Highness and the CEO’s date everyone has been talking about. “And don’t they look cozy together for two people who are not supposed to be seen together?” Eva was confused as to what was going on she knows both Alexander’family and her boss had some sort of history and rivalry going on but that had nothing to do with her, right? And her boss never forbade her from talking to her friend; he knew they were close, as long as it didn’t affect her work. Floyd Griffin is, the vice president of the magazine who’s hosting the launch gala He has a very loud voice and it was heard over the noise of the busy launch gala, She heard him saying excitedly, “I’m kidding, I just wanted to get a dance from you maybe this time you would stop running from me come on” he tried pulling her. “ I’m sure your boss and acquaintance won’t mind.” ’This wasn’t the first time he had tried to make a move on her but before she could open her mouth to say anything “Hey babe,” she heard from behind her and then felt an arm wrapping around her waist. Floyd was shocked, and Alexander chuckled. “What is he doing?” Eva said something to Alexander, who shrugged and walked away, Logan staring. At his back "Hmm, he seems more hostile than Alex; I will have to ask him later," she reflected. He completely ignored the loud man and turned to Eva with a flirty smile on his face, his eyes deep and brooding. Eva will have to admit that he is very attractive. No wonder girls fall left and right for him. The man oozes sex appeal. But his playboy ways made him disliked by Eva. He fucks around a lot, and Eva has to be the one sending notes and flowers to those he beds with expensive gifts, Eva puts up with him because she needs the job and he’s an excellent Boss all things considered “Shall we dance, Eva?” He asked with a smirk on his face She must stop becoming accustomed to his flirting with her. Yes, sure,” she replied, and immediately she followed him. She had taken a couple of steps when she heard him talking bitterly about Alex “damn it He’s got Mr. Maverick to invest in that project he’s doing, and we can still talk to him about the China project we are looking into; I am sure he would be interested." I’ve been trying to secure a deal with him for years. "We can still talk to him about the China project we are looking into; I am sure he would be interested." “Hm,” he said thoughtfully it’s still in the planning stage I don’t want to jinx it but I’ll think about it.” "You look stunning tonight; I do not think I have ever told you this, you," he says. “Thank you, sir. You don't look too bad yourself, she replied “You shouldn’t call me, sir, outside of work hours. I’ve told you this several times. You are not on the clock You don’t have to address me formally.” “Of course,” Eva smiled He was about to say something else when another voice called out his name. Logan, Logan,” the voice sounded very sweet They both turned and saw Dani. She is the daughter of one of our investors, and she invited herself to the gala. Waving at him and smiling sweetly He smiled that flirty smile he uses to get girls and waved back She had the most outrageous reactions, and it made Eva scoff, and Logan turned to face her, still smiling. Ugh so irritating “What?” he asked Nothing, sir,” Eva replied, keeping her face away from him and looking around them instead so he didn’t see her irritation. Babe,” she heard him call her Why does he keep calling me that? “Why are you ignoring me?” “I’m not. We are dancing, are we not?” “Also, I’m not a babe; you need to stop calling me that.” “But you are, though? You are my babe," he said, biting his lips most seductively, making her remember the time they got drunk a couple of months ago and had sex. It was a one-time thing, and it never repeated itself. She pushed him away, saying Songs Over” Walking backward away from him, which made his teasing smile drop, she turned around and made her way back to the bar, where Alexander was waiting for her with a full drink. "I figured you would need another," he says. “Thanks” Looking around at the sides, she saw Dani hanging off Logan’s arm She had the most unexpected urge to go up to him and make him… Make him what, exactly? Acknowledge her presence again because she likes it when his eyes are on her. Talk to her? And ignore Dani? Was she crazy? Her legs had gone weak, and her heart was racing. She didn’t know whether it was a shock about the thought she just had or that she had had too much to drink and all that was running through her body was arousal. She was too sensible for that Determinedly, she downed another glass, but he had turned his head, and her heartbeat went into overdrive She quickly turned away “I hate that guy."No, you don't," her friend said. ” "No, you don't," her friend said. “ if you did, you would have quit your job ages ago.” "I would have, but you do not hire." “No, I am not. I like my assistant right now and would like to keep him." “Why don’t you like him again?” “ he’s such a playboy,” she said, watching as he said something to Dani and she giggled "All right?" "Are you sure it is not your jealousy speaking?" "You did not have a huge crush on him." Her friend said so, smiling. "Believe me, it is not because of that." "I just do not like how he changes women every week; it sickens me." I never saw him like that.” “He’s hot anyway, so that’s expected.” “Of course, you would say That,” Eva said with a scoff.

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