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Falling for a Mafia Boss

Falling for a Mafia Boss



"Touching you right now means I'll have access to your body whenever and wherever i want it, no other man will have access to you apart from me !!" his voice was cold and husky. "yess..., "You would regret this the next morning.... "No...i won't." She had no idea why she felt inexplicable trust towards him, perhaps it was due to the fact that he save her or perhaps it was beacuse he had not hurt her even after she had kissed him like that. However she had not considered the premitive insticts of a man. "You're offering yourself to me, when you don't know what I'm capable of. You have a chance to stop your self now, else after this night you won't have any Chance to back out" he said Coldly and got up about to leave, when the girl pulled his shirt ripping it apart. And after that night, Delvi's life changed. Continuously being saved by him, she couldn't help but feel something for him. Could they really have something on when Delvi's past life was discovered and their words were very apart and dangerous ?

Chapter 1 Drunk

Delvi thought her life was the smoothest and was going according to how she planned it.

A happy and understanding family, surrounded by people she loved and was loved, working and earning a satisfying salary, what else could a girl want .

All these became a fantasy to her when she discovered the family she grew up with and loved wasn't her real family and was being used as a tool by them, just how could one bear just a blow.

She felt heartbroken, betrayed, pained, rejected and disappointed.

And here she was draining her sorrows with alcohol, like nothing else matters to her anymore. And nothing really mattered.


Every one was drown in their own world, dancing and nodding their heads in rhythm to the loud music which was playing.

A group of five men were seated comfortably at the table reserved for VIP. The position which they sat wasn't easly seen, it was a bit hidden. They sat with the company of four women, who were at their beck and call.

They men were all dressed in black, the aura which they exuded was not something to be triffled with.

Their faces was blurred by the large flake of smokes oozing from their cigarettes sticks.

They women's attention was on the man sitted in the middle, who seemed to be their Boss.

A glass of wine was on his right and his left hand was holding a cigeratte, his legs were crossed together, in a dignified manner.

They ladies were massaging and straddling his body, filling his glass of wine, whenever it ran down.

Delvi came in, her steps wasn't steady, she looked disheveled and tired. Her eyes were swollen and looked bloodshot from sleepless nights.

She sat lazily on the stool and ordered drinks. Her table was full with various drinks, which caught the attention of few people.

They kept stealing glances at her whispering and murmuring to themselves .

Her expression was aloof and reluctant, ignoring the stares directed towards her.

" You are loser !!, You caused the death of your parents!!, how can we possibly have a child like you !!, Wake up Delvina!!." The voices of her adoptive parents was growing louder in head.

She clutched her head and sighed in frustration, cursing her existence.

She took large gulps of wine, not minding the bitter and sharp taste that came from it.

The wines on her table was almost done with , her vision was no longer stable doubling every object she saw.

Her skin glowed from the rays of light coming from the chandeliers, her brown silky hair was shining brightly like a halo.

She leaned her head lazily on the table, unaware of the stares thrown at her.

"Hey beautiful, you're drunk. I'll take you home" the strange man tugged on Delvi's shirt.

The latter was too lazy and weak to raise her head.

The man murmured few words to her and helped her got up, he supported her body with his hands and leaned her head on his shoulder and went away from there.

He helped her to a room and sat her on the bed, supported her head with a pillow.

"Do you want me to help you take away your pains ?" he asked her, using his gaze to sweep her body and licked his lips when he stared at her half unbuttoned chest.

He opened another bottle of wine, poured it inside the cups he was holding. He leaned closer to her and held her chin drowning the wine in her mouth.

She coughed slightly after the wine was gulped down.

"I must have saved an Angel in my past life to have such a beauty for free tonight. "

His lower abdomen bolged when he thought of what he was going to do with her.

He took his time to unbotton his shirt and pulled down his pants. Every action he took was slow and enticing, his lower abdomen already protruding from his boxer.

He moved towards the bed and leaned between her thighs, he was slowly unbottoning her shirt when she shook his hands away and pushed him off.

he chuckled " Calm down baby, you're also going to enjoy this, I'll fuck you hard till you moan my name asking me to stop and i won't stop till cum multiple times for me."

She tried getting up, but staggered and fell back to the bed, her head was getting heavier, everything around her was starting to spin. She hissed and tried getting up again when the man held her wrist and pulled her close to him.

Her vision was still blurry, unable to get a full glimpse of the man holding her down. Her mind was blank and hazy, all she wanted to do was to get away from the Man's grip and leave the room.

The man ripped her shirt, exposing her plump and fair breasts. He reached his hands towards his dick and stroked it gently, at the sight of her breasts.

She gasped when she felt the cool breeze on her skin, her mind beacme a bit clear. She narrowed her eyes towards the man who was stroking his dick while trying to undo the belt on her pants.

She kicked his lower abdomen, and pushed him away trying to get up from the bed.

The man groaned in pain and anger, he coiled his body into a ball inorder to reduce the pain.

Delvi was few steps from the door when her hair was pulled back, the angry man glared at her " Be a good girl and satisfy me tonight, i won't hurt you. Don't test my patience while I'm being nice to you "

She struggled to get away from his grip but was still weak and unstable. Seeing the man was serious with his threat, in her state she was no match for him.

"Help !!, Somebody help!! " She screamed in fright.

"We are at the top floor, and no one could possibly hear you voice, your voice sounds like you're having a good fuck, so no one's going pay attention to you " he smirked at her.

He pulled her under him and continued with undoing her belt.

She stretched out her hand, trying to find something. Luckily her hand grabbed the glass of wine, she smashed it on his head, blood oozed from his head staining his face and shirt.

The sight was frightening, she was so scared and tried getting up, but the man held her tightly, he slapped her angrily.

Her tooth ached from the hard slap she got , her cheek reddened and got swollen.

She was holding back the tears breaming in her eyes.

"Please let me go, I promise I'll give you any amount you want, just don't do this to me please" she begged him.

"Ha !, you're a very funny girl, Do you think money could stop me from getting what i want now, it's not difficult just obey me and we'll get it over it i promise you'll enjoy it okay....."

He finally opened her belt and was about to pull down her pants when the door was suddenly kicked open from outside.

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