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My Ecstasy in you

My Ecstasy in you



Meet Olivia;a young footloose and care free impulsive woman. Her life was perfect She was just a year from graduating out of college and pursing her aspiration - becoming a teacher. Things soon take a new turn as she hits twenty two,and,not necessarily for the best. Torn between old family traditions and societies expectations, Olivia searches for an escape without having to give up on her dreams. She takes to the only available route - marriage Jimmy Marcus is a self made, arrogant business tycoon He is tall, husky,dark and rich.if it weren't for his arrogance and bitter sarcasm,he would have been the ladies man. Buy just like Olivia,he uses this arranged marriage to cover his dark secrets. Will this be to big a facade to pull off,or does fate have something special for these two? Find out in " My Ecstasy in you"

Chapter 1 Night club's

Olivia's POV

The air outside was cool,the sky velvety black and the stars twinkled haphazardly against the night sky.

I was waiting for my best friend hilda.we usually go clubbing on Friday nights save for times when we were burdened with school work or had been extremely busy during the week days.

But tonight wasn't such,we both had this planned out.i didn't know why she was taking so long.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket to send her a text

"you better have a good reason for being this late "

I slipped my phone into my jean pocket.

she was supposed to pick me up with her car tonight.

I badly wanted to party Hilda,not so much.You see, although Hilda and I have been best friends since,well our entire lives ,we were completely different from each other. Hilda was simple and easy going,friendly and loved by everyone, sweet infact.where as I was the wild and crazy one, daring and impulsive. we were almost like ice and fire.Hilda being ice off course and me,I'm the wild fire.

she texts me back.

"I'm sorry pumpkin,I'm on my way"

she did this on purpose,I hate it when she calls me pumpkin, what am I six?

Two minutes pass and my bestie pulls up on the driveway.

I go outside to meet with her. she's wearing a tank top and black jean,her jet black hair is tied in a ponytail and she has just the right amount of lipgloss on.

'you look great' I smile genuinely, 'thanks sugar ' she smiles back 'now hop in and let's go partyyyy'.

I get in the car and she drives smoothly to the club ,we soon start talking about college,then I asked her why she kept me waiting.

Hilda keeps silent.i ask again

it's nothing O. she calls me O sometimes.i keep quiet for a while knowing that she not being completely honest,then my mind recalls

'was it Adam? did the jerk touch you again?

I'm angry now.im certain Adam did something to her, something awful.

No Olivia, he didn't,he promised he was never going to hit me again and he hasn't, Adam loves me.she concludes

I roll my eyes 'so what did he do?'

she looks at me for a second and then pull her eyes back on the road

'he just wasn't okay with me going to night clubs, that's all.

I swallow down the urge to curse Adam,only because Hilda has been obsessed over him since high school they later on started dating first year in college and since then she's been over the moon for him.i really wonder what she she's in him? he's handsome no doubt,but so cocky and so manipulative.

so I let I slide. 'you know something Hilda' she turns to me again 'what?'

she pulls up at the parking lot of the club and turn off the ignition ' you're simple minded to a fault. I know you're in love with his cocky ass but he shouldn't tell you what to do and where to go.'

she smiles faintly 'okay mom'

I nudge her and we both laugh.we step down from her car and so many eyes are on us already.our jean trousers really showed our curves.it doesn't take long once we're inside,guys start asking us for a dance.we refused politely.i wanted to dance solo but before I could make way to the dance floor,some one approached me, someone I used to know. it was Blake from the coffee shop where I worked while in high school.

Blake was six feet tall with incredible arms and abs,he had that silky like hair that makes me want to badly run my hands over it and his smile, that killer smile and jawline, handsome would be and understatement. Blake was hot.

'care for a dance' he wink's at me and pull me closely form my side till I could feel our bodies touch. his chest ,it's hard just the way I like em . He whispers into my ear ' I could show you a few new moves ' my lips creak into a smile .I look at Hilda and shot her a sorry look.she nodes her head giving me a silent ' don't worry I'm cool with it '

I turn so I was facing Blake my smile still on my lips I lean forward and whisper back into his ear 'show me what you go

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