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Second love

Second love



She vowed never to love again, but things change, decisions and people too. ...Call it fate destiny God perhaps, Annette's love story wasn't over, it was beginning. After a traumatic break up, Annette gives up on love. She leads a fancy free impulsive life wanting nothing more than her family's happiness and chasing her dreams of being a school teacher having lost all hopes at love. This was her plan till she meets Nathan. Nathan Justin is a twenty five year old infamous tycoon on a path of redeeming his reputation. To him it seems that no matter how hard he tries his past keeps calling. But then again life happens, good and bad thing too. There is hope for Nathan and not necessarily the way he pictured it. This hope comes in the form of a twenty one year old girl: Annette Sean.

Chapter 1 A monster

Annette's pov

it was drizzling ,the road was wet.

I was on my coming back from work. I had just finished my shift.

I pulled out my phone from my jean pocket and texted my best friend Hilda

' you're picking me up tonight H, don't be late '

For some months now , I've been visiting the club during weekends. Hilda only goes because of me, she has never really liked night clubs. Although Hilda and I were best friends since..well our entire lives, we had very different personalities. Hilda was simple and easy going, friendly loved by everyone, sweet infact but simple minded to a fault. where as I was the wild and crazy one, daring and impulsive. we were almost like ice and fire.Hilda being ice off course and me,I'm the wild fire.

it was early evening and the sun just about to set.i was a few blocks away from home holding my umbrella in one hand and a bag of groceries I picked up from a stall. my mother would be out by now. she had two jobs to keep up with.

I had just steeped into the front yard enjoying the smell of freshly cut grass when my eyes locked with someone else's.

I stared long into that hazel eyes that I used to fancy. Eyes that used to take my breath away whenever they lingered on me. They were now bags under those eyes dark and horrid. They looked stressed ;pained. But what was he doing here I asked my self .I managed to find my voice

'Leave' I said gently. He stood there still,not moving an inch.

' Leave Kyle! ' I shouted

' just let me explain to you ' he cries. you won't talk to me you won't pick my calls I need to talk to you ' he half yells.

' you know something Kyle? ' I yell back at him 'you have some nerve, I need you to leave me alone and never show your dammed face here again' I say at the top of my voice. How dare he, showing up his disgusting face at my home after all he made me go through. my eyes begin to glisten. No I'm not going to cry, I tell my self .I've cried enough over this jerk. Calling him a jerk was an understatement, Kyle was a monster in a human body.

I walk backwards and break into a run He doesn't stop me or call my name. I couldn't bear being there with Kyle. A few people on the road stop to look at me but I don't care , I need to get far away from him as possible,

standing so close to the man who shattered my fragile heart into a million fragments I felt like my life was being drained all over again. This was someone I loved with everything in my being and i thought he loved me too, I dreamed of our future, a life together with him, but I was wrong and the way I see it I'll never be able to get past it.

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