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Heir's Male Omega.

Heir's Male Omega.

Edhen Blaque


Axe Noir, omega and second in the line of succession to the throne must marry Erwin Feret, alpha and current heir of the enemy kingdom due to the outbreak of war. Axe is everything an omega of his time shouldn't be: bold, independent, with strong opinions and total fighting prowess, he is an insolent omega, and that drives Erwin crazy. Erwin is an alpha raised in a toxic, alphaist environment, adapted to do what he wants, carefree and living his love affairs. Both as different as they are, they are destined to fall for each other, even if at the beginning they are only driven by desire, they may unknowingly be about to live the greatest love story of all time. That is, if war and lies don't destroy them first.

Chapter 1 Introduction:

Axel always knew that his fate would be doomed from the moment his caste was decided by the goddess Luna and the god of wolves, to be born omega in a world like the one he had been born into was too much, even as a prince of a nation, it did not remove the curse of his lineage, OMEGA, it seemed a bad word that carried the soul, the coldness that constituted to be nothing more than the possession of the superior beings, the alphas, barbarians in their majority, full of unhealthy intentions, guilty of the greatest disasters, creators of calamities.

Now in the night, with the goddess bright and splendorous, he looks up and sees what could be said, is one of the few ancestral entities that inspire him faith, the god of the wolves, the father of all his race, to whom for years the subjects and the royal family have paid tribute, Fenrir, the king among kings, god of gods, who marks the beginning and the end, who puts them on the ground and gives the mission of life to the wolves, the eternal lover of the moon, and lord of the Lycans, and now Axe wonders, deep inside himself, as his wolf stirs furiously in his chest from the emotions of his human side, if his prayers could be heard, if by howling in sadness and desolation to the moon and hoping that the wolf god would hear him up there in his temple, if by falling to his knees and ready to bow with his forehead pressed to the cold ground, to pray while his body trembles with anger and helplessness and tears furrow his face, he could be truly heard and delivered from his fate.

He walks through the wide corridor, feeling his wolf alert, with ears attentive to any sound and animal look, he feels dejected, heavy but determined, the night was furrowing Asmax, in fact the heat was beginning to be unbearable and the weather did not give truce to give even a small breeze, Axe felt the sweat running down his forehead, Axe felt the sweat running down his forehead, hands and back while the uncomfortable cloth stuck to his torso as if it could not be otherwise, with the candles lit, illuminating the pantheon of the god Fenrir and other small deities, dark to human eyes but he, even if he did not have his wolf there, guiding him, could go blind, at a safe pace, because he would know how to find every hiding place and not suffer any harm.

Carefully he stopped in front of the deity and on the wooden plank lined with red velvet he knelt placing his hands together, breathing deeply, feeling the air pass painfully into his lungs, beginning with whispers that took on greater shape and volume, all around, his scent swirling strongly, and his she-wolf growled in annoyance as she felt Axe's uncertainty and pain, for him, a man who had grown up in a country that nevertheless respected caste, going to a nation like Craenia made him shriek in agony, and she, his she-wolf and faithful companion and protector knew it.

"Oh father of wolves, one of your children needs you, and even if my faith is not absolute, I still come to you today to ask for help".

She licked her lips nervously, though she believed fervently in what was instilled in her, praying had never been his forte, he didn't even go to church enough.

"Giving presence in the lands of Craenia, will be my own undoing, as omega, in a world as cruel as the one we got to live in, to go there would be to open the gates to hell, however, my lord, the war seems to envelop us with its scent of blood and desolation, Aspor wants to destroy us, leaving me in an extremely difficult position, since not agreeing, would only condemn us all only to death and devastation, I have never asked for anything my lord, never, but this time I want, I deserve to be selfish, deliver me from this unfortunate fate, without having to live with the death of an entire people on my back as punishment".

Life was unfair, to put his people just now in a position of war was not what he would have expected, not when his father and alpha, at last thought to rest next to his mother, leaving behind a life of shocks and threats. Asmax was peaceful, a haven of peace for the Lycans, they had not crossed more than simple words with other kingdoms in years, he did not understand, even with the wisdom of his she-wolf in his midst, what had happened, how was such a thing possible? Axe swore that no matter how much he thought and tried to find something feasible that could explain in a logical way the actions of the enemy, he could not find it, it was as if they had only decided to go against him, as if some evil being had poisoned his mind and was asking for Asmax's blood.

In the distance a horn sounded, it was similar to the war harmonies of his people, only this one was more equanimous and low, like an order that must be taken without refutation, and it could only mean one thing, they had accepted the alliance with Craenia for the sake of protecting both kingdoms of Aspor.

Axe closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Sometimes wearing a crown was too much.


"Our alpha has finally sent response to Asmax on alliance matters, and they have been positive" Karel Fabien's voice sounded low sitting beside him, the opposite did not turn to look at him, in fact he seemed too focused on watching the sea, the sunset was bathing the waters of the harbor and the birds were giving their last acrobatics before retiring "Erwin" he called out letting his hand rest on the shoulder of the alluded "I know this is not the best situation, but we depend on this, we are weak by ourselves, our army..."

The laughter that came to him from this one made him take only a few steps back and look as if seeing him for the first time, it was so cold, empty, devoid of everything that could make it human, his brother was an alpha, and the animal inside his eyes was furious, as much or even more than the human, for to be forced into such a thing as a marriage agreement in which he gave no say, showed that he was not alpha enough to hold the very reins of his life, Erwin growled, almost animalistic and primal, letting go a grimace when he realized the fact, he squealed and smiled cynically.

"So tying me and my wolf, to an arranged marriage with an omega I've never seen in my life, seems to be the solution to all our problems, doesn't it?" he smiled "That's too naive, even for you, Karel. We know a lot of monarchs, did it have to be from Asmax precisely."

"Our alpha wants the good of the kingdom."

"Your alpha seeks only his own good, my dear Karel" he rebutted in a low, even calm tone, for Karel it was sometimes-and only sometimes-fascinating to see the passivity with which Erwin took things, it could be said that before this day he had never seen his brother act as his caste dictates, possessive, dangerous and aggressive, rather it was quite the opposite, as if he cared for nothing.

Karel came to think that even if he lacked a soul, his older brother was the opposite of him, alpha, strong, determined and went straight ahead, it was normal that father chose him to take the throne after Mael left, now as he saw him there-sitting as if defeat was part of himself-on a rock, he felt that the one who accompanied him that lonely night was a stranger.

Erwin stood up and looked at the horizon, just one more time before walking past and leaving Karel there, Erwin was deep in his own thoughts, feeling his wolf moving in his dark midst, jaws out, snarling, as he questioned what he could do to get out of it even now that he knew it was late and by now the omega prince of Asmax, he should be happy, making arranging packing to come to Craenia.

He sighed and looked at the castle, even at best, it was an alliance, just that, pure convenience and need to survive and not fall to what threatened to come, he was the heir of Craenia, alpha, son of the king, he should not worry, it was his lands, his kingdom, the omega prince of Asmax was the one who should be trembling in fear.

An alliance is needed, an alliance between lycan kingdoms, a marriage that benefits two parties in order to gain something, however, what happens when these two kingdoms in question hate each other, if they despise each other, alphas, betas and omegas, trying to survive in the world they have been imprisoned in.

And they, poor children heirs of cursed crowns and full of prejudices must unite, they must fight against themselves and everything they know, they must protect themselves, protect their souls, their lives, but, most important of all?.

Their souls.

Because everything was written, and the moon is not wrong, sometimes your destiny can be found in your worst enemy.

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