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Heir's Male Omega.

Chapter 4 Third:

Word Count: 2287    |    Released on: 28/07/2023




ega Noir." recited Eric Arnaud Féret, current monarch and alpha leader of all Craenia, with a venia that Axe swore made the old wo

ther shapeshifters that had taught him many things, however, wolves were better preserved, they seemed to have a pact with life and the g

has, inside, Igna stirred, pacing around, uneasy, however she was not focused on King Eric, but beyond, causing Axe for a second to lose focus of his midst, the she-wolf seemed upset, Axe stirred sub

ood experience, despite all the difficulties we have presented over the ye

y alphas, and more, wolves that have been considered enemies in so many year

unless it was in front of the great council, full of cantankerous old men, who in his opinion were over the earth, he gave a slight nod and k

e a complete stranger into your territory, let alone with suc

g the party in peace, he had to make some things clear, because, he knew Craenia's belief regarding omegas, and he, despite being one, was a

f things are already changing," his she-w

ity to look the king straight in the eye, also the queen, who remained stoically silent. "I find fault, the fact that they sent a footman to receive me, the prince, and I could really take it as a bad deed to the

ted to laugh, well, so much for his excessive ho

e, the omega's entourage who watched everything with intense

o it, you can be

"he asked with total kindness, mellow an

ond and he saw Axe's face pucker into a thinly disguised grimace, well, it was something to be expected, however he said nothing, despite ever

make the formal introductions?," Axe nodded. "My wife, the que

see, however of one thing he was sure, she was an alpha, she smelled subtly of Hortencias, Pine and Caramel, sweet and refreshing but at

a beta», well, he would definitely never inherit the crown, according to the laws of Craen

to a little above his shoulders, casual and free, with gray eyes, and bushy eyebrows, marked nose and thin lips, his wolf looked extremely interested, ju

will join you in ma

d his she-wolf stuck out her tongue, shit, that

r screamed it loudly, however, Axe didn't feel a hint of her scent, not at all and out of pride he didn't let his o

ne, alpha." corresponde

he omega didn't really care much about, it's not like he was going to

one used almost created a discomfort to Axe, but well, who to end all the farce that apparently

they both looked into each other's eyes,

you go settle in, you must be tired after spendin

pt fate on his first day. The Féret were not sheep, and the king had a reputation as a tyrant that preceded him like a ballast, he

e replied politely. "It has been a l

and your entire entoura

nk y

he opinion was not very flattering to his people, it would keep many away and save him from unwanted company, he had enough to deal with, in fact every minute that passed he was more sure that there was something really wrong with everything that surrounded that union, in fact th


ady to be dealing with such things, next to him Erwin looked furious even angry, while Karel tried to calm him and Karina, he looked at the woman as pale and undaunted as ever, he clicked his tongu

an arduous internal battle to keep it at bay, the animal let its yellow eyes show, before shaking its furry head and disappearing

w two things without even crossing words with him, he wasn't a common omega, well, no one from the Noir monarchy was, at least that's what they said, they had a comp

led Eric wearily, it almost seemed to hurt to say every word, Erwin gave his progenitor

ve been his sister."

oice, Axe is younger than you, Laena is not, our law requires that he or t

e, alpha." the silence reigned, heavy, Erwin was angry, very much so, for no concrete reason, there was som

alpha's ears, Karel just watched the exchange in silence. "Stop

s mother with slight, restrained fierceness, however he prefe

t don't understand, it'

lp us, we alone could not against Aspor and very few countries would get into a war that is not theirs, Asmax was threatened just like us

breath and after a

"I know that the omega prince is raised in a completely different way tha

rel amused. "They live with their wolves,

at his father. "But it's a f

m in the gray, old orbs

no less fr

and Karel denied, may the goddess h

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