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Love and Ambition

Love and Ambition



Zianka, a beautiful model whose name is currently on the rise, suddenly shocked the entertainment. This happened when her famous boyfriend, Juan Nicholas Matthew, came to her appartement and give her a surprise party. Unexpectedly, Zianka was caught being affectionate with the man from the neighboring apartment, Axelle. Axelle Ryu, the son of a wealthy businessman, was involved in this scandalous affair. News about the affair spread quickly. Zianka's prominent name in the entertainment industry was at stake, and Ryu, as the son of a well-known entrepreneur, faced criticism from netizens all over the country. Zia also has a friend named Greysha. And without her knowing beforehand, it turns out that Greysha secretly has feelings for Juan. Then Greysha openly confesses that she loves Juan. Even Greysha and Juan had a misunderstanding that further fueled Zia's dislike towards Juan. The relationship between Juan and Zianka became even more complicated when Zianka's parents arranged her marriage to Axelle Ryu. How will they face all these problems? Should Zianka accept the arranged marriage or choose Juan, who still loves her?

Chapter 1 Part 1

"Let's get the night, Honey!" Juan whispered in Zia's ear. His voice sounded deep and seductive. His lips almost touched Zia's earlobe, her body seemed enchanted, and she desired that man.

"But I have to go home, Juan."

"No, you can't. Stay with me." Juan pleaded. One of his hands wrapped around the girl's waist, while the other reached for his lover's face, giving a gentle touch with his sensual lips.

"I wanna hold you tight." The soft voice could hypnotize any woman who was in his embrace. "I wanna bite you ... I wanna kiss you. I wanna make lo--"


"But I want you now, Babe."

"I'm so sorry, Honey," Zia regretfully caressed Juan's cheeks. "I'm sorry, but I already made plans with Greysha. We can meet again tomorrow. I promise to give you a whole day."

"You're not avoiding me, are you?"

"I'm not. Trust me!" Zia gave a warm kiss on Juan's lips. Juan hugged her tightly as if he didn't want to let go.


Zianka, commonly called Zia. The beautiful girl had just returned from a meeting with her modeling team. They held a party after successfully hosting a fashion week event a while ago.

The girl entered the elevator to go to the 28th floor. Her steps were uncertain, and her body felt like it was on fire. The hot air seemed to course through her veins.

Zia leaned her back against the corner of the elevator to stand more steadily. She couldn't understand why her body was experiencing strange sensations since she left that meeting. Zia suddenly felt dizzy, and her heart pounded.

"Excuse me, sir! Please press the 28th-floor button," she asked someone standing right next to the elevator button.


"WAIT!" Suddenly, a tall and sturdy man rushed into the elevator.

"Sorry, thank you," he greeted everyone in the elevator, including Zia, who now stood facing him.

The girl clearly didn't look well. She kept bowing her head and holding her neck as if feeling heavy.

"Are you okay?" the man asked with concern.

Zia looked up, trying to recognize the face of the person standing so close to her now.


They had known each other for a long time. Their apartments were next to each other. However, due to their busy schedules, they had become accustomed to ignoring each other.

"Are you feeling unwell?"

Zia fumbled with the clothes she was wearing. Even this thin blouse made her feel hot.

"It's hot..." Without warning, she unbuttoned the top button of her blouse, making Ryu's eyes widen.

"Hey! Are you crazy?" Ryu stopped Zia's hand that was about to unbutton the next button.

His broad back tried to block the view of some people around them.

"Nghh..." Zia pulled Ryu's hand, trying to prevent him from stopping her. She placed Ryu's smooth hand on her cheek. There was comfort, and something she wanted even more.

Ryu quickly pulled his hand away, distancing himself from this strange girl's face. "You're insane!"

Zia lost control again. She hugged Ryu, resting her head on his broad chest. There was relief there. The feeling of comfort filled the void in her desires.

Ryu tried to break free from the embrace, but Zia only tightened her grip. Some people in the elevator looked at them disdainfully. Some even made mocking comments about their inappropriate behavior.

"Zia!" Ryu raised his voice. Gripping the top of Zia's head, he pressed her against the elevator wall, creating some distance between them.

Zia's gaze appeared empty, as if lost in a daydream. If Ryu didn't remember that this girl was someone he knew, he would have run away rather than dealing with this crazy woman.


Ryu supported Zia's stumbling walk. They were now standing in front of her apartment door. Ryu still stood there, observing the girl. Zia seemed to struggle to unlock the door with her fingerprint.

Zia took out a card from her bag and tried to place it on the door. However, she accidentally placed it on the wrong place, not at the door handle.

Ryu snatched the thin card from Zia's hand and helped her to open the door. "If you can't handle your drinks, don't act all tough!" he warned Zia. She really seemed intoxicated.

"I didn't drink," she protested. She hadn't even touched any alcohol at the party, despite various alcoholic beverages being served.

"Thanks," she said, taking slow steps inside. As soon as she stepped in, Zia tripped over her own feet due to her unsteady walk. She fell to the floor with the door still half-open.

Ryu quickly helped her up. "Zia?"

The girl didn't respond. Ryu couldn't tell if Zia had passed out or fallen asleep due to drunkenness. Swiftly, Ryu carried her and took her to the living room, where there was a long sofa facing the TV screen.

It was the first time Ryu set foot inside Zia's apartment. He didn't know what he should do now.

"Ryu." Zia called softly.

Ryu knelt on the carpet, aligning his face with the dazed girl's.

"What do you need? I'll get it for you."

"I... want..." Her voice was too faint, and Ryu couldn't catch what she said clearly. He leaned in a bit to hear Zia's voice better.

Unexpectedly, the foolish girl grabbed Ryu's collar and loosened tie.

"Mmh." Zia pressed her lips against Ryu's neck. Ryu pushed her face away abruptly.

"You're crazy!" Ryu can't believe with what happend.

He went to the pantry area. He looked for a glass, but there was only a cup with a cow picture on top of the buffet. His long arm reached out for the cup, poured water from the dispenser, and returned to the sofa.

"Drink!" Ryu handed her the cup.

Zia didn't pay any attention. She only felt that her body was not normal. It was hotter than usual. Her fingers moved to unbutton her blouse.

Ryu widened his eyes and immediately poured the water on the girl's face to stop her foolishness.


"Snap out of it!"

Zia sat up, wiping her now wet face. "You're mean!" She pouted in annoyance, yet somehow she looked cute and endearing.

"It's better now, right? Okay. I'm leaving." Ryu couldn't stand dealing with this foolish girl any longer.

"Wait!" Zia held him back.

"Please, I don't know... why I'm like this." Zia leaned helplessly on Ryu's arm. Ryu tried to pull away, but the girl hugged his waist.

"Let go!" Ryu couldn't move. The sitting girl refused to release him.

"You're lucky you met me. If you encountered other guys, you'd be devoured!" she said seriously.

Suddenly, the typical sound of a door opening was heard. The location of the door was in line with the living room without any partitions.

All pairs of eyes widened. Especially Juan. The guy at the front, holding a small cake with a lit candle on top. Some friends who were previously recording a video for Juan now shifted their attention to Ryu and Zia.

"You bastard!" Juan approached. Without needing further explanation, Juan slammed the cake right onto the table in front of Zia.

In anger, Juan immediately grabbed Ryu's shirt, dragging him away. It was close to landing a punch on Ryu's face, but Ryu skillfully managed to parry it.

"Juan, STOP!" Zia tried to intervene.

"SHUT UP! I just found out about your behavior, sneaking behind my back like this."

Suddenly, Zia felt an overwhelming heaviness in her head, dizzy and nauseous. She could no longer hold it in.

"You're such a slut!" Juan pointed at Zia's face with full hatred. He was deeply disappointed.

Zia wasn't indifferent to Juan's rage, but her stomach couldn't take it anymore. She stumbled and rushed to the bathroom, promptly emptying the contents of her stomach.

Meanwhile, everyone standing in the room glared sharply at Ryu, seemingly seeking an explanation from him.

"Call security now!" Juan commanded his friends.

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