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Contract Marriage With The Ruler

Contract Marriage With The Ruler

J.W Ancheta


Upon returning home from Cambridge, Irene witnessed the suicide of her parents and the decline of her family. She was ridiculed and tortured, with no chance of surviving, when Gunner, the ruler of the Greystorm family, saved her. Gunner brought her home and demanded that she get married to him in exchange for her parents' vengeance. They got married the next day and Gunner avenged her, satisfying all her needs. The "intimacy" of the two was seen by Gunner, and always declared that he owned her. When they were about to get closer to each other Irene slowly gets to know her husband and also his bloody past that she gradually accepts. She also knew the reason why Gunner rescued her was because of "love at first sight".

Chapter 1 Runaway

In the late evening, everyone could hear a loud slash of whipping in the Greystorm's courtyard.

Gunner Greystorm screamed, "Useless!" as the whip swung once again on the servant's back.

Because of what had happened, he was unable to contain his rage. Irene will be kidnapped by his opponent if he is late.

Then, at the earlier memory of the incident, Gunner clenched his fist.

(FLASHBACK- Afternoon prior to the incident where Irene was nearly abducted)

"Ma'am Irene, please eat your lunch. Master Gunner ordered you to serve on time." one servant said as she laid the food tray on the table inside the room.

Irene clutched the servant's hand while she signed. She begged with streaming eyes, "Can you help me get out? Promise I'll be back before Gunner comes back."

The servant's expression broke into panic, and she hastily removed her hand. "Master Gunner told you may not leave the house, ma'am Irene,"

Irene argued, "I know, but he will never know... promise, I will return before Gunner gets home." “Please…”

She tried to dismiss the feeling of pity the servant had for her, "Madam... I-I enjoy my work and life, so please don't ask me to help you."

"I just wanted to see my parents." Irene said, She hasn't been out since she married Gunner Greystorm. Irene has no choice but to be imprisoned at the mansion after striking a bargain with Gunner.

The servant hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, ma'am, but I can't help you," and he walked out of the room.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but I can't help you..." the servant quickly responded and walked to leave the room.

"Then don't bother me! No one may enter my room until I say so!” Irene affirmed coldly.

"Certainly, madam," .the servant politely responds before closing the door.

Irene tightened her grip. "Gunner won't be mad if he doesn't know I left.” She said, smirking.

Irene carried out her strategy after changing into new clothes. Despite her caution, she didn't care what would happen next, she walked out of the room because she just had to go.

Irene made sure no one could see her, and it worked since she entered the open area without anyone noticing her.

Maybe the maid is so complacent that I won't even consider leaving without their consent. Irene opens the gate with a smile on her face.

But that smile soon faded... In less than a minute, black cars were approaching and as soon as they stopped, the passengers,—all of them wearing black coats—sprinted along the road.

“Shit…” she just said to herself while looking at the car coming.


“Master It's been a week since you left, so I'm sure the lady is looking forward to seeing you.”

Gunner Greystorm maintains an emotionless gaze out the car window.

He doubts that ...

Since his relationship with Irene differs from that of ordinary couples who have fallen in love and got married.

Even if they don't see one other for a year, Gunner is certain that Irene won't ever miss him.

The driver/bodyguard observed Gunner's expression and kept his eyes on the road without speaking.

They reached the village where the mansion was located, but the driver/bodyguard turned pale, seeing what was happening in front of the gate.

"Master, vehicles are drawing towards our port!"

Gunner already saw that, and the figure of a woman who had just come out of the gate could not escape his sharp sight.

"Irene!" he exclaimed.

Gunner Greystorm never lost his temper, but he felt extreme anger this time.


Irene looked at the anonymous man who was trying to grab her while quaking in dread, "Who are you? What do you want from me?” she asked.

"Get her!" one of the man commands.

Irene stopped when the two men seized her by the arm and dragged her inside the car.

Irene cried out, "No! Please! Let me go!" as tears ran down her face.

No idea what was going on or who these people were. Irene attempted to resist, but she was met with a hard slap on both cheeks that nearly put her to sleep.

"You're too loud!" the man retorted and raised his fist once again to punch Irene in the stomach.

Irene closed her eyes and waited for the assault in fear, but it didn't happen.

"How dare you lay a finger on my wife!"

Irene didn't even have to open her eyes to recognize who was speaking in the stern voice.

"How dare you disobey me ..." With this remark, A strong, lean arm wrapped around her body . The hands that had been restraining Irene were removed forcefully.

Yet, Irene was unsure whether she would be happier or more terrified because the person who saved her was more terrifying and ruthless.

Irene opens her eyes and says, "Gunner... You're back."

His icy gaze was enough for Irene to gulp one after another.

"Looks like you are not happy to see me ... Is it because you disregard me?!" Gunner coldly remarks.

"I wanted to visit— "

Irene began to explain, but she was cut off when Gunner grabbed her up and entered the yard.

Leaving, the group of people continued the fight.


"Wait! Let me explain ... I'm not running away; I just want to visit my parents ..." Irene explained nervously.

But Gunner is too furious to pay attention to her. When he got to his room, he tossed Irene on the bed right away.

"What I hate the most is not following my orders! I'll make sure you will never disobey me again!" Gunner declared without warning, torn Irene's dress.

Irene covered the nakedness as her eyes widened. She gets a creep from Gunner's rage because it is so strong.

Irene stepped back, pleading, "Gunner, please." She watched Gunner take off his clothing as her entire body trembled.

Irene tries to get out of bed, but Gunner is quick; he promptly pins his naked body to her, leaving Irene no choice but to stay under him.

"You are mine!" Gunner declared and violently claimed Irene's lips while his hand stroked the delicate part of her body.

Irene's efforts are useless because Gunner is bigger and more powerful. Irene exclaims, "I hate you, Gunner Greystorm! I hate you!" Irene remarks. She can taste the blood in her mouth because of the few times Gunner bit it.

"You are free to despise me, but you can't do anything except obey me.” Gunner replies before putting his hand to Irene's breast

Irene didn't know what to do; the sensation caused by Gunner's tongue was new to her. But Irene would rather die than let Gunner see that she is affected by his caresses.

"Remember, you are now my wife! So you can't escape me ... No one can escape Gunner Greystorm!"

"Ah!!! Damn you! You're killing me!" Irene screams in shock as she feels the pain in her center. Gunner's fullest is inside her. It was her first time, so she almost fainted because of the pain.

On the other hand, Gunner froze on Irene's top. He didn't expect that it would be her first time. But he also couldn't stop in the middle, "I-I'll try to be gentle ..." he whispered before moving again. This time Gunner's movement was careful, but it was still not enough to alleviate the pain Irene was feeling.

"I hate you forever!" Irene exclaimed in tears.



Gunner signed and threw the whip out of his hand.

Irene is currently in the room with Lucia, who is giving fever medication. Irene had been carelessly claiming her when she fell unconscious and got sick.

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