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Marriage With Uncle Marco

Marriage With Uncle Marco

Lili Xia


At the time of her husband's death, Liza was desperate and intoxicated. She engaged in an intimate relationship with her uncle, Marco. Several months later, Liza became pregnant with Marco's child, and they got married. However, Liza's family blamed her for not loving her late husband and intentionally causing his death to gain wealth. Marco and Liza were forced into the marriage, even though Marco is Liza's uncle. The family didn't want to bear the shame, and Liza continued to receive mistreatment from Marco. Eventually, when the child was born, he was demanded to be the successor of Marco, and Liza, who came from a poor family, felt powerless to do anything.

Chapter 1 Marco amd Liza

As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow on the gravestone, Liza found herself kneeling in front of her husband's resting place. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she placed a bouquet of freshly picked wildflowers beside the headstone.

"Why did you leave me?" Liza choked out, her voice trembling with grief. "We had so many plans, so many dreams together. I feel lost without you."

In the silence of the cemetery, Liza imagined her husband's gentle presence and could almost hear his comforting voice. She continued to speak, her heart pouring out all the emotions she had held inside since his passing.

"You were my rock, my confidant, and my greatest supporter. Losing you feels like a part of me has been torn away. I don't know how to carry on without you," Liza lamented, clutching her hands together in anguish.

As the night darkened, the stars began to twinkle in the sky above, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the surrounding trees. Liza felt a sense of peace and warmth, as if her husband's spirit was near, embracing her in his love.

In that moment, Liza's family approached her, their faces etched with concern and love. Her mother held her close, whispering soothing words of comfort. "My dear, you're not alone in this journey. We are here for you, and we'll walk this path together."

Her father, with a gentle smile, added, "Your husband may have physically left us, but his love and memories will forever be with you. You carry a part of him in your heart."

Liza nodded, grateful for the support of her family. "I just miss him so much. It's hard to imagine life without him," she admitted, tears still streaming down her face.

"We know it's difficult, but we believe in your strength, Liza," her sister said softly, wiping away a tear from her cheek. "Take all the time you need to grieve, and remember that we'll always be here to help you through."

Liza felt a glimmer of hope as she looked at her family's caring faces. She knew they were right; she couldn't let her husband's memory fade away in sorrow. Instead, she would cherish the time they had together and honor his legacy by embracing life with the same zest he had shown her.

In the coming days, Liza began to pick up the pieces of her life. She found solace in the memories she shared with her late husband, and though the pain still lingered, she felt a newfound strength within herself.

As she continued to visit his resting place, she would share her thoughts and feelings, imagining her husband's warm presence listening to her every word. It brought her a sense of peace and closure, knowing that he was watching over her from above.

As Liza walked away from the grave, she felt a lingering presence behind her. Unbeknownst to her, her uncle Marco was secretly following her, carrying out the specific instructions given by Liza's family to keep an eye on her. Liza's mind was in turmoil, and her emotions were in disarray. She couldn't shake the overwhelming feeling that life without her husband was unbearable.

With each step, Liza's feet felt heavy, and her path seemed uncertain. She couldn't fathom a life without her beloved husband by her side. Thoughts of their dreams, their laughter, and their shared moments haunted her mind, and it seemed impossible to envision a future without him.

"Why did he have to leave me?" Liza whispered to herself, tears welling up in her eyes. "We had so much planned, so much to look forward to together. How can I go on without him?"

As she walked, she stumbled upon the memories of their happiest times together, and her heart ached with the void left behind. She longed for his comforting presence and wise counsel, knowing he was no longer there to guide her through life's challenges.

"Why him? Why did he have to be taken away so soon?" Liza mumbled, struggling to find answers that seemed elusive. She felt lost, adrift in a sea of grief and confusion, unable to find her way back to the shore of normalcy.

In the shadows, Marco watched Liza, his heart heavy with concern for his niece. He understood her pain and sorrow, but he also knew that he had a duty to fulfill – to protect and support her as per her family's instructions.

Marco hesitated, debating whether to reveal his presence and offer a comforting shoulder for Liza to lean on. He knew that the circumstances surrounding their marriage were difficult for her to bear, and he wondered if she blamed him for their forced union.

"It's not your fault," Marco whispered to himself, hoping Liza could somehow hear his thoughts. "I will do my best to be there for you, even if from afar."

As they continued down the path, Liza's emotions intensified. Anger at the unfairness of life mixed with profound sadness, making it hard for her to focus on anything else. She felt like the world had turned against her, leaving her stranded in a sea of sorrow.

As Liza found herself inside the club, she couldn't help but wonder why her feet had led her there. The pulsating music and flashing lights seemed to be in stark contrast to her somber mood. She decided to find a quiet corner to gather her thoughts, away from the crowd.

As she sat at a table, a waitress approached her with a warm smile. "What can I get you tonight?" the waitress asked, holding a notepad and pen.

"I'll have a glass of water, please," Liza replied softly, not in the mood for anything stronger.

The waitress nodded understandingly and brought her the water. "Is there anything else I can do for you?" she inquired, noting Liza's pensive expression.

Liza gave a faint smile. "No, thank you. I just need some time to think," she said, appreciating the waitress's concern.

With the water in hand, Liza sipped slowly, trying to make sense of her emotions. She couldn't pinpoint the reason for her impromptu visit to the club. Perhaps it was an attempt to escape from the weight of her grief, even for just a fleeting moment.

As she observed the people around her, dancing and laughing, she felt a pang of envy. Their carefree demeanor reminded her of happier times she had shared with her late husband, but now seemed so distant.

"Why am I here?" Liza whispered to herself, feeling a mixture of guilt and confusion. She knew that going to a club wouldn't solve her problems, but she couldn't shake the feeling of wanting to distract herself from her sorrow.

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