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Moving back home was the plan. Starting fresh was the plan. Fascinating the most stunning guy ever was not. Amelia's life turned upside down when he started pursuing her. He was stubborn, rugged and used to getting what he wanted. From the moment Theo saw the mystery in her eyes, there was something that pulled him in. And he had never been afraid to fight. With her baggage and walls built high, she was adamant on not letting him get what he most wanted, her. But maybe, just maybe, he was the salvation she'd always needed.

Chapter 1 Prologue

I looked at the rain falling down on the glass. The rain drops reminded me of tears, something I didn't want to be reminded of, so I looked past them, on the roads. There were hardly any people there, and I liked to think that the weather was the problem, not they themselves. There were green bushes on either side of the road, and I smiled.

Maybe this town hadn't changed that much.

The sun wasn't shining as usual though, hidden by the black grumbling clouds. I prayed for the weather to change soon. I'd always loved rains, but I didn't want to spend my first day here soaking wet. I looked at the front mirror, and my eyes met the driver's. He gave me a toothy smile, and I noticed some of his teeth missing.

"How do you like the town so far, eh?" He asked, his accent a mix of English and Scottish.

"It's good." I replied, a small smile appearing on my face as I recalled all the memories.

"You visiting someone?"

"I'm moving."

His eyes widened a fraction, surprise evident on his face. "Really? From where?"


"Ah, I've always wanted to visit Canada. Heard it's good."

I smiled wider. "It's great. You should definitely go."

He nodded. "So, your parents live here?"

My smile faded. "No, it's my uncle."

Maybe he noticed the change in my mood, or maybe he didn't, but he didn't press it further. "Well, ask him to take you to Josie's. They have the best donuts ever."

I nodded and smiled. He seemed friendly.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I took it out, sighing when I saw the caller ID. I knew I had some serious explaining to do.

"What the fuck am I hearing?" Bridget screeched from the other side. I know she was happy, I knew it. "What the fuck? When the fuck were you going to tell me?"

"Um, I thought of surprising you?" I wanted to sound confident, but my statement came out as a question.

"Are you serious? Like, honestly serious?" Her voice told me she was on top of the world. But I noticed a bit of hesitancy in it. She was scared for me, for what this place meant to me.

"Yes Bri," I replied, my voice soft. "I'm coming back. I'm coming home."

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