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Bond Of Love

After three years of marriage, one day unexpectedly, Riyaansh placed divorce papers in front of his wife, Kaanchi, and said, "We should get a divorce now, Kaanchi. Your step-sister Aakriti has come out of the coma and is slowly recovering. I had promised her that I would marry you and present you as my wife before the world."

Chapter 1 Kaanchi signing the divorce papers

Riyaansh Arora returned home at last, but by then, the dinner had grown cold. He threw a divorce agreement on the table in front of Kaanchi Dobriyal.

"Your cousin is awake now, and I've made a promise that she'll be the only Mrs Arora for the rest of her life. Kaanchi, it's time to sign the agreement. We are getting a divorce."

since Kaanchi's cousin regained consciousness a month ago, she knew this day would come eventually. Nonetheless, she looked up at him with bitterness and asked, "You still don't believe me?"

Riyaansh smirked and uttered, "You've always been a greedy and self-absorbed woman. Why should I trust you? Kaanchi, don't force me to repeat myself. Sign the divorce agreement, and this villa will be yours. Consider it my parting gift to you!"

Ha… Kaanchi's eyes filled with sarcasm. Does he believe he's being kind by not leaving me with anything? She picked up the divorce agreement he tossed at her and noticed that he had already signed it at his designated spot. Kaanchi's breath caught in her throat, and her eyes became slightly moist with tears.

Nevertheless, she quickly regained her composure and turned her gaze towards him, asking, "Did Grandma agree?"

"Why do you think Grandma can support you indefinitely?" Riyaansh said coldly to Kaanchi. "You know the reason we got married in the first place. Don't be greedy, Kaanchi. You'll only make me hate you more."

Kaanchi sneered back, "Hatred and more hatred, what's the difference?"

Riyaansh's expression turned fierce, "Kaanchi!"

Ignoring his reaction, Kaanchi picked up a pen and said, "Fine, I'll sign."

Ever since Kaanchi's cousin woke up from her coma, she had been sending Kaanchi pictures of her and Riyaansh being intimate. It was evident that they had feelings for each other. What was the point of holding onto this marriage?

With determination, Kaanchi crossed out the clause about receiving a villa from Riyaansh and quickly signed her name. There was no hesitation in her actions.

And just like that, after three years of marriage, Kaanchi's marriage came to an end, and she found herself free.

She returned the signed divorce agreement to Riyaansh and said indifferently, "Give me an hour. I will pack my things and leave."

Riyaansh pursed his lips and glared at her, saying, "The villa is yours. You don't have to move out."

Kaanchi replied, "I don't need it. Since you lived here, it's...dirty."


Ignoring his anger, Kaanchi reverted to her usual docile demeanour and pushed him out of the room.

One hour later, Kaanchi descended the stairs and discovered that Riyaansh had already departed.

Suddenly, she glanced at the men's watch she held in her hand. It was the gift she had prepared for his upcoming birthday. However, at that moment, it had become an unpleasant sight for her. Without any hesitation, she threw it into the trash can with a splat! The watch was worth over a million, but Kaanchi didn't care and disposed of it.

Afterwards, she took a deep breath and acknowledged that her three years of love had been in vain. From this point on, she decided to live only for herself! Then, she left the villa, flagged down a taxi, and instructed the driver to take her to her villa.

A few years ago, she purchased this villa. However, due to living with the Arora family, she had never visited her villa until now. When she finally arrived, the servants were surprised to see her and immediately lined up to welcome her with a unified "Welcome, Mrs Arora."

Kaanchi placed her luggage down and sat on the couch tiredly. She rubbed her temple and corrected them, saying, "From now on, I am no longer Mrs Arora. I'm only Ms Dobriyal."

In the past, she felt a sense of pride when people addressed her as 'Mrs. Arora.' However, now that name sounded like mockery to her.

The servants refrained from questioning and respectfully withdrew.

After that, Kaanchi went to her room and called her assistant, Vinni Sharma.

"How are you?" Kaanchi asked.

Vinni was taken aback. "Wow! Did you call me? This is such a rare occurrence!"

"I have gone through a divorce, so I will listen to what you say and prioritize my career."

"What?" Vinni was amazed.

"Did I hear it correctly? You devoted everything to your husband for these three years. You even gave up your job to become a full-time housewife. What has happened? Why are you suddenly deciding to get a divorce? Is this some kind of joke?"

Vinni was Kaanchi's assistant. Besides Vinni and a few other close individuals, no one knew about Kaanchi's second identity.

In reality, Kaanchi was also a brilliant lawyer named Kashi.

In cyberspace, a well-known phrase circulated: "If Kashi takes second place, then the top spot remains vacant."

Many lawyers would become fearful at the mere mention of her name.

While Vinni was still in a state of shock, Kaanchi inquired, "Has anyone been looking for me recently? Are there any intriguing cases?"

Vinni's eyes gleamed, and she responded with a touch of regret, "There is a case, and the offered fee is an enormous sum. However, no one dares to take it, and you... You cannot accept it."

"Oh?" Kaanchi's typically indifferent demeanour showed a flicker of interest.

Kaanchi and Vinni were sitting across from each other in a café. Kaanchi asked, "Why can't I accept the case?" and then moved to the couch and took a seat. Vinni nodded with a sigh, prompting Kaanchi to raise an eyebrow and inquire, "Can you explain why?"

"It's because..." Vinni began to explain the situation surrounding the case. As Vinni spoke, Kaanchi tapped her fingers on her left thigh while listening attentively. Her eyes darkened as she considered the explanation. "That's quite interesting. Who are the parties involved?" she asked.

"I... I guess it doesn't matter if you find out," Vinni responded.

Kaanchi looked at Vinni curiously.

"Both parties hold significant influence in the business world, making this case complex. The relationship between them has deteriorated, and the one seeking assistance is Mr. Alahawat. His rival is none other than... your husband," Vinni said with a sigh, continuing in a saddened tone. Kaanchi felt her breath quicken upon hearing this revelation."

Then, Vinni placed her hand on her chest and expressed regret, saying, "It seems this case is not meant for us. It is painful to see such a large sum of money as a fee and not be able to accept it."

Kaanchi remained silent while fiddling with her phone, making it difficult to gauge her thoughts. Vinni looked at Kaanchi and thought she appeared sad. This made Vinni feel a sense of sympathy, and she comforted her, saying, "Don't be sad. Given your reputation, I'm sure you can take on more cases and earn that money. But, Kaanchi, are you divorced?"

Kaanchi pursed her lips and responded, "My life is better off without him."

To be continued...

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