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Greek Gods As Neighbors

Greek Gods As Neighbors



Raquel Alvarez takes her future seriously and works diligently. Her goals include becoming a psychologist as well as getting Ares Hildago to notice her. Raquel has always had an intense fascination with Ares. Although she lives next door, Raquel has never spoken with him directly but still can't help thinking there may be more to him than meets the eye and imagines what it would feel like to kiss him! Once she discovers her crush is more than unrequited, their fiery attraction quickly intensifies into something truly unforgettable - they fall hard and fast for one another. Raquel wants Ares to commit, but his life has already been planned out for him: after finishing school he'll join his family business; for now though? Stay cool. Don't get involved. And avoid falling in love. Ares and Raquel seem to have found what ignited so quickly may soon extinguish itself, but is their relationship going to last?

Chapter 1 Wifi password


The Wi-Fi Password is the beginning of it all. I know that sounds silly and insignificant, but today your Wi-Fi passcode is worth more than anything else you possess. Add wireless technology to the internet and it becomes a way of feeding your addiction. Many people would rather remain inside than lose their Wi-Fi. In order to prove the value of Wi-Fi I'd like to tell you a tale about my next door neighbors, the Hidalgos. We don't talk to our neighbors. My mother, who was carrying me at the time of her immigration to America from Mexico. Since arriving in the small town of North Carolina, she has struggled. As I grew up, she showed me her triumphs and defeats. Her efforts and perseverance were evident. She is an incredible woman, who has everyone's admiration. She has no trouble socializing, except with the Hidalgos. Why? They're rich and obnoxious.

Sofia Hidalgo and her family consist of Juan Hidalgo and Artemis Ares and Apolo. They were clearly obsessed with Greek mythology. How are the kids doing at school? You're not the only person who noticed these names. It's possible that you are wondering how I can know so many things about someone if we never speak.

Ares Hidalgo is the name of both Ares and his first-name.

Imagined hearts are floating around me as I sigh.

I've been spending a lot time looking at Ares, even though he doesn't attend my school. He goes to an expensive private school. It's safe to say that I have had a huge crush on Ares for years. When I was eight, I first saw him with a ball playing in his yard. He was the only member of his immediate family I had seen.

My crush on him has naturally diminished over time because I have never spoken to him. Not even a glance has been exchanged. He has never noticed me, even if I look at him dumbfounded.

Wi-Fi can not only connect our devices but also bridge the worlds.

Imagine Dragons is playing in my room while I remove my shoes and sing. Just got back from my summer work, I am exhausted. My mother, who is eighteen years old, says that she has more energy than me. She's absolutely right. Rocky mimics my stretching and yawning by extending his feet. It's true, dogs do become like their owner. Rocky is the dog version of me. He even sometimes mimics my facial movements.

I am drawn to the positive posters that are all over my bedroom. It's my dream to become a psychologist who helps people. Because I can't afford college, I really hope to receive a scholarship.

The sun is setting and I am walking to the window to enjoy it. My favorite part of the day. It's my favorite time of day. They seem to have made a pact to never meet but share the sky. The view from my room on the 2nd floor is amazing.

When I open the curtains in my bedroom, the first thing that surprises me is not the beautiful sunset but rather the man sitting on the lawn of my neighbor: Apolo Hidalgo. Since I last saw anyone from that family, it's been quite a while.

Apolo, the youngest brother of three, is sixteen years old. His older brothers are not as nice. He is sixteen years old. All three of their brothers have a beautiful face. Their father has a good look. Apolo shares his father's innocence-inducing face, with light brown hair and amber colored eyes.

While leaning against the window, I stare directly at him. He is typing on a laptop.

Raquel, where are you manners? In my head, I hear my mother scolding.

What should I do?

He's definitely your future in-law. I say to myself. It's a gamble, so I put my best smile on and clear my throat.

My hand is in the air as I say, "Good morning, neighbor!" Apolo's face is stretched in shock as he looks up.

His laptop falls to the floor. He mumbles "Shit!" before picking up the laptop and checking it.

As I notice his laptop, it is a high-end brand. Apolo lets out a relief sigh. "Yeah, it's fine."

"I'm Raquel, I'm your neigh--"

He interrupts, "I know you." I grin at him. Apolo must have seen that I was there.

Sure, I mutter knowing that my cheeks have been reddened.

The guy gets up from his seat. Hey, thank you for providing the Wi-Fi password. The new installation will take a couple of days, so we'll be without Internet for that period. You're incredibly generous to share.

"I froze. Share my internet? You're talking about sharing my internet with you, therefore that's the reason you’re in my yard. "The signal does not reach your residence."

when did you ask me?" but I never gave you a password. . "Confusion hardly permits me to talk..

Oh regarding that Ares informed me you shared it with him he say’s

When I heard Ares' name, my heart began to quiver. If I'd talked to your brother, I could recall every detail.

Apolo's cheeks begin to become crimson as he appears aware that there is something wrong. Ares claimed that you handed him the password. This is why I am here. I'm sorry, genuinely."

Relax, you're not at blame.

How can he know the password if you did not provide it to him? "I just connected to your Internet."

"I don't know."

It won't be repeated. "I apologize again," he adds, his head bent, as he goes back to his house.

What was it all about? Was it all for? What is Ares doing with my Wi-Fi Password? Ares, the handsomest of the brothers, is also the one who begs for the fewest favors. It's becoming a mystery. The Wi-Fi Password Mystery. The thought makes me snort. Closing the window, leaning against it and biting my lips.

Apolo knows my humiliating password. What is Ares' password?

"Raquel hurry downstairs supper is ready!

"I'm coming, Mom!"

Before I head downstairs, I peek back at the Hidalgos home. It's not done.

How Ares gained my password will be the next thing I do. This will be my own personal crime scene investigation. I’m getting pumped up!


"I'm coming!"

I smirk.

Project Wi-Fi password: enabled

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