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Unmasking the Nighttime Wife

Unmasking the Nighttime Wife

Benjamin Archer


In the luxurious mansion of high society, Elena endured insults and torment, often subjected to mockery and ridicule, even becoming involved in an intimate relationship with her brother-in-law. What was initially thought to be a story of a delicate girl falling for a domineering CEO has taken a surprising turn. As the story unfolds, a multitude of secrets emerge, each more unexpected than the last. Unsettling emotions, jealousy, love, and desire intertwine as the power struggle of the upper echelons of society quietly unfolds behind the facade of opulence.

Chapter 1 Climbing into Brother-in-law's Bed

At 10 p.m..

Elena stood apprehensively in the doorway of her hotel room.

In the hotel room, a table lamp was on above the bed.

The light was dim, and a man with a slender body, perfect muscle tone, and a very handsome face lay on the bed.

She hadn't expected her brother-in-law to be so young and handsome.

Elena took a deep breath, nonetheless, she didn't dare to lie down.

Five minutes, ten minutes... Time passed. After a long period of thinking and hesitating, she finally made up her mind: she didn't want to be threatened by her stepmother and father anymore, she decided to leave the room, she decided to give up this stupid and crazy plan.

Just then, the man suddenly woke up. Immediately after the water glass beside his bed fell to the floor, " How dare you set me up!!!"

In his confusion, he saw a woman in the room, "You! Get me a glass of water!"

Elena glanced at the man, whom she didn't want to talk to at all, it turned out. The man's voice sounded deep and stormy. " Quick!" Why was he so mean?

With great reluctance, she poured him a glass of water. The man took the water and finished it in one gulp. So thirsty. So hot.

He stared dead into the woman's face.

Elena had a small face full of panic.

She looked at the man in front of her helplessly, and before she could say something, she was picked up by the tall, straight man and she was thrown onto the large bed behind her.

"Since you dare to set me up, you'll have to suffer the price of setting me up!"

Two days ago.

At the Onassis house, Elena was having a heated argument with her father.

"This is ridiculous! How could you agree to such a request, father? I am also your daughter! " Elena said incredulously.

"Precisely because you are my daughter, you are Onassis! You have to do this, it is your duty. If you don't our family will be out on the streets!

Alex, who was on the verge of corporate bankruptcy, had managed to get financial backing through a marriage to the Walter family, and he didn't care one bit about his youngest daughter.

"But Daenerys is his wife, I'm not a whore! "

Slap! A resounding slap to Elena's face by none other than her stepmother Isabella.

"If the doctor hadn't said that Daenerys' abortion of this unwanted pregnancy could result in a permanent inability to have children in the future. Do you think such a good thing would have come your way? " Isabella said.

"But Daenerys is the one in the wrong! She had multiple abortions and cheated on her husband to get pregnant. Why should I be the one to make things right for her? Let's confess the truth to the Waltons, and even if they eventually pull out, we can still live well even if we have no money, Father! "

"Shut up! " growled at Elena's words. "This is all your own mother's fault! If it wasn't for her family's mysterious formula, I never would have married her! She wouldn't give me that mysterious formula until the last moment before she died. I wouldn't have had to beg the Walter family if I had that formula..."

"You've gone too far! Are mom and I just tools in your eyes? " Elena interrupted her father, it turned out that her father didn't love her mother at all and didn't love her at all.

"Don't be angry dear, go and take a rest, let me talk her down" Seeing that Alex was about to have a heart attack from anger, Isabella rushed to abort their argument. "Daenerys, help your father into his room and rest."

After Alex had left, Isabella removed an item from behind her, the only thing Elena's mother had left her.

"You stole that from my room? Give it back to me! That's mine!"

Isabella said coldly to Elena as she dodged her snatch: "Your father has given me custody of this item your mother left behind. You have seen your father's attitude. Now I'm giving you two choices, either take Daenerys place and go to have sex with her husband to cover up the fact that Daenerys is pregnant. I'll give it back to you after the mission is completed. Either... "

"What more do you want? " Elena said indignantly

"Either, I will smash this item right now! And, your father has said that all your living expenses will be stopped and the Onassis family fortune will have nothing to do with you...

Elena didn't care about the money her father gave her, but this object was the only thing her mother had left him before she died, and it was the last thing she had to hold on to miss her.

While she was still hesitating, her stepmother slipped her a piece of paper "Here's the address of the hotel where Daenerys' husband will be staying the day after tomorrow, remember to make up to look like Daenerys. if you don't show up, I'll show you the consequences". With that, she left the living room leaving Elena alone staring at the spot crying.

Inside the hotel room.

Elena who was picked up and thrown onto the bed had no time to say anything before her lips were gagged and the man's strong and dangerous body pressed against Elena's petite frame.

"I'm not... I didn't... ...... Unh-unh-unh... ......"

The man was like an arrow on a string, he didn't give Elena any chance to speak at all.

His body had been hard for a long time. His mind was dizzy and he struggled to remember it must be the drink! He suspected that someone had put a potent aphrodisiac in that drink ..... He couldn't care less, he rolled over and tackled her to the bed. Straight away, he removed her skirt.

As he had drunk too much alcohol, he couldn't control his body at all. His movements were rough and hasty. He started to feel her pussy with his hand and then thrust in hard. She was so tight.

'Ahh!' His thing ...... It was huge and Elena was going to almost pass out from the pain. It was her first time.

She cried. But the man didn't care about her feelings at all, no pity at all.

His big hands spread her legs and he thrust hard. Her first time, she had unexpectedly offered it to this man who didn't love her at all. He just used her as a tool to vent.

Her crotch bone hurt so much, the numbness deep in her vagina mixed with the pain. Her tears flowed silently.

The man was so strong that Elena's voice was muffled from crying.

Early the next morning.

Peninsula Hotels.

Black-clad bodyguards stood outside the presidential suite.

Finn was awake, leaning lazily against the head of his bed, his long, slender fingers resting on his curled knees.

Last night back home, his friends invited him over for drinks. But he didn't have more than a few drinks before he got drunk, and he was later escorted back to his room by his assistant.

He only remembered that he opened his eyes in a daze and a girl was sitting in his room.

There was someone who dared to be so bold as to set him up, and even set him up in his bed. And who was this girl? Who had sent her?

By the time he woke up, she had long disappeared without even a single message.

The large bed was a mess, and the snow-white sheets were stained with a small patch of red, which was particularly conspicuous.

Finn looked at the red color and smiled helplessly. She was surprisingly still a virgin.

Finn's eyes went cold and pressed the communication device at the foot of the bed.

Soon, Nick, the assistant, walked quickly into the room, "Boss."

"Get me the CCTV from the hotel last night!"

"Yes, boss."

The surveillance was quickly pulled up.

The CCTV showed Finn being dropped off at his room. About half an hour later, a girl appeared at his room door. She wore a pair of sunglasses and had a duck hat on her head. Her face was covered by a large mask.

She was trying to keep a low profile, but it made Finn, who was checking the surveillance, take a keen interest in her. This was the woman who had set him up? Over the years, so many women have tried to get close to her in every way possible. And she'd slept right through him.

She approached the room cautiously as if she was worried about being noticed. She glanced toward both sides of the hallway to make sure no one was around to notice her whereabouts. Then she knocked gently on the door. Then she pulled out a door card, opened the door to the room, and walked in.

The next morning's video was similar. The woman hurried away with the brim of her hat as low as possible. As if she knew someone was watching her.

However, they couldn't find any useful clues based on the content of these videos. Finn asked sternly, "Is that all you've found?"

"Yes, boss. That's all the video has captured so far."

"Why does she have my room keycard?"

"The desk found out that the woman claimed to be your wife, so they gave her the access card to your room."

He narrowed his eyes and contemplated. So he'd just returned home and he'd slept with his wife? And her wife had brought herself to his door? And she had to sneak around and sleep with him? There was so much irrationality in this whole thing.

"Check where this woman has gone."

"Boss, we also checked the road surveillance, and she ended up... Was getting out of the car near your house. "

Finn, "Nick, keep looking into this. Now I'm going back to Potomac Manor."

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