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The Billionaire's Stubborn Genius

The Billionaire's Stubborn Genius

Benjamin Archer


Kourtney Elijah,who was considered an ominous person from a young age and was fostered in the countryside, endured bullying and suffered from a peculiar illness. In adulthood, she returns to her family to reclaim everything that rightfully belongs to her. After experiencing a series of events, including encounters with scoundrels, betrayal by her sisters, and family conflicts, will the thick mist finally be lifted? Does fate have a different plan for her?

Chapter 1 One Million Hush Money

In the room of the Palace Hotel.

The sound of running water came from the direction of the bathroom, and the frosted glass door faintly revealed a sturdy figure.

A man is taking a shower, the water vapor is dispersed, you cannot see his face, but from his perfect inverted triangle back, smooth leg muscle line, firm chest and abdominal muscles, it is not difficult to guess that, he is a perfect man.

His name is Jeff Howard and he is the president of the Howard Group. Last night's madness made Howard's mouth curl. This woman had actually treated him as a "male stripper" and "used" him for the whole night?

A cell phone rang in the silent room, seemingly very hard, and the sleeping woman on the bed opened her eyes.

An arm poked out of the covers, and her exposed skin was covered with hickeys, her back, breasts, neck, and even the insides of her thighs. Signs of sex were all over the bed.

With difficulty, she took the cell phone that was on the bed and answered the phone with her tired body, "Come to pick me up at the entrance of the Palace Hotel, bring a set of clothes by the way, also I have one more thing for you to check ......"

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

At that time, the bathroom door opened with a 'creak', the mist in the bathroom rushed straight out, and a tall figure in the white mist appeared in front of her.

A man was just standing there, naked. His body and muscles and the amazingly long “thing” can be seen clearly. Such seductive flesh so suddenly in front of the eyes, the woman can not help but the heartbeat accelerated.

Last night they were so crazy that she didn't look at the man carefully, and now it looks like this man is definitely the best male stripper in all of New York.

The strange thing is that although he is only a male stripper, he has a powerful aura and unusual temperament. And his face is actually so handsome, like God's specially tailored male model. His eyes looked full of deep love, his lips exuded a seductive aura, and he stared at her with curiosity.

The memory of last night came to her mind along with the pain in her body.

Before last night, she was a virgin!

However, she vaguely remembered that the male stripper had torn off her clothes very impatiently and roughly at first, until he saw the blood flowing from her pussy and froze at that moment, and then the thrusting movements began to be gentle.

His body was lean and firm, with pronounced muscular lines to the touch, and he moved with such skill that he kept changing his patterns to stimulate her body His body was lean and firm, with pronounced muscular lines to the touch, and he moved with such skill that he kept changing his patterns to stimulate her body, hitting with just the right speed and force to make her moan and scream.

Kourtney's face flushed as she turned her head and looked down at the sheets with traces of various liquids left behind.

Twelve hours ago.

She had arrived in New York in Elijah's family car and the driver had taken her to this hotel and told her to wait in the guest room for someone important.

A waiter came in with refreshments and she had only taken a few sips of her drink when she realized she had been drugged! So careless! How could she be so careless today?!

Her head was spinning as three men burst into the room, she immediately read their intentions, she used her last strength to run into the bathroom quickly, unlocked the door and then rang the emergency alarm.

Several men saw that the situation was out of control and immediately retreated from the room. But she did not know what drug they had been put in her water, the drug was too awful. At that moment she just want a man and sex.

She vaguely heard the waiter in the corridor say that, there was a "male stripper" in the next room, and she rushed to the next room as if she had found a lifesaver, then grabbed the man and forced him to provide sexual services for her.

But this male stripper was so strong, and her body was now exhausted.

It was so absurd that she no longer dared to remember!

She walked over to the man, took out a card from her pocket, "The password is six one, this is your payment."

Looking at the bank card in his hand, the man smiled, helplessness dripping from his eyes, "Miss Kourtney Elijah, what do you mean?"

Kourtney Elijah looked at the man with a hostile look, "How do you know my name?"

She was sure she hadn't told him her name before.

She suddenly moved closer to him, pushing him back against the wall, "You better answer honestly!"

The man calmly explained, "While you were sleeping, someone knocked on the door looking for Miss Kourtney Elijah, I assume it was for you!"

She stared at him, "What did you say?"

"I said I had never seen her."

She continued to stare into his eyes, making sure he wasn't lying.

"Put your clothes on. What happened today was an accident, and there's a million on that card as your payment." Kourtney said, "Keep your mouth shut up and don't tell anyone what had happened."

The president of the Howard Group being treated as a male stripper and threatened by a little girl, that’s interesting ......

If there wasn’t the blood on the sheets, he would have suspected that she was that bad girl who often offered by male stripper.

However, the girl's attitude was also very callous.

It was even sweeter when she made love with him last night when she was attacked by drugs .

The man's said: "It seems that you were very satisfied with my service last night, I will adhere to the professional ethics, not a word will be said. Do you want me to serve you again , my countess? Last night you asked me to call you that."

" Shut up!" Kourtney put on a bathrobe, without looking at the man again, walked towards the door.

Kourtney had just disappeared from the room when the man's cell phone rang.

After hearing the message on the phone, he couldn't help but smile, "I'll see you soon!

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