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My CEO Lover Is Toxic

My CEO Lover Is Toxic



It hadn't been too long when she got her dream job in one of the biggest, richest and fastest moving company in the country as a secretary that she realized that her once upon a time simple life was going down the drain. Diana, a jovial and sweet girl. A boybeater, a tomboy finds herself falling head over heels in love with her cold boss known as 'The demon'. They say love is blind but how could she fall for the demon himself?! Raymond, enjoying the talks about him being a demon, a devil. His cold personality earns him fear from people around him and far. Sighting his new secretary on her first day of work, he smiled, a rare occurrenceand said" What an interesting prey"

Chapter 1 In Hot Soup

H City.

On a pleasant sunny Monday morning, the city was active with a beehive of activities. Noise pollution was evident and in every each passing second, the noises only turned high and mighty. Sounds of hurried walking footsteps, horn blaring noises, drivers cursing at one another as one tried to overtake the other. Hushed whispers amongst pedestrians....It was chaotic. A norm.

In a bus station sat a young woman staring blankly at anything and everything her eyes wandered to. One glance at her and one would already figure out that the girl wasn't there. No, she was. But her mind wasn't. Her thoughts weren't. She was lost in...her own thoughts.

As she dazedly sat there, her long black hair dancing along with the wind, her fair white skin glistening from the morning sun, she looked like a goddess. No, she was a goddess...but a pitiful one. Her dark brown eyes flickered and her long eyelashes wavered as she recollected a scene from earlier.


AL&R Corporation.

A young lady was sat behind her office desk, her fingers fighting with the keyboard as she typed away documents. Seating with an aura of confidence, coupled with her elegant seating posture, she looked professional. After desperately typing for a while, she felt tired and took a bottle of water to cool her parched throat. Chugging down the bottle of water, her eyes ceremoniously landed on a pallet on top of her desk. Staring at it, her eyes instantly watered. It was Her name. Her name was embedded on a silver pallet after getting the job of a secretary in one of the biggest companies in the country. It felt surreal, she had slapped herself severally to ensure it wasn't a dream after she got the message from the company a few weeks ago. But alas, it wasn't a dream. Even if it was, she never wanted to wake up from the beautiful dream. Never.

Diana Hudson caressed the silver pallet with a lot of care as she gazed lovingly at it.

"I did it, Mom" She said with a shaky voice, unpleasant memories flooding into her head. Quickly regaining her composure, she shook the thoughts off her head.

" No negative thoughts from now on, Diana." She told herself reassuredly patting her cheeks gently with both hands. Putting everything aside, she dived right into her waiting job.

No sooner had she put her fingers on the keyboard that she felt something soft and furry graze her leg from under the desk. Ignoring whatever it was, she continued with her work. She wasn't ready to let some lazy flyaway paper make her lose her new job. She had a goal to reach.

Humming her way back to the challenge in front her, she continued typing. But the paper won't let her be. It just keeps coming back! Argh!

Kicking it off, she went back to work. She was hellbent on finishing this work before her boss came back from the executive meeting, if not, she was the one who was going to be finished.

But it seemed ' the paper' was also hellbent on getting her attention, like trying to tell her something because it found it's way back to her legs, this time a little forcefully as it pushed Diana's legs. And only after this, Diana was truly pissed off. She swore she was going to tear that paper to nothingness when she got hold of it.

Bending over with a hand stretched towards it, and her other hand still strictly typing away, she grabbed hold of it. Ha! Just see how I- Huh? It wasn't paper? It felt so soft to the touch.

Confused, she withdrew her hand back, only to be taken aback with shock. It looked like animals fur. Ha, it truly was fur. Curious, she bent down under her desk to check what it was and lo and behold, she was greeted with a small puppy staring innocently at her, wondering why this human had just bullied him. He just wanted to play!

Diana on the other hand was stunned at the scene playing before her. This dog... Who owned it? How did it come here? Was it lost? A stray dog? But that's impossible! How could a little puppy as this climb several flight of stairs to just come to her office to see her? And God help her because the puppy was so damn cute for its own good. She was going to take it in. Yes, she'll definitely do that. Suddenly feeling guilty for grabbing at its fur, she tried to carry it but the dog shifted back in fear. It was frightened.

Seeing this, Diana couldn't help but be more inclined to take this dog as hers.

" Come on, sweetie. Don't be afraid. I'm a good person, you see?" Olivia tried to coerce the dog, flashing the brightest smile, while stretching her hands towards it.

The dog simply stared at her outstretched hands and back to the human's face. Why was she doing that? She definitely wanted to kidnap him. Where was his daddy? Let him come save him from this person! The dog moved further back to show his feelings. It didn't want to be touched by no awful human who wouldn't blink an eye to tear his whole furs off!

Diana heaved an exasperated breath. She was getting tired and this stubborn dog was making it worse. Okay, I guess we'll have to do this the hard way then. Stretching her hands forward, she grabbed it firmly, yet, carefully. Looking closely at it at an eye level, she noticed it had a small collar around its neck. Oh, seemed like it had an owner. 'Tough luck, Diana. You were about to take someone else's dog!' She thought. A voice inside her head echoed' Steal, Diana. You wanted to steal it '.

" Shut up, you busybody!" Diana chided the voice as she made to check the name scribbled on the dog's collar.

" Did you just ask my dog to shut up?" A calm voice echoed around the office.

Diana didn't have to look up to know who the owner of that voice she had come to fear was. It was her boss! Wait...this dog was his?! And he just heard her 'scolding' it! She thought the bad things had ended in life but it seems not?...

Her whole body shook as she tried to think up of something to say to justify what she said. Diana swallowed hard. What was she to say? That she wasn't referring to the dog but her inner voice? Nah, he'll definitely think she was crazy. Then what about telling him that she was singing a song? No, Diana. He'll definitely ask you to sing the song! You don't even know how to sing' Her inner voice mocked her. Diana's whole world crumbled at this. She really didn't know how to sing. She sucked at it. Oh damn, she was in hot soup.

As she slowly looked at her boss still standing there all high and mighty staring calmly at her waiting for an explanation, she wondered what he was thinking. Diana knew better than to believe his calm composure. He was the calm before a storm. And this storm which was coming, Diana was not prepared for it one bit.

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