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The Huntress and The Dark Halfing

The Huntress and The Dark Halfing



Caught in a deadly game of betrayal, Emilia Montclair, wrongly accused of slaying Eldoria's Lunarborn alpha, must evade relentless pursuit in the vibrant streets of New York. Just as hope dwindles, fate intertwines her path with Liam Greywood, a mesmerizing Lycan Halfing. His offer of aid comes at a steep price: the reins of the feared Lycan hunter army. United by necessity, Emilia, Liam, and the enigmatic ex-assassin Catherine forge an unlikely alliance. As Diana's vengeful fury threatens to consume all, can they defy the shadows of Liam's cryptic history and rewrite destiny itself? The salvation of a world teetering on chaos hangs in the balance, but secrets rarely stay buried, and trust is a fragile currency.

Chapter 1 Prologue

Emilia's POV.

Amidst the echoing chaos of the scintillating city of New Orleans, I ran through the streets, the echo of Diana's men boots thudding behind me.

"Stop running Emilia, just surrender and face your punishment"

I needed darkness to conceal myself but the light in the city was never ending. Before the men got to close I took cover in one of the labyrinthe alleyways and ran into Liam's unfinished skyscraper.

"I didn't think you'd find me so soon Kaden!" I yelled.

He broke off from the remaining men and followed me into the building.

"Oh, but I always find my prey," Kaden said.

Kaden pulled his pistol and shot at me but I deflected it with my sword.

"You know I'm innocent so why are you still doing this!" I asked.

"I don't care about justice Emilia" He chuckled, "I enjoy the thrill from hunting weak little things like yourselves"

"You're insane!" I yelled.

"Insanity? Perhaps. But what fun is life without a little chaos"

He changed his walking speed from a speedy walk to a full on sprint as he charged towards me. I dodged his tackle and scurried up the stairs. Without hesitation he started running after me.

"Emilia, don't run from me!" He taunted, firing off stray bullets into the air.

I fled with every fiber of my being, but my body betrayed me. I stumbled on the stairs, falling flat on my face, with Kaden just a few steps behind me. He reached for my ankle and grabbed it tightly.

"Why are you running darling?" Kaden snapped. I could taste the stench of decay on his breath. With a desperate kick to his face, I broke free, dashing to the rooftop, but he wasn't too far behind.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled at the top of my voice.

"Who's gonna help you Emilia?" Kaden asked, "You're a wanted criminal, even the police would probably shoot you on sight"

Underneath the glow of the moon, I raised my sword and aimed it at Kaden's head.

"Take a step closer and I'll take your head off!" I yelled but all he did was burst out into uncontrollable laughter.

"Is this funny to you!" I shouted.

"You still don't get it do you?" Kaden said.

He pulled his pistol from the holsters once more. I yothought he wanted to shoot me but instead he threw it off the building.

"Is this some kind of game to you Kaden?" I asked.

"Do you know why I chased you up this building instead of killing you earlier?" Kaden ranted. "It's because Diana wants you alive. She threatened to end me if I dared to take your life," he continued. "But rest assured, I won't take your life, you'll just tragically stumble off this ten-story building and splatter onto the unforgiving sidewalk."

The world around me blurred, it was like I suddenly realised how high up we were.

"Even if you pushed me, shed still know you were responsible."

"Who said anything about pushing?"

The building trembled. I peered over the edge to witness explosions rippling through its foundation. Soon, the structure began to tilt.

"So you'd kill yourself just to kill me?" I marvelled, "You truly are mad!"

"Oh you forget Emilia, you and I are infinitely different!"

Kaden's Bones cracked and his flesh contorted, as his form shifted. His eyes glowed with an eerie light, as his teeth elongated into razor-sharp fangs. Fur erupted from the skin, engulfing him and his monstrous, bloodcurdling howl filled the night air.


Kaden leapt off the building and latched onto another one nearby, leaving me to plummet to my doom.

"How did it come to this?" I whispered before shutting my eyes.( ….before darkness took me)

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