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Tales of Terror:  Dangerous Games

Tales of Terror: Dangerous Games

Zhihu Select


Have you ever wished to eliminate someone without getting caught? In other words, are there people lurking in the darkness eagerly anticipating your demise? The deepest hatred arises from love, and the most horrifying predicaments stem from the malice of those closest. These eerie moments within intimate relationships delve into the extremes of human emotions—love, hate, jealousy, fear, and loneliness—and how they give birth to evil. Hatred, selfishness, and desire lie dormant within people's souls, waiting to be unleashed. This is a series of short and horrible stories where you will see the darkest part of human nature. …… ... Strange occurrences lurk behind you. Only those who have the courage to face the harsh truths of life are true heroes. If you had the opportunity to participate in an unaccountable murder game, would you become the most ruthless player?

Chapter 1 Paradise Game

Author: Jing Zhe

Do you dare to play a game initiated by a stranger?


The street was crowded with people and vehicles when I anxiously waited for Kara outside her office building.


A message popped up on my cell phone, saying,

“Our company released a great game, and we’re randomly inviting lucky people to participate. The final winner will get the inheritance right of a four-hundred-million-dollar property! For further information, please call the phone number below.”

There was indeed a number in the message. The message sender was "Paradise Game", and the date was June 6th.

It must be spam!

Did they think they could defraud people of money with such a lame trick?

When I was about to delete the message, I saw Kara's tired figure.

So, I hurriedly walked up to her. Today was her birthday. I had asked for leave and bought a mystery box, intending to surprise her.

She cast an angry look at me, grabbed the mystery box, and slammed it to the ground.

I was stunned to see this and asked, "Don't you like it?"


"Eaton, stop deceiving yourself! Do you think you can add a sense of ritual to our love with such a cheap mystery box?"

I anxiously explained, "I'm sorry, Kara! I sent all my salary last month to my family. I have worked overtime for two days without having a rest! I was supposed to get paid on the 15th, but my boss has been seven days in arrear with our salaries. So, I could only buy you a mystery box. Don’t be angry. I promise to give you a big gift when I get paid, okay?”

I had unconsciously bowed my head to life. Now, I could not hold up my head in front of Kara.

"If things continue like this, we can never buy a house," she snapped and turned to leave. When I caught up with her, she shook off my hand and said, "When will we have our own home? When can we have enough money to get married?"

Then, she ran away crying.

But I didn't dare to chase after her. We were both from the countryside. And we had come to the city to fulfill our dreams. But the cruel competition made us farther and farther away from our dreams.

Then, I walked back home with heavy steps. I had been in a good mood because I had thought I could have a rest and make out with Kara. But now, I was depressed. Nowadays, there were many people with Bachelor degrees in the city, so it was hard for fresh graduates like Kara and me to find a job. I was a website programmer and worked overtime every day.

I had sacrificed my money-make time to accompany her, but what I had gotten in return was her cold face. It was because I was a lack of money.

So, I must figure out a way to make a fortune!


At one o'clock in the morning, I dragged my tired body back to my shabby rental apartment.

After I took a shower, it was two o'clock. Fortunately, today was Sunday. Thinking that I could sleep until noon, I felt much better.


When I received a message on WhatsApp, I hurriedly opened it. Sure enough, the message was from d*mned Gail, saying, “Prepare the materials and go to the company for a meeting at seven tomorrow morning! Reply after you receive the message!”

It was two o'clock in the morning, but she still wanted me to reply! Common people would have long fallen asleep!

I cursed, “She is insane!”

Gail was the owner of our company. She had just started her business and was always energetic, intending to squeeze all the employees to the extreme! I was in a bad mood because of the fight with Kara, so I didn't want to reply.

But my co-workers had all sent out flattering replies on WhatsApp, so I was afraid Gail would think I was lazy and put me on the elimination list. If she fired me, it might take me several months to find a new job, but I would still need to pay various bills.

So, I unconsciously tapped on the screen with my fingers and replied, "Received! Gail, you’re diligent! Good night!" And I even sent her a f*cking grinning emoji.

I wanted to throw my phone down the toilet now!

When I was about to fall asleep, my phone rang. I cursed in my heart, took the phone over in a daze, and saw my younger sister’s name on the screen. She had a good relationship with me. After my father had passed away, my mother raised us by scavenging. My mother had worked hard, so she had managed to pay my college tuition.

My sister was eighteen years old and wasn't cut out for study. Because of our financial problems, she had dropped out of school when she had been fifteen. Now, she was working odd jobs and taking care of our mother in my hometown.

Why was she calling me in the middle of the night? Was my mother sick again?

After I quickly answered the call, she said in a crying voice, "Mom is in a coma! I’ve sent her to the hospital. She is undergoing emergency treatment! The doctor said the coma is caused by her diabetes. The money you send back is barely enough to pay the rescue expenses. But she needs to have a series of medical checks later. We must pay another thirty thousand dollars before five o'clock this Friday!"


I gasped in shock! My mother had high blood pressure and diabetes due to overwork. But I had not expected her to suddenly collapse like this.

Thirty thousand dollars? How could I get so much money within such a short time? I could not make it even if I sold myself!

"Don't worry! Take care of mom! I will figure out a way!" I was so anxious, but I must pretend to be calm to appease my sister.

After hanging up the phone, I was at a loss for what to do. Thirty thousand dollars! How could I get so much money?

I picked up my phone and looked through the address book. I did not think any friend could lend me such a large amount of money, so I soon put it down.

When I was desperate, I suddenly thought of the spam message. What if it was true?



I was at the end of my rope, so I decided to give it a shot and dialed the number in the message.


When I heard the beep, my heart began racing.

Soon, an extremely sweet female voice said, "Hello, this is the customer service of Paradise Company. Are you going to participate in Paradise Game?"


After hesitating for a few seconds, I said, "Yes, I want to participate. I don't need to pay, right?"

"Game players don’t need to pay. You only need to register with your ID card and bank account information. May I know your ID card number?"

Since she had not asked me to pay, the game should not be a swindle. I knew scammers always asked people to pay. After all, I had received many fraudulent calls before.

The soft-voiced woman on the other end of the phone did not urge me. Her patience made me feel respected. So, I stopped hesitating and told her my ID number and other relevant information she needed.

Then, she said, "Sir, you have officially participated in Paradise Game. Please pay close attention to the game missions we release from now on. After receiving a task, you must complete it on time. Otherwise, you will be punished! Finally, I’d like to emphasize you must not withdraw once you participate. There is no pause, termination, or customer service in the game. The final winner will receive a bonus of four hundred million dollars. I wish you to go for it and be the winner!"

After hanging up the phone, I began to worry about gains and losses.

I had never heard of Paradise Company and could not find any information on the Internet. Maybe it was a prank played by some sick netizens.

But at the thought of the four-hundred-million-dollar bonus, I could not calm down.

I could never earn so much money in my life. If I won, I could solve all my problems! I would no longer worry about my mother’s medical expenses or my sister’s education. I could buy a downtown house and a car. I could get married to Kara!

I could even buy the company I was working at and let Gail work for me. I had already thought of dozens of tricks to abuse her within a split second!

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