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Trapped Woman

Trapped Woman

Zhihu Select


When Fiona Nelson woke up, she found herself imprisoned by her childhood friend, Oliver Moore, who was obsessed with her. Instead of being scared, Fiona was thrilled to be free from her job and complained that Oliver hadn't confessed his feelings earlier. As the two lived under the same roof, memories flooded back to Fiona, and she realized that Oliver had been planning their reunion for a long time. Although Oliver was the one who had imprisoned her, she realized that she was more afraid of losing him than he was of losing her. However, Fiona faced tough competition from two other women who had spent more time with Oliver than she had—a talented artist and an accomplished businesswoman. Both of them seemed more successful than she was, making Fiona unsure of Oliver's true feelings. Moreover, she was still haunted by the mystery of why Oliver had suddenly left to study abroad when they were about to take their college entrance exams. Would Fiona help Oliver overcome his psychological issues and finally be with him?

Chapter 1 Imprisoned

Author: Qiao Ke LI A Hua Tian

I awoke to find that I was imprisoned by my childhood sweetheart.

He tied a thin chain to my wrist and took away all my communication tools.

When he saw me wake up, he stared at me with his deep eyes.

And he said in a low voice, "From now on, you'll stay here. You can't go out anymore. I have quit your job for you, and you are not allowed to meet your colleagues and clients. I will bring you meals every day. I will give you whatever you want..."

How could such a good thing happen to me?

I knew there was no such thing as a free lunch in the world, so I suppressed the ecstasy in my heart and asked cautiously, "Why?"

His slender fingers on my shoulder trembled slightly, and his eyes were filled with pain. "Fiona, I can't stand other men talking to you like that, touching you and kissing you..."

"Do you like me?" I got the point immediately.

He was stunned for a moment. Then he closed his eyes slowly and nodded.

I pounded the bed and asked, "Why didn't you tell me earlier, Oliver?"

If I had known it earlier, I wouldn't have been working like a dog!


Before Oliver invited me to dinner and took the opportunity to get me drunk and imprison me, I had been thinking about quitting a thousand times.

There was no creature in the world more difficult to deal with than my clients.

And there was nothing more shameless than my clients.

I had revised the plan thirty-seven times before I gave one of my clients the newly-revised version. At last, he said with dissatisfaction, "Forget it. You'd better make improvements by combining the second version and the seventh version. Then show me the new version."

I really wanted to slap the laptop onto his face then and there.

I went to talk to another client about the order and waited for him for a long time. Finally, he forced a kiss on my cheek after drinking and said, "Fiona, stop pretending. I can tell from your eyes that you like me, right? Don't worry. I'll sign the contract right away after tonight..."

In the end, I beat that guy named James Harris in his car.

However, on the second day after the beating, the director David Lewis took me to the hospital with flowers to apologize.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Harris. Fiona came to work in our company last year. She is still young and naive..."

I stood behind David with my head down. When I saw James' face, I almost burst into laughter.

I used to work out in the gym with Timothy Turner for several years. So I was really strong. And last night, I had no choice but to beat James with all my strength and almost killed him.

Now James' face was bruised, and his arm was still bandaged. The corner of his mouth was swollen, which made him look very funny.

If David hadn't poked me in the waist in time, I might have laughed in front of James.

However, in the face of James' arrogant look, I could only swallow my pride and apologize. "I'm sorry, Mr. Harris. It's all my fault. I was impulsive..."

It was at this moment that Oliver showed up.

He pushed the door open, walked straight to James, looking at him up and down, and suddenly sneered, saying, "Mr. Harris? I think it's better to call you Mr. Bastard."

Oliver was a good-looking man, and his features were enchanting. Besides, he had a good figure. Today he was wearing a suit, which made him more imposing.

He looked at James coldly. Even I, who had seen Oliver crying, couldn't help but shiver.

And James was stunned for two seconds before he got furious. "Who are you? How dare you talk to me like that?"

Ignoring James, Oliver turned to the outside and said, "Come in, Noah. Just get rid of him."

When the man called Noah Scott came in, James, who was lying on the bed, turned nervous and asked in a trembling voice, "Mr. Scott, why... Why are you here?"

Noah was not as cold as Oliver. Instead, he smiled gently.

However, his words were harsh. "Mr. Harris, I assigned you this project because I believed in your ability, but I didn't expect you to harass the girl and ruin our company's reputation."

Hearing Noah's words, James was trembling, and sweat rolled down his forehead. Then he stammered, "I-I didn't... It's... It's she who seduced me..."


I was speechless, wondering, "You should look at your fat body. How dare you say that?"

Oliver's eyes turned colder. I saw him take a look at the fruit knife on the nightstand and thought for a while. I suspected that Oliver might want to stab James to death on the spot.

Of course, James was not killed. He was just fired by the major shareholder of his company, Noah, who inherited his father's business.

Besides, Noah temporarily took over from James as the project director and signed the contract with our company.

When we walked out of the ward, Noah and David went away to talk about the details of the cooperation. So Oliver and I were left alone in the corridor.

The corridor of the hospital was filled with a strong smell of disinfectant, and I... liked the smell very much.

I took deep breaths quietly. When I looked up, I saw that Oliver was staring at me. The coldness in his eyes faded away, and he was smiling slightly.

So I asked carefully, "Oliver, are you... not angry anymore?"

Oliver shook his head and tucked the hair behind my ear, saying, "I'm not angry anymore."

I smacked his hand off.

Pausing for a moment, Oliver looked at me seriously again.

"Don't touch my hair," I said. "I was too tired after beating James last night. So I went to bed right after I arrived home and didn't wash my hair."

Then Oliver's eyes turned slightly brighter. He was really emotional.

Oliver and I had been giving each other the silent treatment for half a month, but now he was going to invite me to dinner. It was at a famous and delicious barbecue restaurant on Crystal Ledge.

It took the customers at least two hours to line up before they could enter the restaurant, but Oliver said that he knew the shop owner who could arrange seats for us directly. How could I refuse him?

However, I never thought that the benefits of knowing the shopkeeper would be that apart from not having to wait in line for dinner, Oliver could take a drunken girl away from the restaurant without being suspected or arrested.

Anyway, when I woke up, I found myself locked here by Oliver.

However, this room was quite spacious. It was at least much larger than the bedroom in the apartment I rented with others.

The bed cushion under my body was soft and elastic, much more comfortable than the one I bought online.

The quiet room was filled with a faint and clear fragrance.

I lived in an apartment with a roommate who was a gaming streamer. He often played games all night long and smoked while working, which made my room smell of smoke all year round. And the room's sound insulation was so bad that I could hear the noises for the whole night.

Sometimes when I went to the bathroom at midnight, I could see the couple that lived in the master bedroom kissing each other in the bathtub.

Thinking of this, I was so excited that tears almost welled up in my eyes. I reached out to hold Oliver's hand and said seriously, "You have to promise me that you will take care of my everyday life since you lock me up here. You have to give me whatever I want. And you can't go back on your word!"

Oliver seemed to be surprised.


In fact, I didn't grow up with Oliver.

The first time I met Oliver was when I was four and a half years old. We went to the same kindergarten, and on the first day of school, Oliver took my toy away.

At that time, Oliver was thin and small, looking very malnourished. I didn't expect him to be so bold.

So I pressed him on the ground and beat him up.

With his big eyes wide open, Oliver cried so hard that his snot was bubbling, which looked pitiful.

Unfortunately, I was cruel and heartless. After beating Oliver, I pointed at his nose and warned him, "If you dare to take anything from me next time, I'll break one of your arms."

I learned this line from TV.

But the TV didn't tell me that after Oliver was beaten and threatened by me, he would bring me sugar and ask to be my follower on the second day.

So I went everywhere with Oliver for three months. During these three months, he had been obedient to me, given me a lot of things, and didn't let me be bullied by others at all.

The most beautiful girl in the class wore a pink scrunchie, so he urged me to take it away.

When the fat boy at the next desk was eating beef jerky secretly in class, Oliver persuaded me to threaten the boy and ask him to bring me a whole bag of beef jerky the next day.

At that time, I was stupid and didn't know that it was Oliver's trap. I really thought he was doing it for my good.

But three months later, I became a notorious bully in the kindergarten. No one wanted to play with me except for Oliver.

When I appeared in front of the slide, everyone became serious and left as soon as they saw me, leaving me alone in the cold wind.

I turned to Oliver and asked, "Why don't they like to play with me?"

With a gentle and innocent smile on his face, Oliver said, "Fiona, they are jealous of you because you are so excellent. You should teach them a lesson so that they won't isolate you."

I believed him. So I grabbed the slowest child and was about to beat him. At this time, the principal and the parents who came to visit the kindergarten appeared and stopped me at the same time, shouting, "Stop!"

I didn't know it was the annual Open Day of the kindergarten, but Oliver remembered it.

At that time, it took Oliver three months to patiently and carefully make a trap for me. Then he allured me into it step by step, making me unable to break free.

On that day, the visit ceremony was suspended halfway. The children in the kindergarten lined up, wiped their tears, and told the teachers and parents what I had done.

As soon as each of them finished accusing me, my mother got more and more serious. When it came to the last but one kid, my mother seemed to be blowing up.

The last one was Oliver.

I looked at him hopefully.

And he glanced at me and said, "I'm Fiona's best friend."

As soon as I breathed a sigh of relief, Oliver added with tearful eyes, "As long as Fiona can give my toy kitten, fluffy dog, Harry Potter, and chocolate back..."

On that day, my scream when my mother smacked me echoed in the community for half an hour. I couldn't sit on the chair for the next three days because of swollen buttocks.

Moreover, after I went to the kindergarten the next day, I was punished to write my name five hundred times.

Holding the pencil, I wrote while crying, thinking, "Why couldn't I have a simpler name?"

At this time, Oliver appeared.

He took the pencil from my hand and said in a low voice, "I'll help you."

I glared at him and said, "I don't need your help! It's all because of you!"

"I just want to help you."

I felt so angry that I turned away.

As the sun set, golden light came in from the window and shone on my body. It made me feel warm, and even the pain in my buttocks was alleviated a lot.

I leaned against the wall and fell asleep.

I didn't know how long it had been when Oliver woke me up, gave me the notebook, and whispered, "I've finished."

So I made up with Oliver.

On Saturday, Oliver said he would take me to an interesting place, and then we took a taxi to the most expensive villa area in the suburbs.

I was shocked by the three-story villa with a garden and a fountain pool. As soon as I entered the house, I saw the luxurious decoration of the room and almost thought I was dreaming.

Then Oliver grabbed me to an indifferent man and said, "This is my best friend, Fiona."

The man looked at me. He seemed to be so serious that I somehow felt a little scared.

At this time, a well-dressed woman came over. She looked at me and said with a smile, "It seems that Oliver really made a friend this time. It's good that you didn't make up a lie to reassure us. I'm really relieved now."

Her smile looked very hypocritical, just like that of the villain in TV series.

Although I was only five years old then, I found that there seemed to be a special relationship between Oliver and his family.

In the evening, the woman called Madeline Mitchell insisted on keeping me for dinner. It was hard to refuse her kindness. When I saw a whole roast chicken on the table, my eyes lit up.

Oliver took the chicken drumstick off and put it onto my plate, saying, "Here you are."

But Oliver's father, Henry, was immediately unhappy. He pounded on the table and said, "That's rude!"

Madeline immediately persuaded him. "It's okay. They are children. It doesn't matter if I don't eat..."

Henry was unmoved and kept staring at Oliver.

But Oliver calmly took off the second drumstick and put it onto my plate.

Seeing this, Henry was so angry that he threw the fork at Oliver's face.

With a crisp sound, a bloodstain appeared on Oliver's face, but he didn't say anything and just lowered his eyes lightly.

I didn't know how I got the courage. I smashed the chicken bone I had eaten in my hand on Henry's face and ran out with Oliver, holding his hand, and I didn't forget to grab his school bag on the sofa.

I had been so bold since I was a child. No wonder I would beat up my client when I grew up.

I ran all the way with Oliver and then took him directly to my home.

Tears streamed down my mother's face when she saw the blood oozing from the wound on Oliver's face. She immediately agreed to my request to accommodate him in our home.

So, Oliver stayed at my home for two weeks.

Half a month later, a Mercedes-Benz stopped downstairs. An elegant old lady and a tall handsome young man with a slim figure walked out. They hugged Oliver and cried before they took him away.

I hadn't seen Oliver in the kindergarten since then.

Neither did I see him in primary school.

I worked hard for a summer vacation and finally passed the entrance exam of the best middle school in the city.

Then, on the first day of school, I saw Oliver's name in the list of scholarships in the school bulletin.

Oliver had a special surname, so it must be him.

Sure enough, as soon as I entered the teaching building, I saw a young man in a black T-shirt with long hair over his ears standing in the corridor.

He was standing in the shadow, but I could still see his handsome face.

He had been gloomy and expressionless, but the moment he saw me, he smiled.

Then he walked to me casually, lowered his head, and said, "Fiona, long time no see."

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