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Love beyond reach

Love beyond reach



Mabel a young immigrant who is escaping from a forced marriage, become the maid for a well known CEO of a plastic industry in California. And fate through a lot of circumstances brings them closer to each other. Laim finds out he's fallen head over heels for his maid but his societal status will not allow him be with the one you loves.With the difference in culture morals and beliefs ,will they work their way to fulfilling their love or things will go way ward .

Chapter 1 It's all right

Mabel looks at the card in her hands and takes in a deep breath. "This has to work out". She takes another deep breath and walk towards the door bell, she slightly pushes the button and a sweet melody is heard. A woman in her mid 40's opens the door " How may I help you?" She asked "Umm.......my name is Mabel Akuffo and I'm here from Big Ben agency ".

"Oh you must the new helper, come in, Mr. Anderson just left an emergency trip to London, he'll won't be back until a week or two but I take care of things when he's not around. Let me show you to your room". I nodded and followed her. I believe your salary has been discussed already Miss Mabel..." she asked " Yes please and how may I address you...?" "You can call me Claire" She replied.

The house was simple but beautiful, I was expecting an extravagant Mansion but from the looks of things, this Mr. Anderson has simple but classic tatse. "This is your room Claire said pointing to door on the left of the hallway. "Settle down and stair so I can walk you through the daily activities of this household and we can get to know each other".

I quickly settled in and went down stairs,I found Claire in the kitchen.

As they were getting acquainted, Claire noticed a sense of eagerness and curiosity in my eyes. She decided to share some important insights about our enigmatic CEO boss, Mr. Anderson.

"Mabel," Chloe began, "working for Mr. Anderson can be quite a unique experience. Despite his success and sophistication, he values simplicity and honesty above all. He appreciates a clean and orderly environment, so attention to detail in your cleaning will be greatly admired."

I nodded attentively, taking mental notes of Claire's advice.

"However," Claire continued, "Mr. Anderson is a private person. He rarely discusses his personal life, so it's important to respect his boundaries and not pry into his affairs. If he does open up to you, remember to always maintain confidentiality."

I nodded again, understanding the need for discretion.

"Now, onto his preferences," Claire smiled. "Mr. Anderson is quite particular about his meals. He enjoys healthy and organic food, nothing too extravagant. Oh, and don't forget his daily morning coffee! It must be brewed just right, with a splash of almond milk and a sprinkle of cinnamon."

I chuckled, imagining herself perfecting the art of brewing coffee to Mr. Anderson’s liking.

Claire continued, "He also appreciates punctuality. Time is of utmost importance to him, so it's essential to be prompt and organized for any scheduled appointments or tasks."

I nodded, realizing the importance of being time-conscious.

"He's a stickler for security," Claire warned. "Always double-check the locks on all the doors and windows before leaving. A simple oversight can result in dire consequences."

"Lastly," Claire said with a warm smile, "Mr. Anderson has a soft spot for animals. He adores his loyal golden retriever, Max. He treats Max like family, so be sure to show Max some love and attention when you see him around."

My eyes lit up with delight. I have always loved animals and couldn't wait to meet Max.

As the days passed, I diligently followed Claire's advice, ensuring a clean and organized environment, respecting Mr. Anderson’s privacy, and practiced preparing coffee like how Mr. Anderson likes it. I even formed a special bond with Max, who would eagerly greet her with wagging tail and sloppy kisses each morning.

Things were going well till I woke up morning to find Claire on the kitchen floor breathless, I quickly called the ambulance and rushed her to the hospital. Overwhelmed with worry, I quickly rushed out the door, forgetting to lock the main entrance behind me in my frantic state.

I could feel the nervousness building up inside me as it dawned on me that I left the house unlocked. I quickly went through the formalities and after I knew Claire was being taken of,I rushed to the house.


As I walked into my home, a sudden wave of concern washed over me. I had returned after a long trip, only to find my front door unlocked. My heart raced as I cautiously stepped inside, fearing the worst. The once well-maintained house now looked desolate and bereft of life.

I called out for my Nanny, Claire, but there was no response. I knew something was amiss, as she was usually prompt and efficient. With every step, the silence grew more daunting, amplifying my anxiety. I began to contemplate the worst-case scenarios that could have led to the unlocked door and Claire's disappearance.

Just as the weight of uncertainty became overwhelming, a timid voice broke the silence. "Sir, is that you?" the voice called out from the kitchen. I followed the sound, relief flooding my body as I saw beautiful young lady, tears streaming down her weary face. She stood there, huddled by the sink, clutching a rag in her hands.

I rushed to her side, concern etched on my face. what happened? ,Who are you? and where is Claire?Why is everything in disarray?" I asked, my heart aching for her evident distress.

In between sobs, she managed tell me who she was, where Claire was and to explained the events that unfolded. She had rushed Claire to the hospital early that morning and had forgotten to lock the front door and upon her return,was a sight that instantly filled her with dread, entering the house, only to find that it had been ransacked.

As Mabel narrated her ordeal, I admired her bravery and dedication, even in the face of such adversity. This courageous woman, who had come to take care of my home, had herself been subjected to a harrowing experience. The police arrived at the house questioning and taking our statements.

Over the next few hours, we sorted through the chaos left behind by the intruders, As we worked side by side, I learned more about Claire condition from Mabel. She also told me a little bit about herself after finally calming down and stopped apologizing. We visited Claire after the cleaning of the house and she was happy. I specifically asked Mabel to tell Claire about the incident since she wasn't feeling well.

As for the break-in, we never discovered the culprits, but our bond grew stronger as we got know ourselves better.

Sometimes, the most unexpected circumstances can bring people together in the most meaningful of ways. I knew from when I saw her behind the kitchen sink I had an everlasting bond with her.


When I found the house ransacked I knew it was my fault, and I'd loose my job. I played in my head over and over again how Mr. Anderson was going to react after had received the news, I dailed the police and reported the robbery moved to the kitchen sink and then played how Mr.Anderson will react to the news

"No excuses, Emily. Security is non-negotiable. I cannot risk any lapses, especially in matters concerning the safety of my family. I have no choice but to terminate your employment.

"Each word dampened my spirit more and more, and I nodded in understanding.Tears welled up in my eyes as I tried to apologize.

Then a deep voice called out to Claire

"Sir is that you?" That was the only response I could give. Tears came streaming down my face, the horror on my face and my legs shaking when he responded "yes", I had to hold on to the sink for support.

He asked me who I was, where Claire is, and what happened to his house. My voice barely above a whisper. I explained the reason behind my forgetfulness and begged for forgiveness.

His reaction was different from what I had expected, he was clam and more concerned about my well-being than the missing items in the house. I knew then that he was as kind as Nanny Claire always described

Few days later Claire was back home and everything went smoothly once again that was until I found out I was pregnant. Pregnant? No it can't be. It happened only once.

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