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Concrete jungle of shadows

Concrete jungle of shadows

Gipsey Oh'fur


In the heart of bustling New York City, a series of strange and eerie events begin to unfold. As the city's residents go about their daily lives, whispers of an ancient curse resurface, shrouding the streets in mystery and fear. In the midst of it all, a group of unlikely allies must uncover the truth behind these urban legends before the darkness consumes the entire city.

Chapter 1 Hello New York

*Somewhere in Brooklyn*

Amelia sat on the edge of her apartment's worn-out couch, her fingers tapping nervously on her phone. She was still in disbelief to what she saw. After months of job hunting and countless rejections, she had finally landed her dream job as a journalist at The Daily Times newspaper,the biggest newspaper in the entire city!. The city's vibrant energy and endless possibilities filled her with excitement, but a cloud of worry loomed over her.

Just as Amelia was about to immerse herself in the thrill of her accomplishment, a sharp knock echoed through the room. Startled, she hurried to answer the door. Standing before her was Mr. Thompson, her landlord, a tall, imposing man with deep-set Amber coloured eyes and a stern expression etched on his face.

"Miss Amelia," he said, his voice brimming with impatience. "You've been dodging your responsibilities. You owe me five months' worth of rent."

Amelia's heart sank, her dream bubble bursting. She tried to explain, her words stumbling out, "Mr. Thompson, I just got the job at The Daily Times. I promise I'll catch up on the rent as soon as I receive my first paycheck."

Mr. Thompson's face remained impassive, his gaze unyielding. "Words won't pay the bills, Miss Amelia. You have one week to settle the outstanding rent, or I'll have no choice but to evict you."

With a dismissive nod, he turned and walked away, leaving Amelia in a whirlwind of panic. She closed the door, leaning against it as tears threatened to spill. How could her long-awaited success be overshadowed by financial woes? The thought of losing her new home, her sanctuary, sent waves of fear crashing over her.

Determined not to succumb to despair, Amelia wiped away her tears and mustered all her strength. She wouldn't let this setback deter her dreams. She glanced at the empty apartment, the boxes still waiting to be unpacked. "I won't be sleeping here for long anyway," she whispered to herself, envisioning a brighter future in a better place.

*Somewhere in Newyork*

Meanwhile, across town, Dr. Matthew Baker, a renowned physician, opened his eyes to find himself lying on a cold subway platform. Confusion clouded his mind as he scanned his surroundings. The bustling crowd pushed past him, oblivious to his presence. "Sarah, Jacob!" Mr Baker yelled as he looked around his surrounding.

His eyes widened when he spotted a departing train. Time seemed to slow as he recognized the faces of his wife, Sarah, and their young son, Jacob, seated among the passengers. But something was terribly wrong. Their eyes held an eerie emptiness, their expressions vacant. Panic welled up inside him, and he called out to them, his voice desperate, yet they remained unresponsive.

A blinding light enveloped Dr. Baker, and the scene dissolved into nothingness.

He woke up disoriented, sprawled on the cold pavement near the subway station. The early morning light spilled over him, casting long shadows. Confusion consumed him as he struggled to piece together the fragmented memories of the previous day. Questions swirled in his mind, and concern for his family gnawed at his heart. What had happened to Sarah and Jacob? Where were they now?

*Later that day*

Amelia, still shaken by her encounter with Mr. Thompson, reached for her phone and dialed a familiar number. Emily, her childhood friend and steadfast ally, answered after a few rings.

"Hey, Amelia! How's the big city treating you?" Emily's voice was filled with warmth and excitement.

A mixture of relief and longing flooded Amelia's soul as she poured her heart out to her friend. She shared the news of her job at The Daily Times, her aspirations, and her current predicament. And then, with a touch of desperation, she made a proposition.

"Em, what if you moved to New York? We could be roommates, explore the city together, and support each other. What do you say?"

There was a brief pause on the line before Emily responded, her voice tinged with excitement. "Amelia, you know I've always admired your bravery. I'm in! I'll be there in two days. We're going to conquer this city together!"

A surge of hope surged through Amelia's veins. She felt a flicker of warmth in the midst of her uncertainty. With Emily by her side, maybe she could face any challenge that New York threw at her.

*Greenwood forest*

Barnes, a man of deep knowledge and a renowned historian, sat in his dimly lit, shrine-like home. The air was thick with the scent of ancient parchment and the weight of countless artifacts, each holding its own story. As he immersed himself in an ancient text, his brows furrowed, and a sense of unease washed over him.

With a heavy sigh, Barnes closed the book, its weathered pages whispering as they settled against each other. He raised his head, his piercing gaze fixed on a mysterious painting that adorned the wall. It depicted a cloaked figure standing at the crossroads of two worlds, surrounded by symbols of arcane knowledge and ancient power.

"Sentis is coming," Barnes muttered under his breath, the words laden with concern. The name sent chills down his spine, for Sentis was a being of immense power, an entity rumored to be entwined with the very fabric of the city itself. Legends spoke of Sentis as a harbinger of both enlightenment and destruction, a force that could shape destinies and unravel the fragile balance between the seen and the unseen.

Barnes had spent years deciphering ancient texts and piecing together fragments of forgotten lore, hoping to uncover the secrets that lay hidden beneath the surface of New York. His studies had led hi to em lival of Sentis was imminnt, and the implications sent tremors through his soul.

He rose from his worn-out armchair, his steps deliberate as he navigated his labyrinthine home. The shelves groaned under the weight of countless relics and tomes, each holding a clue, a piece of the puzzle he had been assembling for years. Symbols etched into the walls seemed to pulse with a faint, ethereal glow, whispering ancient secrets that only Barnes could understand.

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