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Concrete jungle of shadows

Concrete jungle of shadows


Chapter 1 Hello New York

Word Count: 1021    |    Released on: 22/08/2023

ere in

fter months of job hunting and countless rejections, she had finally landed her dream job as a journalist at The Daily Times newspaper,the biggest

hrough the room. Startled, she hurried to answer the door. Standing before her was Mr. Thompson, her la

impatience. "You've been dodging your responsi

ords stumbling out, "Mr. Thompson, I just got the job at The Daily Times. I

rds won't pay the bills, Miss Amelia. You have one week to settl

oor, leaning against it as tears threatened to spill. How could her long-awaited success be overshadowed b

this setback deter her dreams. She glanced at the empty apartment, the boxes still waiting to be unpacked. "I wo

ere in

a cold subway platform. Confusion clouded his mind as he scanned his surroundings. The bustling crowd push

ir young son, Jacob, seated among the passengers. But something was terribly wrong. Their eyes held an eerie emptiness, their

Dr. Baker, and the scene

g long shadows. Confusion consumed him as he struggled to piece together the fragmented memories of the previous day. Questions

r tha

hed for her phone and dialed a familiar number. Emily, her ch

treating you?" Emily's voice was

her friend. She shared the news of her job at The Daily Times, her aspirations, and h

ld be roommates, explore the city together

ed with excitement. "Amelia, you know I've always admired your bravery. I'

of warmth in the midst of her uncertainty. With Emily by her sid

wood f

was thick with the scent of ancient parchment and the weight of countless artifacts, each holding its own

e raised his head, his piercing gaze fixed on a mysterious painting that adorned the wall. It depicted a cloake

being of immense power, an entity rumored to be entwined with the very fabric of the city itself. Legends spoke of Sentis as a harbinger

re, hoping to uncover the secrets that lay hidden beneath the surface of New York. His studies

weight of countless relics and tomes, each holding a clue, a piece of the puzzle he had been assembling for years. Symbols e

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