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Beneath the Sheets: Passion and Power in the CEO's Heart"

Beneath the Sheets: Passion and Power in the CEO's Heart"



Life is full of choices, but sometimes the reality of life makes us unable to choose what we should not choose. That is what happened to Giselle today. She was forced to become a prostitute to pay for her mother's brain cancer treatment, which was very expensive. Fate made her have to become a prostitute so that she could get the money she needed. Then fate also makes Giselle meet Iram Danny Addison, coming with a sinister past. So what happens to the two of them?

Chapter 1 Part 1

It was 2 a.m. in a hotel room. A man and a woman, not husband and wife, had just finished making love.

Sweat soaked the body of 25-year-old Giselle Adeline, a comfort woman. She closed her eyes to neutralize her tiredness.

"You're so beautiful, darling,"

The middle-aged man said as he looked at Giselle's beautiful face. His hands caressed Giselle's smooth body, covered only by the blanket.

Giselle opened her eyes and smiled. Then the man got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom.

The man came out of the bathroom not long after, already dressed. Then Giselle went into the same bathroom.

In the bathroom, Giselle opened the blanket that was covering her body. Looking in the mirror, Giselle noticed a red mark on her body.

"Damn, it's always like this, leaving lots of marks on my body," Giselle said, annoyed at the number of hickeys on her body.

She soaked her body in the bath for a while.

The therapeutic scent, which caught her sense of smell, relaxed her.

But that didn't last long, as a knock at the door interrupted her reverie.

"Miss Giselle, are you ready? We'll be right back," a man said as he knocked on the bathroom door.

Giselle was annoyed and continued to ignore the call.

"Miss Giselle! Miss Giselle is all right, isn't she?" The knocking on the door grew louder as the call went unanswered.

"Miss Giselle, on the count of three I will break down this door. One!"

"Don't even try, Bondan!" Giselle shouted.

Hearing this, the big man called Bondan was relieved. "Well, if Miss Giselle is all right. I'll wait outside," he said again and left.

Giselle relaxed again, but not for long.

Wearing only a kimono towel, Giselle emerged from the bathroom.

There was not a single person in the room. Instead, she saw a pile of cash on the bedside table, totaling around 10 million. Giselle smiled happily.

"Wow... didn't I see it wrong?" Giselle took the money.

Between the piles of money was a piece of paper.

The letter.

It said that the money the man had given her was a bonus. Of course, Giselle was happy and wanted to spend the money immediately.

"Shall we go back to the bar?" Bondan asked.

At the moment, Giselle and Bondan were in the hotel lobby.

"No, I'm going to the hospital. You can go alone. I've asked Madan Dolly for permission and he's given it."

"OKOK, I'll take you to the hospital. It's too late to find a taxi."

Giselle smiled, "All right, let's go."

Giselle was surprised to see how many doctors and nurses were in her mother's ward.

"What's going on Doc?" Giselle asked worriedly.

"Nothing, your mum is fine," said Doctor Garfield—the young doctor looking after Giselle's mother.

"Fine? What does that mean, Doc?" Giselle asked again.

"The patient was critical for a while, she lost her pulse. For now you can rest easy, there's nothing to worry about. The critical phase has passed."

Giselle felt slightly relieved. Then she looked at her mother, who was still in a coma after the operation to remove the tumor from her head.

"Mum, I am going to do everything I can to help you get better," Giselle said as she took her mother's hand.

Dr Garfield came over and patted Giselle on the shoulder.

"We have to believe that your mother will get better. I will keep trying," he said.

Giselle just smiled.

Later that night, Giselle asked Dr Garfield again about her mother's condition.

"How is my mum, Doc?" Giselle looked at Dr Garfield.

The young doctor smiled and looked lovingly at Giselle.

"I'm going to keep trying, Giselle. Just be patient, OKOK?"

Giselle let out a resigned sigh, unsatisfied with Dr Garfield's answer.

Giselle looked at her mother with teary eyes. "Mum, I will do everything for your recovery," Giselle whispered, rubbing her mother's forehead.

"I have to go now."

Giselle wiped away her tears and rose from the chair. Before she did, she looked at her watch, which showed 9 p.m.

"Anette, I was just about to look for you. You're already here." Giselle said when she saw Anette arrive—the nurse caring for her mother. The nurse was like a sister to her.

"Are you going to work, Giselle?"

"Yes." She answered quietly.

Anette took a deep breath. She looked up and took Giselle's hand.

"Are you still working there?" Anette asked again.

Giselle let out a long breath.

"I need money and this place is the only one that can give me money."

Sister Anette was concerned. There was nothing she could do to help her friend.

"I'm sorry, Giselle. I can't do anything to help you."

"No, you have helped me a lot, Anette. What you do means a lot to me. You've been taking care of my mum all this time. I don't know what would have happened to mum without you." Her sentence trailed off.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me and my mum, Anette." Giselle hugged Anetta gently.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me. You are a good person. May God give you everything you want."

"I have to go now. Take care of my mother, Anetta."

"Go, I'll take care of her."

"Thank you." Giselle left.

But her steps stopped when she saw Dr Garfield.

"Shall I take you, Giselle?"

Giselle paused and bowed her head.

"No, please don't ruin your reputation by being seen in public with me. I don't want anything bad to happen to you, Doc."

"No, I'm fine, Giselle. I..."

"I'm sorry," Giselle didn't allow Garfield to speak.

Giselle walked away, leaving Doctor Garfield and Nurse Anette behind.

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