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Sweetheart of the Billionaire

Sweetheart of the Billionaire



Warning!!! 21+ Area 🔞 Zahra never expected to meet Bram at her co-worker's wedding. Bram was a billionaire she had seen on the cover of a magazine. Bram was so perfect, handsome, and charming that he changed Zahra's world in the blink of an eye. She didn't realize it until he took her to the ballroom. She only realized it when they became the center of everyone's attention. Not wanting to be lulled into an unreal fantasy, Zahra wants to run away, but Bram won't let her. Instead, he offers her a lift. Zahra accepts but makes the wrong decision. Bram was a trained man, and he could take Zahra to the clouds with one touch. Bram is a sick man who wants everything his way. Bram never lets go of the woman who belongs to him and will dump her when he gets bored. So, how will Bram and Zahra's love journey unfold? Will luck be on Zahra's side?

Chapter 1 Part 1

"Welcome to our company, Miss Zahra," the HRD said to the woman named Zahra Nikolai, who smiled and shook the HRD's hand.

"It's my pleasure, sir, thank you for giving me this opportunity. I hope I can give my best to the company". Zahra replied enthusiastically.

"Alright, see you tomorrow."

Zahra couldn't contain her happiness at being accepted into the company she had dreamed of. It was a fashion company that was quite famous in Paris, France.

Before heading home, Zahra goes shopping and buys a dress to wear to tonight's party, her classmate's wedding.

She chooses a sleeveless dress with a large hole in the back. A dress that will show off Zahra's smooth back when she wears it.

Zahra stepped out of her old two-story house. The house she had lived in since childhood.

Zahra took a taxi to the hotel where the party was being held.

Arriving at her destination, Zahra sighed to calm herself. She tried to calm her restless heart before entering the room where the party was being held, then she stepped out steadily and walked confidently past some guests she didn't recognize.

"Angel, congratulations on your wedding," Zahra said to the woman, who was now the center of attention because of her beautiful appearance in a white wedding dress, accompanied by a handsome man in a matching-colored suit.

"Zahra, thank you for coming," they hugged each other. "Za, did you come alone? Where's your overseas lover?" Angel teased.

"Stop teasing me, Angel. I don't want a lover from abroad, I want a husband from the same country as us, likely to be just as tough in bed." Zahra looked at the groom seductively.

"You're right, then you can stay longer, I'm sure there will be men interested in you," Angel's husband said.

"That's not a bad idea."

"You know, my husband has a special guest who was in that magazine I showed you the other day." Angel whispered.

"Really? What does he look like? Is he quite handsome?"

"More than that, you can see for yourself."

"Hey, stop it. What are you guys doing?" Angel's husband admonished Angel and Zahra as the two continued to whisper to each other. Meanwhile, the guests were lined up, waiting for their turn to congratulate the bride and groom.

"Ah, sorry. Alright, I'll look for them later. I'll go first."

Zahra walked over to the table where some drinks were being served. Zahra picked up a glass of champagne and drank it in one gulp. She did this to calm her nerves that had not yet subsided. She did not want to embarrass herself.

Meanwhile, a man of mixed Russian-Dutch descent watched Zahra from a distance. Zahra's slender body was wrapped in a sleeveless red satin dress. Her well-proportioned body, her hair styled in such a way as to reveal her thin neck and smooth back, was enough to attract the man's attention.

The man had not stopped looking at Zahra since she arrived.

And when Zahra raised her eyes, the two fields met. Zahra smiled as a sign of friendliness when meeting someone. But it seems the man, often called Bram, misinterpreted Zahra's smile. Bram Alexander. The man she had just talked to Angel about.

Bram walked up to Zahra and caught her off guard. The man she had admired through her social media accounts and the business magazines she bought was walking towards her. The man's face was unlike any of the faces Zahra had ever seen, much different. He was much more handsome, perfect for a young billionaire.

He was wearing a black suit with a white shirt, no tie, and the top button of his shirt was open. The man of Russian-Dutch descent was enough to catch the attention of many women, and his body was well-built and muscular, so he was very stunning when he walked.

Zahra was not in a good mood, and she was feeling disorientated. Then she decided to dodge, but unfortunately, she was too late.


Zahra's body froze as she heard a heavy voice calling out to her.

"Oh my God, what should I do? Help me God!" Zahra sighed, trying to think clearly.

"Okay, now all I have to do is smile. You have to look impressive in front of him."

Zahra turned to Bram, remembering to flash her best smile.

"You called me?" he replied haughtily.

"Of course."

"Do we know each other? I don't think so, so I'll leave now." Zahra turned to leave but was stopped by Bram.

"Wait!" Bram grabbed Zahra's hand, and it startled Zahra. "Sorry," Bram said later. "What's the rush? Didn't you just get here?" he continued.

"Yes, I did. But I have to go now."

"How about we get to know each other. You must know who I am, right? Isn't it impossible that you don't know who I am?" Bram said confidently.

"Well, it would be unethical of me not to tell you my name right away," Bram extended his hand. "My name is Bram Alexander, and yours?"

Zahra hesitated to accept Bram's hand, especially since her palms were already wet with cold sweat. If she received Bram's hand? Bram would immediately know that Zahra was nervous.

"My name is Zahra, Zahra Nikolai to be precise," Zahra decided to say her name without accepting Bram's hand.

"Interesting." Bram thought.

Bram's hand, still hanging in the air, was pulled back.

"Zahra, what a beautiful name, and beautiful, like her." Zahra blushed at Bram's words. Her cheeks flushed and felt hot. And Zahra was sure Bram noticed.

"Wel, where are you from? I don't think I've seen you before? Are you from out of town?"

"No, it's just that I'm too far out of your sight, even though I'm in front of you."

"Is that so? Yes, I think so, I admit, sometimes I look down on lower-class people, but didn't expect there to be diamonds among them." There was a feeling of annoyance when Bram called you slowly, but that was the truth.

"How about we dance?" Bram held out his hand again. And again, Zahra ignored him.

"No, I'm sorry Bram. I can't, I have to go now." Zahra started to leave, but Bram quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms. Zahra tried to resist, but what Bram said made Zahra's body freeze.

"Don't act stupid or you'll make a fool of yourself," he whispered.

"Look around you, darling." He continued.

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