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The CEO's Assistant

The CEO's Assistant



Belinda Uriarte is a young, innocent, and sweet woman; however, she hides a big secret – she has a seven-year-old son. When her son was born, she was a sixteen-year-old teenager and therefore couldn't prevent him from being taken away and put up for adoption with her uncle. What Belinda longs for the most is to prove that she can provide everything her little one needs, and that's why she accepts to be the personal assistant of Diego Valencia, the arrogant and cold man whom she has hated since her adolescence. To further complicate the situation, the father of her child returns to the city with the desire to win her back. She doesn't want to see him, but she can't avoid him because he's her boss's cousin. What will Belinda be capable of doing to get her son back?

Chapter 1 The Beginning

My grandmother has worked for Valencia Enterprises since as far back as I can remember. I grew up surrounded by fabrics and sewing. In fact, my main dream since I was a little girl was to become a prestigious fashion designer, but life had different plans for me. From a very young age, I learned to seize every opportunity that life gave me. So, when my grandmother told me that one of her bosses would sponsor my studies, I didn't hesitate to take the opportunity. Mr. Aníbal Valencia had a great affection for my grandmother because she had worked for several years in the company.

From the beginning, I was subjected to constant humiliations from my schoolmates because it was evident that I didn't belong to their social circle. However, I didn't care; I was focused on studying and getting my grandmother out of work. I wish I had never deviated from my goals, but I did. I had the misfortune of crossing paths with the Valencia cousins, the heirs to the number one company in the fashion sector. Both cousins were like day and night; one was arrogant, egocentric, and apathetic, while the other radiated light, transparency, and warmth. However, appearances can be deceiving.

For years, I was in love with Diego Valencia. I considered him the most handsome and perfect boy, but all I received from him was contempt. He repeated to me day and night that he would never stoop to date someone like me. However, despite his humiliations, Diego is not the owner of my disgust and hatred. To have someone mistreat and humiliate you constantly hurts, but to have someone treat you with affection, let you think you are the most important thing in their life, and then shatter your heart. That kills you.

Fernando Valencia cruelly and painfully murdered me. First, he feigned friendship and affection to win my heart, only to then ruthlessly destroy me. Cruelty and malice are the words that define him, the words that define the man who bet my virginity with his cousin and friends and then, after winning it, abandoned me without caring about anything, not even thinking for a second about our son. I can't understand how I could have been so wrong about him. When I discovered his deceit, I couldn't bear so much pain and decided to end my life. At that moment, I couldn't see any other way out. I found out that everything was a deception and that the only person who had given me love in my life was only pretending to win a car, that's what I was worth, a car.

However, I didn't achieve my goal, and I was rescued by my uncle. Fortunately, my cuts were not deep. The doctors, besides saving my life, restored my desire to live it because they informed me that I was pregnant. When my grandmother realized the situation, she was furious. I was only sixteen and expecting a child, and Fernando and I were never official. No one knew about us. That's why my grandmother considered me an easy woman. She proposed two options to me, the first was to get rid of the child, and the second was to give him up for adoption. I was practically a child and didn't have too many options. I didn't have a job, I hadn't finished my studies, and I didn't even have a family to turn to because the only ones I had in the world were my grandmother and my uncle, and they were both furious with me.

As a last resort, I wrote an email to Fernando confessing everything, but he replied that I should have an abortion and that surely the child wasn't his. I felt alone in the world, but I had made a decision: my child would be born, regardless of my grandmother or that coward. With a heavy heart, I gave him up for adoption to my uncle. My son became my cousin; they didn't even allow me to breastfeed him in the first days. They snatched him from my arms without any consideration. There is no greater pain than hearing another woman being called "mom" and that woman not even loving him, not taking care of him as I would.

Seven painful years have passed since Aaron's birth, but I am no longer the same. I am no longer a girl; now I am a woman. I finished my degree in Business Administration and I am determined to get him back. I need to show that I can provide economic stability for him, and for that, I started working at the Galván & Valencia company. I am the personal assistant to Diego Valencia, the guy who humiliated me and started the bet. I know it will be hell to work with him because he hates me for some reason I don't understand, but I wouldn't mind subjecting myself to the worst humiliations; I would do anything for him.

First chapter

Today is my first day as Diego Valencia's personal assistant. The CEO of the country's most important textile company. Today marks the beginning of the journey that my life will become.

For several years, I worked as a seamstress to pay for my university education. From a very young age, I witnessed my grandmother's work, which is why I know every part of the process of fabric selection and sales.

I tried to find a position related to my career in various companies, but they were looking for experienced women. That's why I'm grateful for the opportunity Mr. Aníbal is giving me. Being the CEO's assistant and moving up the ranks means a lot to me. I almost cried when Mr. Valencia informed me about it.

It signifies the possibility of getting my son back and giving him the life he deserves. If I prove that I can hold a stable job and hire a good lawyer, I'm confident I could regain custody of my little one.

Diego has slept with several of his secretaries and has caused many problems, especially with Mariana, who is his fiancée and the daughter of one of Mr. Edward Galván's main business partners.

I suppose these circumstances are related to my hiring because it's no secret that Diego despises me. He hates me, and I would be the last person he'd be interested in. That's why I'm the perfect fit to be his assistant.

Honestly, I don't put too much effort into my appearance. I don't want to draw attention to myself, so I hide my brown eyes behind large glasses, I have a slender body, and my hair is curly. Although I don't have a great body to show off, I'm quite thin and unremarkable, very different from the models who work here.

When I arrived at my workstation, I noticed that Diego's former secretary was packing up her belongings. The red-haired woman with a deep gaze looks at me as if she wants to kill me.

Verónica assumed that despite the changes the company underwent when Diego was appointed CEO, she would remain in her position as personal assistant. Before handing over the position to his son, Mr. Aníbal's only condition was that he would choose his secretary.

"You won't last long, eyesore," he warns me before walking away.

"We'll see about that," I murmured to myself and then focused my gaze on a blonde woman with a bright smile, proceeding to introduce myself, "Good morning, I'm Belinda Uriarte."

"Good morning, I'm Cielo, Mr. Ariel's secretary," she returns the smile.

Ariel is Diego's right-hand man. His one and best friend, he also holds an important position in the company.

"Do you know if Mr. Valencia has arrived at the company?" I inquire, uncertain.

"Fernando or Diego?" she asks, puzzled.

I roll my eyes, hearing that name burns inside me” Diego.

"Mr. Diego is always an hour late. I was his secretary for some time," she clarifies, "I know his background. He's usually very kind, but sometimes has a complicated personality."

I nod. "Yes, I know Diego quite well."

"He prefers bitter coffee and cookies with chocolate chips. You'll find his favorite lunch at the Real restaurant," she informs me, and I take notes in my small agenda, "Be discreet and efficient with him, or you won't keep the job."

"Thank you very much, Cielo."

I settle my belongings in my place, and as the hour Cielo indicated passes, Diego arrives, holding onto the arm of his fiancée.

Mariana is very beautiful, her hair is golden, and her eyes are blue. Her blue reminds me too much of her brother. I hate that they resemble each other so much because I'll have to see her every day, and it would be like seeing him.

When we were children, she was my friend. However, during adolescence, she changed completely towards me, and now she hates me. I never understood her drastic change in attitude, and I won't deny that it still hurts me to this day.

The company is divided between two main partners: Aníbal Valencia, Diego's father, and Edward Galván, Mariana's father.

Aníbal only had two children: the little Megan, who is the same age as my sunshine, seven years old, and Diego, his firstborn and only son, who will therefore inherit most of his businesses.

Aníbal also had an older brother who was Fernando's father, but he died several years ago when his son was a baby.

Not long after her husband's death, Olga, Fernando's mother, married Edward Galván, his partner, and two years later Mariana came into this world.

That's why Fernando and Diego are cousins and brothers-in-law at the same time.

I don't consider it bad because Diego and Mariana don't share blood ties, but it's strange to me. I think their marriage is an agreement between both families to secure the future of the company.

I waited patiently for the couple to finish their kiss and then followed Diego to his office.

"Mr. Valencia, good morning, would you like me to order your breakfast?" I inquire, focusing my gaze on his, but he's engrossed in his phone, his green eyes scanning.

Diego is handsome, however, he uses his looks and power to deceive and mock women. I'll never fall for a man from his family again; that's why I see him only as my boss, someone I need to please, or he'll fire me.

"Mr. Valencia," I reply, raising my voice.

"Don't get comfortable, Eyesore, you won't last long," he responds curtly without looking at me.

"Could you please give me your personal agenda? I need to manage it," I requested, ignoring the threats. "If you need anything else, I'm at your service."

He doesn't respond, and I leave the office. The rest of the day, I dedicated myself to inputting his schedule into my computer and taking calls on his behalf. Besides investors, several women, whom I assume are his lovers, have called.

"Good morning, Belinda, congratulations on the promotion," Ariel Cisneros greets me with a smile before entering Diego's office.

"Thank you very much," I nod.

I've known Ariel since childhood and we shared some classes. He's Diego's best friend and was, of course, part of the bet. They're similar in personality; with beautiful women, they're flirtatious and cynical. The difference with Ariel is that he's kind to me and doesn't have a hefty bank account.

His parents lost everything due to a fraud some time ago, which complicated their financial situation.

"Do you need something?" I inquire upon entering the office; he called me a few minutes ago.

"Yes or I wouldn't have called you, Eyesore," he replies mockingly.

"Her name is Belinda," Ariel reminds him.

"She's far from pretty," he comments to his friend, completely ignoring my presence. I feel completely invisible to him.

"What do you need?" I retort with the little patience I have left.

"To disappear from the face of the earth, but you won't, employee," he taunts and hands me a paper, "Go to this restaurant and get my favorite lunch."

"But it's on the other side of the city," I exclaim incredulously.

"I didn't ask you. It's a pity, but you won't have time for lunch. Although now that I think about it, a few extra pounds wouldn't hurt. Do you want to order something, Ariel?" he asks his friend.

Ariel shakes his head; I can see pity in the way he looks at me.

I don't care what I have to do, I won't give up. I would do anything for him, for my sunshine. I'm aware that this is just the beginning of Diego's humiliations, but I'm stronger than he thinks.

Fortunately, the company messenger had some errands in the city and agreed to take me to the restaurant. There, I bought the lunch and charged it to Diego's account since he didn't give me any money.

The driver kindly took me back to the company. He went on with his duties, and I headed to the elevator. I was in a rush because of the traffic, and I knew I would be late.

I was about to enter the elevator when someone exiting pushed me, and I fell to the ground. I don't mind hurting myself, but my bad luck struck, and the lunch was ruined.

"I'm sorry," he extends his hand toward me, but I refuse and stand up on my own.

I lock my gaze onto his, disguising that my heart is about to leap out of my chest.

I hate that after all these years, this despicable being can still affect me like this. I should hate him with all my soul, not tremble in his presence.

I know for a fact that he returned to the country several months ago, but I had the good fortune of not crossing paths with Fernando Valencia.

He looks at me so sweetly that I risk forgetting all the damage his contempt caused me. It's incredible that behind a man who appears angelic, the very demon hides.

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