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Night Walker's Romance

Night Walker's Romance



"Go ahead and poison my soul, I don't mind anymore...all I care about is been with you" ... Bathed through misery and hated by many, especially those he called family. Because of this, he turned into a loner. A lonely loner who sneaks out in the night to see the outside world. He is a Night walker. But eventually everything started to change the day he met her, someone who he is forbidden to be with. Someone who is like a medicine and poison to him. A girl who brought out the Happy soul from him and also the darkness from him. She is like a deadly and lovely trap whom Dario couldn't be able to avoid, despite his so much trials.

Chapter 1 The Birth

"Each time you push me away...it usually hurts... please allow me to be with you" Thana muttered and walked closer to him.

Dario stared down at her, his eyes instantly locked with hers.

Something moved inside of him, his body started becoming hot.

"Your eyes are red and I love them" Thana muttered and touched his cheeks.

Dario widened his eyes, his eyes moved and landed on her bare neck.

He gulped down seeing her vein and how blood flowed through them.

"Leave" He muttered slightly shaking, he felt his fangs trying to protrude out.

"Leave" He said again and looked away.

Thana sighed and lowered her head.

"I will leave prince Dario" Thana muttered and turned around, suddenly she felt him pull her by the waist.

She widened her eyes and lifted her head up to look into his eyes...his eyes is all bloody red, his fangs are out.

"Prince Dario" Thana muttered in fear.

Before she can know what was happening, Dario has sank his fangs inside her bare neck.

Thana widened her eyes in so much fear and pains.

"Ahhh'" she screamed out.


"My King, princess Arianna is here to..."

"Let her in" The king's deep voice echoed.

"Yes your majesty" The guard bowed and left, few seconds later, princess Arianna entered.

"Your majesty" Arianna bowed. The king nodded staring at her, Arianna his daughter is the most beautiful princess in the palace.

Too bad he is marrying her off, but what makes him happy the more is that she is going to marry the great king of Shaakina kingdom.

"Speak" The King demanded.

Arianna look at her father's face as she immediately felled on her knees.

"I came to see my father not the King" Arianna said.

"Speak... for your father is all ears Arianna" The king said.

Arianna swallowed up as tears felled down her eyes.

"Father, your daughter ask of you...if you will withdraw her marriage to an old man?" Arianna asked with her head lowered down.

"He is a great king and not an old man Arianna!" The king hissed angrily.

"But he is old enough to be my father,I want to marry for love not for some political affairs" Arianna sniffed.

"Enough! Do you dare argue with your father and king?" The king asked.

Arianna heart skipped a bit in fear as she lowered down the more shaking.

"I dare not" She muttered.

"This conversation is over...guards!" The king called as two guards entered.

"Excort the princess to her chamber" The King commanded.

"Yes your majesty" The guards bowed and turned to face the princess who has gotten up.

"May you live long your majesty" Arianna bowed...what was she thinking that the king will change his mind... Never.

This is her fate and she has to face it. When Arianna and the guys left the king's chamber.

King Ingnar sighed and stood up,he has no other choice but to give his beautiful daughter to king Basmus...he did this in other to make his kingdom more stronger.

Because the kingdom of Shaakina is the most powerful kingdom in their universe.




Arianna is now officially married to king Basmus. The wedding was a mighty one... everyone was envious of her and her beauty... especially the first queen.

Arianna was in her chamber waiting for her newly wedded husband...so that their marriage will be consummated.

The king entered inside as he stared at her...she was a beauty to behold, with her beautiful Amber eyes.

She was putting on her undergarment... Arianna wasn't all that scared anymore and the king isn't that old...so she accepted him...but not into her heart.

"Arianna I will make you my last if you will submit to me...I promise to give you my heart my beautiful queen" The king muttered and caressed her cheeks.

Arianna didn't say anything...this is how they all do...later now he will marry another wife.

Arianna nodded but her heart says the opposite.

The king laid her on the bed and made love to her.



"You need blood Demetrio" Ezekiel said to his friend.

"I won't f**cking take a human blood Zek" Demetrio said with a shaking voice as he held his stomach...he has been poisoned and only a human blood can save him.

"Then watch yourself leave this world" Ezekiel hissed.

Demetrio groaned and disappeared.

Ezekiel scoffed where he stood as he too disappeared.



The king has left and Arianna was arranging her robe when she felt an unfamiliar, dangerous presence.

"Who...?" Before she can talk Demetrio has appeared infront of her and covered her mouth.

Fear immediately gripped her,she tried to free herself but Demetrio's grip on her was tight.

"Keep mute...I just need a little sip of your blo..." The other words caught up in Demetrio's throat when he stared into her Amber eyes.

She was so beautiful and words couldn't be used to express to him that she is his mate.

"I have finally find you" Demetrio muttered,the urged to sip some blood has disperse from him.

Arianna too was instantly loved strucked when she stared into his red beautiful eyes,she watched as his fangs went in immediately.

"You are my mate" he muttered as they both stared into each other's eyes.

Ezekiel was inside the chamber too but he made himself Invisible...he smiled as he watched them.

"He finally found his flesh and bone" He muttered within himself and disappeared.



King Basmus was restless in his chamber...his second wife... Arianna is giving birth and for so many hours now she is still in labour.

"Your majesty" A guard called,the king immediately looked up at him.

"The royal physician is here" The guard announced.

"How is she?" The king asked the Woman immediately she entered inside.

"The Queen delivered of a bouncing baby boy...but" The woman Lowered her head.

The king who had smiles on his face immediately frowned.

"But what...? He asked.

"We lost Queen Arianna"

"What?" The king nearly losssed his balance.



It was raining heavily,this is the day that Queen Arianna was laid to rest.

Unfortunately it seems heaven isn't also happy with her sudden Dealth because it has been raining non-stop.

Dametrio and Ezekiel appeared before the tomb where Arianna was buried.

Demetrio's eyes was red and his face displayed of know emotions,his grievness has angered the sky that's the it was raining heavily.

Demetrio was in sorrow for his mate Arianna who passed away during birthing.

"Are you sure about this Demetrio?" Ezekiel asked but the man didn't reply him.

Demetrio raised his hands up as lightening struck on Arianna's tomb opening it.

He raised his hands more upper, Arianna's corpses floated up and approached him.

He stretched his towards the dead body, the dead body moved and landed on his arms.

Without warning... He disappeared with it.

"He didn't even close the tomb back" Ezekiel sighed as he closed the tomb and disappeared too.

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