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TORN~Vengeful Heart

TORN~Vengeful Heart



I'm Luna Armstrong. The most notorious bad girl in G.P college in California. As the title of the story goes, I was once a good girl...By the name Mary Elizabeth. But Irony of life happened and I turned into Luna (Chuckles). I Never wanted to live like this but someone pushed me into turning this way. I don't want to mention his name because doing so will radiate the anger and venom in me. I turned into Luna Armstrong to get revenge on my Ex boyfriend who destroyed my life and tainted me emotionally. Dive into this story to know how everything happened and how I took my revenge on him. SYNOPSIS: Luna Armstrong changed her personality and appearance in other to take revenge on her ex boyfriend. Cassius who was a bad boy before repented and turned into a good guy because of the guilt he felt after hurting his Ex girlfriend. On the contrary Luna is now a bad bitçh and Cassius is now a good guy whom everyone likes but at the middle of those likes...there were dislikes. Which is Luna and her Gang members.

Chapter 1 How and why I turned into a bad girl 1

Eighteen years been at the orphanage home is really heart breaking. Nobody wants to adopt me... probably because am ugly and chubby.

I don't know why? Am always alone, lost in my own world of tears and broken heart Wondering why my parents abandoned me and now this orphanage home will soon abandon me. Seems am cursed for doom.

"Mary" One of the sister's in charge there called me one day. Maybe she has called to dismiss me...well i have been preparing for this day anyway.

I walked into her office and sat down...with my head lowered, waiting for the bombshell.

"You have been a good girl and a very good fortune to us since the day we found you" Sister Erica said, that's her name...she is the head here.

"Thank you sister" I said with a little smile on my face, waiting patiently for her to spill the reason she called me, rather than beating around the Bush... keeping me on high tension.

"Since you haven't been adopted till this very moment..."

"I will be sent away right?" I immediately interrupted her with tears already finding it's way to my eyes.

I saw her shook her head with a smile on her face.

"It will be so ridiculous for us to do so Mary, well we have planned to send you to Morin high school in other for you to finish your last grade there"

Hearing this my already exhausted face beamed with excitement and smiles.

"What!" I rushed and hugged her.

"Thank you sister Erica" I said hugging her tight to myself while she rubbed my back consoling my tears of joy.

"Remember why we sent you there, go and make us proud Mary. Don't be deceived by the things of the flesh" Those were the advice they gave me the first day I set off for my new school.

"I will make you'll proud" That was my response to them.

I was so excited for my new school, at the orphanage we are been taught there. Since this is my last grade...they decided to send me to school.

My happiness turned into a sad one the immediate time I set foot in Morin high school. The students hated me, they threw tantrums at me telling me to leave their school, because am not fit to be there.

I wanted to give up and dropout but on a second thought I remembered the people who sent me there, their hopes are up high for me.

But among the students in my class, There was one who caught my attention.. you may call it likeness or love at first sight...I don't mind.

What was funny is that he is a very bad boy whom everybody fears and avoid. He kisses and romance his girlfriend Nova in the class all the time.

Such scenes boils my blood so much, you may call it jealousy but I don't care. But who am I to interfere?

Am in no way to be compared with Nova his girlfriend, she is beautiful and curvy...While am chubby and ugly.

But I usually have this fantasy maybe that I will be that Naive ugly girl in stories whom the bad and handsome male lead will have interest on.

"That's so stupid, such a stupid fantasy" My mind will always tell me.

But eventually everything changed just because of this day.

While walking down the hall way going to the cafeteria to have my lunch.As usual students look at me in a mocking way. Well I don't care anymore, am used to it.

"Hey Mary the Virgin!" I heard Nova call me making the students to gather and laugh.

"She will soon conceive by the holy Spirit" One of the students said making the rest to laugh out loud.

I continued walking ignoring them, They were actually right about me been a virgin.

"I'm calling you bitçh" Nova pushed me from the back making me to stagger a little but I didn't fall.

It was as if I was expecting the push.

"What do you want this time Nova?" I slowly asked, I said this time because she is always bullying me.

Nova chuckled slightly.

"She asked a question, Please reply her guys" She said to the students.

"We want you to leave our school!!" They all responded in unison.

I felt so much hurt, it was so heart breaking, am I a nuisance here?

"You heard that right? Leave our school, an ugly pig like you doesn't belong here" She said and poked my head.

I ignored her and turned around to walk away but I paused when my eyes locked with Cassius own, who stood among the students with his hands inside his pocket watching the scene expressionlessly.

I looked away from him, looking elsewhere but my eyes widened up when I saw a girl who raised an egg to throw at me.

I immediately closed my eyes waiting for the egg to hit me but it didn't happen. Rather a huge body suddenly wrapped itself around me and the egg hit on the person's body.

Everybody gasps.

The person disengaged it's body from mine, I looked up to the person's face just to be faced with my distance crush.

"Cassius" I muttered his name not believing my eyes, was I dreaming or what?

But the answer is No, when I heard his voice.

"Are you okay?" He asked so gently, making me to give a slight nod of my head my eyes still not leaving his perfect face.

"What the fûçk is wrong with you Cass?" I heard Nova's angry tone, I turn my head to look at her making her to give me a hard glare.

"Pull away from my guy bitçh" Her cold voice rang in my ears,she rushed to pull me away from Cassius but what happened next was like I was daydreaming.

"Don't touch her" Cassius pulled me to himself and wrapped his hand around my waist.

"Cassius" Nova had her eyes widened at the scene before her. Cassius turned to look at the students making everyone to lower their heads.

"Who threw the egg?" Came his cold voice. Everyone started murmuring trying very hard not to look him on the face.

"I said who threw the damn egg!! Or else everyone here will pay the penalty" He said so gently...well anyone knew better not to annoy him because he meant the words he said.

Cassius is a bad boy after all and know one dares to challenge him.

Without wasting much time or provoking him further...the girl who threw the egg was pushed out immediately.

"Come closer" Cassius said to the girl who seems as if she was trembling.

Everybody watched quietly waiting for what will become of the girl or what Cassius will do to her.

Me too was waiting patiently to know, I was already feeling pity for her.

"Bend down and lick it" He said.

Everybody gasps.

"What?" The girl blink.

"I don't want to repeat myself again" Cassius said making the girl to go on her knees faced with the broken raw egg on the floor.

"It's raw" The girl muttered as if she wants to vomit.

"Cassius" Nova moved closer to him...her hard glares at me.

"This is bad and..."

"Anymore words from you Nova, you will join her" Cassius interrupted her immediately.

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