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She's Raymond's woman

She's Raymond's woman



You got a very nice dream of living fine, getting married and having kids. Which is a love story with happy ending. This was the same dream Candy always had,a young beautiful lady with a small pretty figure. Whose father just woked up one day and told her that she is getting married. But this isn't marriage,He is selling her off. He is selling her out to a very dangerous underground drug dealer. Whose name is Raymond...a very cold hearted young handsome guy. Who doesn't believe in love and marriage. All he knew about is making money and f**cking girls that caught his attention. He is a heart breaker. A very handsome one at that. Despite all this, girls are still falling on his feet. Begging for his attention. Once Candy's father borrowed money from him and couldn't pay back as promised. Raymond threatened to kill him. Candy's father doesn't have a choice but to sell out his daughter to him. The question here is that... Will Raymond be able to take Candy in place of his money despite her not been his type of woman? Will Candy accept to be sold out to Raymond the drug lord?

Chapter 1 Raymond's money

"I wanna eat and lick you like your name Candy..." His husky seductive voice Whispered into her ears and what followed after it was a deep licking of her ears...she felt her tits tightening, her strong walls against him breaking apart.

And without knowing or thinking twice, she released a moan which was followed by same whispers from her to him.

"I'm all yours Ray..." That's it, that's the only thing he needed from her...he carried her up and....


His long beautiful fingers ran on the cushion with discomfort. His sunshade still intact on his eyes.

"Is neat boss, I have crossed checked it" Dickson his personal handy man assured him.

Raymond gave out a slight nod while chewing his bubble gum which is making that clicking sounds that Dickson despise and detest alot.

But he dare not complain because of his own eyes bulging out from it's shocket.

"Boss" Dickson called his attention because it seems his eyes under the dark shade is swepting around the atmosphere they are in.

Raymond settled his attention back on the cushion, he made a bubble balloon out of his chewing gum and finally sat down crossing his legs.

He wore red tussled pants with black shirt on leaving two buttons open which showed his not so smooth chest because of the little s3xy hairs on it.

He placed his fist on his jaw supporting himself, although he is chewing his bubble gum so smoothly yet again you will definitely know that he had that his signature lazy s3xy expression on.

He had a tan beautiful milky skin, his messy curly hair rolled down his face touching his sun shade. As usual he had no Intension of removing it.

"What pie am I having tonight?" His deep voice gave out a little sound and cocky tone...when he said pie, one may think is a snack but he is actually talking about...

Dickson instantly flipped through his Tablet.

"Sara" He replied and maintained his posture of not giving out any rumpled signals.

"She is now boring and her br*ast is becoming smaller daily" Raymond mused out an unsatisfying sigh so lazily.

"Then Lovett will do?" Dickson questioned and a frown formed on Raymond's forehead.

"Her pu**y doesn't drip no more, it's stack" He muttered so lazily.

Dickson nodded and flip through his Tablet.

"You can have her if you want" Raymond made a bubble out of his gum.

"I'm a virgin boss" Dickson rebuffed his offer...a dripping offer from his boss.

As usual Raymond nodded his head, that's Dickson for you, been a virgin is his daily words each time he is offered a woman.

"The last list here is Naomi" Dickson finalized.

Raymond rubbed his temple.

"Her A**s is no longer big, get new pies for me"

"Check her out boss" Dickson gave the tablet to him, it's as if he knew that Raymond will reject all this women because he Dickson knew vividly well that he has grew tired of his recent women...just in two months of having them on his bed.

Like Raymond changes women every one or two months.

Now he needs new ones.

Taking up the tablet from Dickson, he lazily stared at the picture. His small chin stretched and a slight grin played on his red not so small lips.

"This is perfect for tonight, you got eyes for good A**s and b**bs Dicky...why are you still a virgin?" He returned the tablet to him.

"Her name is Michelle" Dickson dulged his question.

"Get her checked up by Doctor Jazz, if she isn't infected then I want her on my bed before I return back home tonight" He released another bubble balloon from his bubble gum.

"Yes boss" Dickson nodded, giving out that usual aloof expression.

"What's keeping Alexander?" Raymond asked.

"Mr Alex is on his way already" Dickson replied.

Raymond frowned on the reply but its unnoticeable on his perfect Triangular face and notable broad forehead.

"I'm in his damn house, if he keeps me here for more wasted minutes, I will burn down this house and everything in it" Raymond threatened and as usual it aren't an empty threat.

"Including the money he is owning you?" Dickson asked.

"That's an exception, money will definitely be going home with me today...Imma crush his head with my bare foot, for making me step foot in his tacky mansion" Raymond voiced out not so loudly or silently.

"No debetor of the Wolf Clan goes Scott free" Dickson said.

"That's Raymond's motto" Raymond grinned.

"That old man thinks it's a child play inviting me to his house"He added.

"It's either his head or your money" Dickson said.

"That's the mission" Raymond supported sounding so lazily.

"Mr Alex is on his way Sir. Do you need anything?" A maid approached them.

Raymond's eyes which were under the sunshade glance at her so lazily.

The maid nearly gasps, she didn't see those eyes but she knew that they are so s3xy because the owner is dazzlingly well endowed with handsomeness and hotness...how can a man be so handsome, cute, s3xy and beautiful...infact still counting.

She slightly licked her lips, already having the fantasies of been on his bed.

"Do you still want her alive?" Dickson who noticed the flirtly look the stupid maid is giving his boss asked.

"She will make a good meal for my sharks but she is so bonny...no flesh" Raymond replied so lazily as if the words are been forced out of his mouth.

The maid hearing this is already shivering In so much fear.

"Do you value your life?" Raymond asked and the maid nodded so nervously.

"Get lost and go find your Employer...bring the old damn man here" He commanded and the maid flew away out of their sight.

Raymond sighed out chewing on his gum so calmly and making a clicking sound out from it.

"I'm leaving here today with Alexander's head and my money" He gave out his usual not so empty threats.

"And also burning his house down" Dickson completed the words for him.

"Mr Raymond!!" A man in his middle 50s was seen running down the stairs with so much fear lingering in his eyes.

"The old young man is finally here boss...but he is lacking some manners" Dickson pointed out and Raymond nodded to it.

"Good to see you Mr Raymond" Alex bowed a little bit in respect for his deadly visitor.

"Nobody dares calls me by my name Alexander, if you try it ever again, after killing you here today, I will fetch you in the land of the dead and cut off your long old weak tongue" Raymond threatened and Alexander bowed immediately in so much fear.

"I won't try it again sir" He resettled his recent words.

"It's boss...call him boss" Dickson corrected.

"Boss" Alex said the word out.

Raymond lazily stared at him. He blew off an invisible air off his black painted nails.

"Are you married Alex?" He asked and Alex nodded his head answering.

"Yes boss"

"I will respect you for that...by not killing you by crushing your head with my foot" Raymond said nonchalantly.

Alex gulped down the lump in his throat...he made to talk but words couldn't form.

"Dicky" Raymond clicked his finger and Dickson gently opened the bag they came with. Alex seeing the content of it which is a dagger, knife and gun gulped.

"Alexander" Raymond called.

"Yes boss" The man shuddered in fear.

"Do you wanna die by my dagger, knife or gunshot...the choice is yours. But before that bring my money" Raymond said, he made another bubble balloon out of his bubble gum, Alex gulped down immediately for another time.

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Other books by Jenniq





She tried to push him away but he held her so tight landing her back on the wall as he trapped her strong and small figure... actually also strong spirit. Disgust and hatred was plastered on her very beautiful hot face. "Listen Mr Ice, Whatever your plan maybe be? If you like try hitting me again... the fact is that you won't ever get in-between my legs!" She spat out angrily with a gritted teeth... Zalexander aloof hard face slightly moved a little bit as an Expression of grin appeared and disappeared instantly before she can see it. "I'm gonna burst your bubble miss fire ...watch me destroy your sexy legs tonight because you aren't leaving this room with the two intact I guess" Hearing him mumbled out these words one by one...She chuckled roughly... He dropped hard gaze down at her very opened cleavage without wavering it off...this very stare angered her so madly, Before he can know what was happening... She immediately knocked off his hands giving him a very hard kneed on his groin... Zalexander gave out a loud groan felling down to his knees as he gaze up so muderously at her smirking and wet face. "Guess you're the one who isn't gon' leave this room with your two legs intact or let me say balls..." __________________________ She's fIRE and He's ICE. Their first encounter wasn't funny nor pleasant because he only wanted to have her on his bed, addressing her like a harlot. Been so hot and beautiful she got attracted towards him but she doesn't wanna give him a chance to have her because of his bold rude approach. But Mr ICE doesn't wan give up to the extent a contract Romance got involved so that he will be able to taste her. Will he succeed? Will ICE and FIRE ever match?

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Two years after her marriage, Ximena lost consciousness in a pool of her own blood during a difficult childbirth. She forgot that her ex-husband was actually getting married to someone else that day. "Let's get a divorce, but the baby stays with me." His words before their divorce was finalized still lingered in her head. He wasn't there for her, but he wanted full custody of their child. Ximena would rather die than see her child call someone else mother. As a result, she gave up the ghost on the operating table with two babies left in her belly. But that wasn't the end for her... Years later, fate caused them to meet again. Ramon was a changed man this time. He wanted to keep her to himself even though she was already a mother of two children. When he found out about her wedding, he stormed into the venue and created a scene. "Ramon, I died once before, so I don't mind dying again. But this time, I want us to die together," she yelled, glaring at him with hurt in her eyes. Ximena thought he didn't love her and was happy that she was finally out of his life. But what she didn't know was that the news of her unexpected death had shattered his heart. For a long time, he cried alone due to the pain and agony. He always wished he could turn back the hands of time or see her beautiful face once again. The drama that came later became too much for Ximena. Her life was filled with twists and turns. Soon, she was torn between getting back with her ex-husband or moving on with her life. What would she choose?

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She's Raymond's woman

Chapter 1 Raymond's money



Chapter 2 Dagger, knife and Gunshot



Chapter 3 Killing His Ego



Chapter 4 Wolf's Clan



Chapter 5 Thunderstorm slap!



Chapter 6 Don't call his name



Chapter 7 Trading off



Chapter 8 Forever Raymond's property



Chapter 9 Gonna miss you



Chapter 10 New



Chapter 11 Python cave



Chapter 12 Python cave darkness



Chapter 13 Because I don't want you to die



Chapter 14 Food in the Cave



Chapter 15 What Appeal



Chapter 16 Electric Shock!



Chapter 17 A deal



Chapter 18 First day as his maid



Chapter 19 Arrogant monster



Chapter 20 That I like you



Chapter 21 No escape routine



Chapter 22 Punishment



Chapter 23 Rage



Chapter 24 How come!



Chapter 25 Not seducing Him



Chapter 26 The bite and



Chapter 27 She's cute



Chapter 28 Flowers bouquet



Chapter 29 Carved Brows



Chapter 30 He's leaving



Chapter 31 Finally leaving



Chapter 32 I Miss him so much



Chapter 33 Ignored



Chapter 34 Bitter Sweet News



Chapter 35 Stuck forever



Chapter 36 Follow me



Chapter 37 Strawberry taste



Chapter 38 Frustrating workout



Chapter 39 Dry oranges



Chapter 40 She's well loaded
