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El amor nos encontró ( love found us)

El amor nos encontró ( love found us)

Bella Rose


Caught up in a struggle for approval, Rupert finds himself falling for his arc enemy. He is faced with a decision to choose between his family, himself,and his lover.

Chapter 1 El amor nos encontró ( love found us)

The blaring sound of the alarm clock beside the bed made her toss impatiently,with her eyes still closed,she stretched her hand grooping for the clock and finally turned it off heaving a sigh of satisfaction. She disappeared under the duvet wishing to go back to her slumber but familiar voices interrupted her again.

She sat upright with evident agitation on her face,she threw the cover open and with a scrowl stormed to the window.she threw open the blinds and looked down only to find the twins below.

"...give it to me,it is mine!" Juliet yelled pulling hard on the doll held between them.

"Give over and stop being naughty,am the eldest so it is rightfully mine" Elizabeth was saying and with that she yanked the doll and it tore in pieces.

They both looked at it surprised "that serves both of you very right!!" She yelled down at them and as they looked up at her she drew the blinds close muttering under her breath.

Her phone beeped,she sat on the bed and reached for it.then her eyes caught the time "oh my God,am doomed"she cried in despair as she flew from the bed into the bathroom.

"Isabel dear,are you set?"her mom called standing outside her door.

"Almost mom!"she yelled back impatiently.

Rushing out of the bathroom,she slipped on the floor from the water on her feet.she landed with a thud and a shocked "ohhh"escaped her lips.hearing the commotion,her mom who was about to walk away stopped again and knocked

"Are you alright dear,is everything okay in there?"she asked.

The lock clicked and Isabel popped her head round the door,with a forced smile on her face she took her mom hands to her lips and planted a soft kiss ignoring the look of surprise evident on the woman's face.

"Am all good,and everything is fine in here.just having a bit of rush hour this morning"she smiled sheepishly.

"Ohhh"the woman muttered trying to look past her shoulder into the room but she blocked her totally "breakfast will be ready soon"she announced finally giving up on trying to catch a glimpse into the room.

Isabel nodded still smiling and the woman went down stairs.she banged the door and leaned on it "phewww"a sigh of relief escaped her lips,then she went back to her occupation.

Her feet's thudded heavily on the stairs as she ran down,she froze coming upon her family while having breakfast.her father had his head bent over the morning papers, grandmother was busy garnishing Juliet's plates with delicacies from hers. Elizabeth looked on absentmindedly and mother was still filling most of the plates and grumbling about something.she stopped and looked at her.

"You are ready,won't you eat breakfast?"she asked with a look of concern.

"Am late already mother,I will eat at the office during break"she answered trying to make her escape but she was too late as her mom caught her wrist

"I would have packed something for you"she said worriedly her eyes darting around the table

"Not again" Isabel moaned quietly,then she turned and faced her with a smile "am all right mom..fine..I will just drink that cup of tea"she said and grabbed Elizabeth tea and gulped down quickly.

"Have an apple"grandmother offered.

She snatched it from her and shoved it into her handbag with a quick "thank you"

"You can have my berries" Juliet offered and gave it to her.

She muttered another inaudible "thank you"and shoved it into her bag.

"Let me make a plate of beacon for you so you can eat during break at the office".her mom said releasing her wrist in the process and making her way to the kitchen.

Isabel said a breathless "thank you"and bounded out of the house.she could hear her mother's voice calling out to her but she quickly made good her escape this time around.she ran all the way to the bus station and luckily for her,the last bus was just about to leave so she boarded it.


"The board of directors were pleased with you over last week presentation,that is why I want you to head this conference.you must be in your best,and put on your best behavior.recently,your insolent behavior has raised eyebrows among the directors,if you don't change you might not have a chance to head the company.i am still working on the mess you created so I will advise you lay low and…"

He dropped his cutlery in anger and glared at his father.his mother swallowed hard and muttered a silent prayer.

"I will be on my way"he said.stood up and grabbed his jacket

"Come back here Rupert!!!"his father yelled with his eye ball popping out of their sockets.

"Calm down"his wife said trying to reach his arm but he snatched it away from her glaring angrily.he stood up and pushed the chair away,then wagging a finger under her nose he growled

"Call him into order,and warn him I won't harbour insolent behavior in my house".with that he stormed off.

Rupert banged the car door heavily to release his anger,still not satisfied,he opened it and banged it louder than before.his PA who also served as his driver looked at him from the mirror.

"Where to sir,he inquired.

"Take me to Johnson's"he answered looking out of the window

His PA brow arched "but sir,you are supposed to be in the conference by 10am and this is already past 10am and moreover,if you go to the Johnson's,you might get sober"he said with a note of concern in his voice.

He looked at the man from the backseat and asked scornfully "did my father set you as a watch dog over me?"

The other man lowered his gaze and shook his head gently "I will just take you there sir,pardon my manners".

He looked out of the window as the car spurred and got into motion slowly cruising out of the driveway.

Isabel ran into the office breathless, Leo was standing over at Shirley's desk and from the way her eye twinkled, Isabel was sure that he was up to some mischief. Dickson sat typing furiously on his laptop and Monica was busy with her nails while sipping from a cup of coffee. Isabel said a quick "hello"to everyone,patted Leo on his shoulder before making for her desk.

Ashley came through the door with a pile of files held under her arm,she used her leg to push the door open.seeing Isabel,she rushed over to drop the pile of files on her desk but unfortunately she tripped only to be caught by Leo who was just leaving Shirley's desk and the files went flying in the air.

She muttered an embarrassed "thank you" and bent down quickly to gather the papers laying around.then she hurried over to Isabel's desk.

"Did you hear?"she began immediately she was within earshot.

"Hear what" Isabel asked uninterestedly still having her gaze fixed on the screen of her system.

Ashley looked round cautiously and using one palm cupped halfway over her mouth she whispered something into her ear.

Isabel started with a surprise look and disbelief making themselves evident on her face consecutively "that unbelievable,and I was already giving up".

Ashley smiled triumphantly "I talked to her and she agreed to come clean".

"Can I have her contact,or probably an address or any means possible I can get to her".

"Sure,but you know I also deserve some credit for this"she added with a wink.

Isabel smiled knowingly "I…".the manager door flung open, Ashley flew quickly to her desk and Isabel pretended to be so engrossed in her work.

The man looked round,his hard eyes flashing warning looks and his gaze finally settled on her "Isabel,"he called in his hard voice.the girl looked up in pretended surprise,her clear beautiful innocent eyes bore into his unflinchingly.he winced at her daring gaze but continued all the same "I need you to cover a very important conference meeting today, Ashley and Leo will go with you.this is very important and I need every bit of the information without missing anything".he finished giving orders and went back into his office.

Isabel had her camera on her neck with her lap top while Leo had the video recorder with it's stand, Ashley walked beside her chattering away with papers under her arm. Leo got everything they needed into the company vehicle while Isabel was busy checking her camera with a worried expression on her face.

They were beside the vehicle now "what is amiss" Ashley asked

"I must have forgotten my SD card at home"she replied worriedly.then she looked at Ashley "you and Leo can get going,I will catch up with you later".with that she hurried off.

The conference Hall was filled to the fullest with reporters all seated and their cameras positioned, Ashley secured a place for them and proceeded to start calling Isabel to hurry as the conference was almost started.

Isabel cursed under her breath as she fumbled with her camera.in haste,she bumped into somebody.she threw a careless glance at the person saying a breathless "sorry" in the process.she bounded off in haste.

"Sir,can you explain the importance of this project launched for the benefit of the masses"cameras flashed as a reporter threw his question at Rupert who stood over the mic and answering questions rigidly.

"This project is launched solely for them,to alleviate poverty and make the cost of living quiet affordable for them.the welfare of the people is uppermost in our mind and we decide to tackle the issues of flooding and poverty alleviation".

Ashley whispered to Isabel and she nodded tentatively then her hand shot up,being granted permission with a nod of the head she stood up boldly "sir,we heard from a reliable source that the last project launched did not go well for the people as it only affected them negativity.what can you say about that".

"People are meant to always complain and grumble and you cannot please everybody."

"Do you mean sir,that they are supposed to keep quiet in their oppression"

A puzzled look crossed his face and he lost his cool"the conference was not called for this"he said between his teeth while glaring angrily at her.

"One last question please,we heard that the female workers who were sent to work were molested and some suffered abuse.could it be from your workers?"

"Are you accusing me of abuse without evidence?"he shook terribly with anger

"I can get the evidence if you want"she answered. Ashley pulled her to sit down and Rupert PA announced the conference was over and they will keep people updated on the recent happenings.

Rupert stormed angrily off the stage with his Entourage "who is she"he asked.

"She is a reporter that's all we know for now"

"Find out every single detail about her"

"Why sir",he asked with a puzzled frown on his face"she is of no importance to us".

"I smell a big trouble coming,I need every detail by tomorrow"he entered into his car just in time before the reporters came along.he cast one last glance at them and he could make her out among her colleagues.the car cruised slowly out of the place.

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