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The Dragon's Tale

The Dragon's Tale



Mojocratos is a peaceful kingdom with various layer of people. Suddenly their peace was disturbed by a dragon attack that burn some areas. When Christian as the King focus to kill that dragon, his wife, Catherine more complaining about their married problem. The absence of children is one of the biggest problems for them. Can the King conquer the dragon? Will the Queen be pregnant? And what if they found the way to kill the dragon and have children at the same time? Keep following the journey of Christian the King and Catherine the Queen in The Dragon's Tale.

Chapter 1 Mojocratos

The cold of winter is standing against the heat of every soldier's heart. Swords are collided in each other hands. "Do you feel cold?!" Commander Harry yelled. And everyone in the field is answering, "No!"

He leads all of soldiers in this empire. The hand of the King. He protects five regions of this kingdom, The Mojocratos.

"Who is the strongest soldier in this realm?!" The Commander raises his hand and strongly asking again.

"The Cratos!" all the soldiers yelled.

When the highest empire in the middle age era falls, there is a beautiful and strong empire that still exist in the secluded land. It has not been found by any big empire that time. The Mojocratos rises as unknown place and led by a charming King, named Christian.

After Commander Harry finished his train, he speaks to the Shaman. Sir Cornellis, the old man that seems always knows about everything that might happen and might not be happen in the kingdom. People called Sir Cornellis as The Great Shaman.

"What do you think about the Cratos troops?" Commander Harry asked directly right after that old man came into Agure, the wide-open area where Commander Harry train all The Cratos troops.

"I never have any doubt about them," the Shaman answered while he is sitting in the wooden chair alongside Agure.

"What are you doubting about?" By a strapping body and blonde straight hair, Commander Harry asked again then he sit in front of the Shaman.

"It comes from inside, not outside," Sir Cornellis answered.

"What do you mean? The King?" Commander Harry asked.

"I don't know yet," he muttered with a giddy stare. "But I felt something."

"Okay, everyone dismisses!" loud shout for all the soldier from the Commander, interrupting Sir Cornellis visions suddenly.

"I serve the King with all my body and soul. I never have any doubt about The King. And even he is younger than me, I believe that the King always makes a great decision." The Commander continues his words. Then he stands up and looks around. Make the Shaman looks above toward him. But the Commander seems doesn't need any comment from the Shaman. He takes a view step leaving Agure after that.

Sir Cornellis start sipping his morning tea and ends the conversation. "I never say it's about The King," he talked to himself then.

Cratos, as the capital of Mojocratos, become very structured region among of the others four. All the commercial activity happens here. Supported by the strategic location in southeast of the island, Cratos has a beach that leads into wide ocean. Even not as the most beautiful beach, but the dock is allowing the ship for anchored.

All the other four regions might sell their natural resources in Cratos. As the capital, not only government stand, but also many big markets held there. Many big houses built and rich people living in Cratos. But again, the King never makes Cratosist-called for Cratos people-as an arrogant person. Because the Cratosist know, that their wellbeing is supported by other regions.

Sailicia and Brastilia are two other regions that have spending the most natural resources in Cratos. Sailicians as their nature are surrounded by oceans and beaches, they produce raw and cooked fish, also any other seafoods. Brown tanning skinned and skinny body are their looks mostly. They are the best swimmer and very laid-back people of the Mojocratos.

Brastilians produce grain, seed, fruit, meat, and many spices as their nature consist of plantation and farm. Brastilians food are the best in Mojocratos. Humble, white skinned, chubby and cute faces are their authentic looks. The King once said, "I can gain ten kilos if I live for a week in Brastilia!"

Darker skinned and the coldest people are from Grekka. The hot weather made them has the opposite behaviour. Grekka's land surrounded by wide desert. It makes them stronger than another region and a good warrior. They make their own weapons and swords. Grekkans find metal easily in their mining.

The fifth region is Cronnos. If Grekkans are cold, Cronnos are fierce. Their land is full of forest. They produce good wood. When Cratosist make their houses by rocks and bricks, Cronnosit make their houses by wood. One of their products is wooden chair that put in Agure. The favourite chair of Commander Harry.

The Cronnosist also a good hunter. They take lions, wild bears, and snakes for fun. They make those animal's skins as clothes, blankets and rugs. The Mojocratos such a perfect kingdom that has perfect regional support as a sustainable reign to run.

"Hey, come here!" Sir Cornellis shouted to one of the guards who stands front of Agure gate. "Bring me another tea!"

Without any word, one of that guards leave the place where he was belong. He is trying to bring another cup of tea for the Shaman.

"Huh?" the Shaman grunt. "How come he leaves his watches, just to bring a tea?"

With a deep breath Sir Cornellis rub his dark beard. His beard grows about a palm size long from his chin. Not bold, but it's a unique appearance in Cratosist. Most of Cratosist looks like Commander Harry, blonde, clean shaved with strapping body for men. And for women mostly looks like pale skinned, long yellow hair, and they dressed tight at their torso with a wide skirt until it touches the ground.

Sir Cornellis's height is taller than the other Cratosist, he is even taller than the King. His body is skinny such a Sailicians but his skin bright brown as the Cronnosist. Only the King knows where he is from. All the Cratosist knows, is just about his vision was never failed.

"Here's your tea, Sir." That guard has come, brought a white small cup of tea. He bends front of Sir Cornellis while he puts that cup in the table.

"Wait," Sir Cornellis stops that guard suddenly.

Tension looked in the guard faces. "Is the tea being too hot, Sir?"

The Shaman chuckled, "Did you know what you have done wrong?"

Again, with no word, the guard just shake his head, slowly. He has been hard thinking since the 'wait' word came from the Shaman, but he keeps find nothing for answer. "I don't know, Sir. What have I done wrong?"

The Shaman smiled. "You can make us get killed by left your watch." Sir Cornellis looks straight to the place where the guard was standing before.

Followed by the guard's eyes, the man in front of Sir Cornellis starts understood. The guard come with no word again. His mouths slowly opened, "I... am sorry, I thought you would-"

"Back to your place!" Sir Cornellis said. Then he stands and takes his new cup of tea. And that guard directly move back to his place where he was standing.

"Hail The Queen!" loud yelling heard suddenly. The guard speed his steps up and going to run, even the gate slowly opened already. He is chasing his time to bend and dedicate his honour. But the Shaman keeps slowly away remain the gate opened.


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