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The Dragon's Tale

Chapter 3Ā Fully Red Rose Bloomed Lips

Word Count: 1428 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 31/08/2023

ast he kissed his wife. But he can not figure it exactly while his nose c

s her face a bi

muttered by keeping his eyes closed

attention since Catherine entered their chamber. By takes no long-wasted time, Christian put hi

d towards them," Catherine sounded whispe

ly." Christian said, and he starts open his eyes

o stand front of him to the mirror which leans in one of the corners of r

lling on the Catherine's back. Then Christian continues his moves, kissing Cat

t, now Christian's hand makes a moves. That idle ha

" Christian whispered. Then one by one those crochets are opened. The tie longer falls into the flo

es for what her husband just did. Catherine turns one head back, staring at Christian.

s Catherine's body toward him again. He kisses her more passionately. Now his wife star

ed. That middle tempo getting faster in every second. The cold winter weather outside seems very opposites to the weather inside

ove looks in a rush in the same step but different direction. Christian moves forward,

e seeing you being too kind to another woman, whoever she is-," Ca

but now that kiss already wet. The tidy and cold sheet become hotter and messy. At the top of his lady,

ething inside her body. The fight that almost happened, is over now.


rine said was correct. But his feeling to Catherine is beyond his common sense. He hates every ti

ne act more like a Queen, stays besides him, rule the realm with him. But since the beginnin

ocratos. Ten years ago, Christian was twenty-three years old. He ruled Mo

for a footstep, back that year. Tracing a big monster who once appeared

ned, but as the young king, he decided to find out about that creature. It was about th

woman was walking through down the hill alone. Just by the

e they were, so one of them asked that

I know where do you live?" The King cut that one of

on. There," she answered then. She pointed

seems reversed. All troops

e?" One of the tr

rry, who are

re from Mojocratos." The King was spontaneously down

that bright white skinned young woman. All the troop seems surprised for what

she answered

an ended seeking for that creature. He was in


south from Mojocratos. South of the south from Sailicia. Hills and bea

nts died in the wildfire couple years ago. Her story was awakening Christian's compassionate f

know his kingdom. Christian always finds hard way to convince her since the beginnin

ng could do to make his love stay close. Have no idea about Mojocratos and th

hometown?" she asked t

ou want. You can have all my gua

ered, "Thank you so much Chr

n in his castle. They are married for eight years until now. The o

in the sky. Until Sir Cornellis saw in his dream last night. Afte

It's not a good time to tell The King about his forecasting. But he can't s

dragon, Yo


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