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Vicky winter


[MATURE CONTENT]. NORMAL is overrated. But heed the saying.....'Be careful what you wish for'. Selena didn't heed that warning .... when she kissed death. Selena was saved, from her name gracing the book of death. But with new life came new responsibility. Danger? She knew it like an intimate friend. She could now see the world with whole new eyes. Selena could now see the monsters lurking in every corner that threatened her life. ................... He watched over her, for as long as she couldn't remember; a fragment of her past but not in the future. He was like her shadow; guarding her, chasing away the monsters of her nightmares. But..... he couldn't protect her for long. When the dangers that lurked in every corner became too powerful. He knew he couldn't hide as her shadow anymore. He had to face her. But would she want him, when she learns he is far more dangerous than the monsters that lurked in the shadows. Well, too late. Now he has her in his arms again. He's not letting go. A man more dangerous than any monster known. A man who defied death for her. Is that the savior she needs? But then the days turn dark. And the whispers of the winds carry the chant ' Roses are red, violets are blue, when death comes knocking..... would you open up too~' . When his whispers of endearments is as deadly and seductive as his lips on her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please note that this is a pure work of fiction, any related character or place to the real world is simple a coincidence.

Chapter 1 New opportunity

When two souls are meant to connect; location, timing and circumstances are all irrelevant. They suddenly become a magnet for one another, and despite their efforts to fight it, the universe someone manipulate it all in their favour. And in that moment, when they finally give in, a new love is born~unknown

Life is a battle field, and you solider have come very far. ~author.






The howling of the wind from her high altitude caressed her ears. Her clothes and hair lightly fluttered around her.

She turned around, a foot askew and it all went silent.

Succumbing to darkness. This is it.

Her eyeslids fluttered open, and from then on her life was never the same; as she was now trapped in death embrace.

What happened? How did she get here? Well, let's me take you back. Back before the incident that made death an addictive companion.


A sinister chuckle sounded as a little girl held onto someone, blood coating her palms as tears ran down her cheeks pale with fear.

"Poor, poor child." A voice tsked .

"Such a pity". It voice faked sympathy.

Silence rang out in the dark chilly room. "Till we'll meet again. I hope you would be a worthy opponent then".

The air felt still, suffocating to breath."You will tremble in fear once more when that day arrives", cold mocking laughter echoed around the trembling child.

"Tick, tick...". The voice sounded the ticking of the clock on the wall. "....Time is ticking little rabbit". Its sing sang, the voice calm but exuded bone-chilling terror.

"Remember me.....for i will ALWAYS be your worst nightmare".

Gasping selena jerked upright. Her hands were trembling, her throat felt parched and dry. She looked down. No, no blood coated her hands. Nothing. Her spine tingled as cold sweat ran down her back. The residue of fear gripped her making her jerk her head to her sides, frantically surveying her surroundings.

The white walls and familiar decor of her room assured her she was safe. She reached for a glass of water on her bed side table and gulped it down gingerly.

No, this can't be it. She has passed that step. Left it behind in the past like her therapy. She muddled.

A loud blaring sound shook her, making her spill the water she drank. Selena reached over to stop the noise.

"Hello Avery", she drawled, taking a deep breath to steady her voice. Of course it was her friend that changed her ring tone, then decided to test it out while she's sleeping.

A stern but cheerful voice sounded from the other line. " Good morning Selena~ I hope you aren't still sleeping ".

With a sigh, selena replied " I WAS, before you woke me up". She half lied. She was still stuck muddle up in her sleep before that obnoxious sound snapped her fully awake. It could still count.

The next thing she heard was the shouting from the other end. " Girl! what are you still doing in bed. It's almost noon". "So? Its not like there an interesting life waiting for me out there". its too early for this morning lecture, she groaned internally.

A sigh reached her ears " you truly are unbelievable. Okay. Please get dressed and meet me at tea time cafe ".

"Okay". Selena drawled, dragging a palm down her face.

"Sigh, the only things coordinated in your life is your stories".

That's kind of true, the only things coordinated in selena life were her stories. She's an author. Not your usual celebrity-like famous. Just the regular steady everyday author. But she took pride in the fact that the money She makes is enough to sustain her basic daily living. And to top it off, she has lovely readers that appreciates her works.

Selena quickly rushed to freshen up, and after having a light breakfast she left her apartment building.

Rushing through the sea of bodies on the busy street sidewalk she bumped into someone.

" Hey! watch where you are going" A man called out rudely. Was he serious. He literally was the one to bump into her when not paying attention, besides it wasn't an unusual occurrence on a busy side walk. He didn't even give her the opportunity to apologized for something that was majorly his fault. He just stared at her in disgust and stormed off.


"Seriously?!" She scoffed. Funnily enough, she's used to that gaze and rude treatment. She's always that person that never stood out among the crowd. often ignored when not mocked . She didn't want to get started on the awkward looks and silent treatment, She gets when trying to make 'friends' with people. Grow up people!

She never had much good company while growing up. It was clear as daylight. She would admit she wasn't good with the opposite gender, especially how she never appealed to them. so its not a surprise how she was made fun of. some even went as far as to make disgusted faces as if She was some disease.

News flash, she didn't care. Who wants those immature peanut size brains to approach her in the first place, she didn't like any of them, or want them to like her either. But no matter how hard she tried to ignore it, she could still see the mockery in their eyes and the whispers and laughs directed at her. Some people are just made to make other people lives miserable. Though selena didn't see herself as a goddess, she didn't think she was ugly either. But that view gets tampered with when being called ugly all the time. She knew she was on the average scale to be honest. And yeah she has a nice body, but didn't show it much, especially then in school. Don't give the jealous bitches another reason to hate her, she always thought. But it didn't matter.

Maybe they just really hated her, you know, the odd one out. She huffed before adjusting her non-medically recommended glasses.

It was another thing she wore to wade off bullies back then but kind of stuck with her later on.

After about half an hour, she arrived at her favourite cafe. Although the name was 'tea time café' it also serve coffee and other nice drinks too. And they have great snacks and desserts. Top it of with a nice view of the street. Selena also knows how much she can't stand her day without coffee with lots of cream.

The little bell stationed at the door jingled As she stepped into the cafe. Looking around the small but comfortable cafe; the smell of brewed coffee in the air, she quickly spotted Avery, who sat at a corner, by the celling to floor window stamped with the cafe logo, Looking outside at the people walking by in the busy street. With a smile she slowly made her way towards her friend.

Avery turned to face selena, when she heard her footsteps approach and stop before her.


Soon selena was sitting and chatting with her friend. Starring at avery, she got to admit, her friend was always a. beauty; With golden brown hair and emeralds green eyes,almost perfect features, she could have even been a model. Avery sported a dark yellow coat over her outfit, Which suited her well.

Selena pulled her own coat closer to her body. They just passed the winter season, but the air was still unusually chilly; making lots of people still sport their sweaters and coats. "So spill, what's the reason you invited me for lunch?" Selena questioned looking straight at avery across the table.

She seemed a little too happy. As she asked, a wide smile bloomed on her face.

" I got great news" Avery announced, adjusting in her seat. " I found a company offering to pay big money for your stories ". She continued excitedly.

Selena was a little stunned. Her? Seriously? That was one of the best news she has heard so far.

"So....how's it going? are you hearing from them?". Selena was eager to learn more of this new opportunity.

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