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Stranger in mask town

Stranger in mask town

Mr Humility


The lovely family of John suffer long time trouble by visiting the popular MASK TOWN,now they have to look for a way out, but ther life is at the mercy of the late alpha king declaration.



"I am off to go watch the football match," he told his wife.

"OK," she said.

"Honey, why don't you..." She spoke then stopped.

"Why don't I what?" He asked.

"No. Don't mind about me. It's nothing" she said.

"Why don't I what? Woman. Come on, don't kill me with suspense. Will you speak it out or not?" He raised his voice.

"Nothing. Just go" she spoke softly sitting on the bed.

He frowned as he sprayed his cologne again.

"It's just that, I feel you value other people's opinion than mine," she said.

He turned to face her.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"When was the last time you asked me what I think about a matter? When was the last time you sort permission from me?" She asked.

He smirked and said, "Oh, now you want me to ask for your permission? I am my own man"

"That day we gave our neighbor a lift, didn't you ask her for permission where best to drop her?" She asked.

"I did" he reluctantly answered.

"When we host guests, don't you ask them politely whether they want more food or whether the music is too loud? Why does your ego only

show up when you're dealing with me? You are courteous with others but rude with me" she said.


"I once suggested that a pink suit would look good on you, you mocked me. Only for a lady you don't know to smile at you and thought you'd

look good in pink, and you bought the suit the next day" she added.


"I suggest you open a fixed deposit account for your savings, you claim I know nothing. But we socialize with friends, a lady suggests that

you try open such an account. You seemed so interested in what she was saying, you ask questions and ask her to introduce you to her bank

manager. You give her praise for helping you make a good financial decision" she continued.


"I suggested we get our son an art teacher you said it's a waste of money. But when your friends told you of an art teacher, you jumped onto

the idea" she spoke further.


"What about voting? You said you will never vote again during the general elections. I try to tell you that the future of our children is in your

vote, you tell me I am bothering you. But all it took was a friend to come pick you to go and vote, you left me behind and went to vote. You

bragged about how patriotic you are. Seriously, who am I to you? Does my opinion hold any value? You'd rather listen to others but not me"

she lamented.

He moved closer to her and hugged her saying, "Shhh... Say no further. You have made your point"

"All I am asking is that you be courteous to me. Stop looking at me as if I know nothing. You look down upon me, yet I am looking out for your

best interest and ours. Is that fair? I am on your side" she told him.

He placed his hand on her cheeks and said, "I hear you. I have been unfair. I will give you a chance to speak to me from now on"

"Thank you. And involve me in making decisions. I am your wife. We are in this together" she added.

He hugged her again.

"Thank you," he said.

"So what was it you wanted to tell me?" He asked.

"I wanted to suggest that instead of going to watch the football game with your friends, you stay at home instead. Today is our son's

birthday, stay at home and spend time with him" she told him.

"Oh no! Today is his birthday. How could I forget?" He said surprised.

"Don't worry Darling, it happens, you're not good with dates; that's why you have me" she said smiling.

"So, will you stay at home?" she asked rubbing his hand.

"Let me consult my friends and seek their opinion," he said.

"Really!? Your wife offers a suggestion, and then you want to seek your friend's permission about spending time with your son?" She asked


He kissed her on the cheek and said, "Relax, I was joking. Of course, your opinion Count more"

She pinched his nose saying, "You. You're so cheeky"

He laid her on the bed and tickled her.

She laughed.

Their eyes met.

Their lips kissed.

"I had missed this free and fun side of you. Of late you've been so stuck up" said she.

"I am sorry for making you feel like I have been taking you for granted," he said.

They kissed,Then he asked, Jessica my sweetheart what are your plans for our son's birthday I know he is your favorite.what do you mean by

the word favorite John? I'm the real biological mother of twins.

To be continue…….

John and Jessica gave birth to a twin children, the elderly one is a female by gender,her name is Laura while the other one is Junior by name

male by gender.Junior is always close to her mother because daddy is not always at home and Laura always oppresses him.Junior have a best

friend like her mother,who will never fail in defending him even though he is wrong.

On the other hand, Laura love John her dad so much because he will always take her out whenever he finds her sad as a result of the conflict

between her and her brother when her dad wasn't around.laura is a very outspoken child, she feels like she is the boss and hate to be

corrected.Her dad will always defend her against her brother whenever she she'd those crocodile tears.


Well I have a plan, but I don't know if it will count this time; Jessica replied her husband.please I hope you don't want to come up with those

mask town vacation I'm not yet ready for that now; John replied.

But …..

But what? John interrupt!

(Tears rolling down from the eyes of Jessica) you Just can't change; replied Jessica and left immediately for the bedroom, Junior followed her

immediately to the room but his sister Laura wait behind standing with her dad.

Daddy I think mom is angry, what happened? Laura ask her father.your mom want us to celebrate your birthday at the popular and and most

notable mask town, but I refused.why? Laura replied: although the place is a wonderful place, many of your friends,some of my friends,family relatives have been there and when they came back they shared all the wonderful experience they had,but I still don't feel

comfortable with that place and this is something I can't really explain.dad I believe everyone feels like that sometimes, do you remember

when you first drove me and Junior to school? It was our first day of experiencing how it feels like when we are far from home, but you kept

on telling me that I will get use to it using some of our friends as reference.today I'm we are finally getting used to it, you don't have to force

me to school.daddy you can give it a try,I believe everyone will get use to it,I won't be happy to see mom crying at my birthday.No go and

make happy or else you will no longer be my best daddy.

Hmm ( John look at her daughter with a surprise went straight to the bedroom)

Daddy mom is crying, but she said she is okay….. Junior speaking!

John ignored him went straight to his wife and said; sweetheart I'm sorry for letting you go through all this, it's just that I don't feel

comfortable with that place, but I think Laura is right,we will get use to it.my sweetheart please don't cry you words and decision still

count.Today we are all going to mask town, and we are coming back in the next 4 weeks.

Jessica immediately jumped from the bed with joy kissing and hugging her husband saying:I love you John, you are the best husband in the

world, and he is my best daddy in the world Laura interrupt and everyone burst into laughter…….

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