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Nick and Rachel

Nick and Rachel



Nick crossed his arms and reclined casually in his chair, his eyes involuntarily wandering across Rachel's striking appearance. He couldn't deny it; she was breathtaking. And he had always been drawn to stunning women, and Rachel was no exception. Her long, lustrous blonde hair framed her incredible figure, and her captivating hazel eyes held his attention. Yet, what he found most enticing were her full, rosy lips. They practically beckoned him to kiss them. Nick couldn't help but groan softly as he closed his eyes, momentarily lost in the thought of their lips meeting. "Are you even listening to a word I'm saying?" Rachel's voice dripped with anger as she noticed Nick's inattention. Nick's gaze snapped back to her, his eyes locked onto hers. He admitted, "No, I was lost in a fantasy about kissing those lips of yours." Rachel was initially at a loss for words, unsure if Nick was joking or being serious. Her wide-eyed stare seemed to amuse him, and his lips curled into a sly smile...... At the age of 22, Rachel's world shattered when she discovered she was bound to the notorious Nicholas Hill in an arranged marriage, a cruel twist of fate that neither party desired. Forced into a union neither envisioned, one question lingered: will love manage to bloom?

Chapter 1 Betrothed

Rachel stood in disbelief as her parents dropped the bombshell of her betrothal. The shock and fury welled up within her, and she couldn't fathom how such an archaic arrangement could exist in the 21st century, let alone be imposed upon her without consent. Her emotions overflowed as she confronted her parents.

"This can't be happening," Rachel exclaimed, her voice laced with incredulity. "I won't allow myself to be married off like this. It's my life, my choice."

"Believe me, Rachel, this is happening. The betrothal has already been set in motion." Her father responded with stern resolve, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Desperate for support, Rachel turned pleading eyes toward her mother. "Mom, please tell me this isn't true."

Her mother, wearing a warm smile, tried to assuage Rachel's concerns. "Darling, I understand your frustration, but it's a long-standing family tradition. Your aunt Maria was married off through this arrangement, and she found happiness."

Rachel retorted with bitterness, her anger unabated. "Aunt Maria is a widow. And let's not forget she married for wealth and ultimately killed her husband. That's not happiness, Mom."

Unfazed, her mother confidently pressed on, seemingly disregarding the gravity of her own words. "Well, yes, that did happen, but it doesn't change the fact that she's content with her life now."

Fury surged through Rachel's veins, but before she could voice her objections, her father interjected with finality. "Rachel, there will be no further discussion. You will honor this betrothal. We have chosen a suitable partner for you. It's for your own good, and it secures a better future for you."

Rachel's forehead wrinkled in defiance. "Just like Aunt Maria, right? No, I refuse to accept this. I am 22 years old, capable of shaping my own future."

Her parents were taken aback when she boldly declared, "Besides, I already have a boyfriend."

The shock on their faces was palpable as they gasped in unison.

"A Boyfriend?"

Rachel seized the opportunity to elaborate. "Yes, a boyfriend. I didn't want to reveal it before because I was uncertain of your reaction. But our love is genuine, and we share a deep commitment to each other."

Her mother swiftly dismissed her revelation as a lie. "You're merely fabricating this story."

Rachel's determination solidified as she met her mother's gaze. "It's not a lie. In fact, he's eager to meet you both, to prove the authenticity of our relationship. Please, give him a chance."

Her father's unexpected response both shocked and heartened her. "Very well, Rachel. We will meet your boyfriend, but on one condition."

Hope and apprehension mingled within her as she cautiously inquired, "What condition?"

"You must honor your betrothal and meet the person we have chosen for you," her father stated, his voice tinged with firm resolve.

Rachel's world crumbled as she shouted in disbelief, "What?!"


Nick reclined in his opulent office, a woman perched on his lap, her soft touch and tender kisses distracting him as she playfully toyed with the buttons of his shirt.

But the tranquility shattered when an unexpected intrusion disrupted their private moment—his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hill, unceremoniously barged into his domain.

"Mum?! Dad?!" Nick exclaimed, his surprise evident as he hastily stood up, pushing the lady away, desperately attempting to regain composure.

His father, Mr. Hill, delivered a disapproving glare. "So, this is how you spend your time when you claim to be too busy for family matters?"

"Dad, let me explain. This is Nora," Nick began, but his mother interjected, dismissing Nora with a dismissive gesture.

"We are not interested in her, son," she stated icily.

Nora. Nick's assistant feeling humiliated hastily made her exit from his office, leaving a tense atmosphere behind.

Nick struggled to fasten his shirt buttons, attempting to regain composure. "What are you both doing here, anyways?"

"Since you couldn't find the time to visit us, we decided to pay you a visit instead." His mother responded with a smirk, sending a shiver down Nick's spine.

Sarcasm tinged Nick's response. "Oh, what a brilliant idea. Flying all the way here just to see me."

"Yes, because we have someone of utmost importance for you to meet," Mr. Hill declared.

"And who might this important person be that it compelled my parents to fly from London to meet me? You didn't even bother when I fell ill," Nick countered.

"Your future wife," Mr. Hill replied seriously.

Nick laughed heartily, assuming it was a joke. However, the solemn expressions on his parents' faces swiftly wiped the amusement away.

"This is all a ridiculous prank, right?" he asked, taken aback.

"Do we appear to be jokers to you, son?" Mr. Hill retorted, his voice serious and unyielding.

"No, Dad. But last I checked, I didn't recall being engaged."

"Check again, son. Because you are," his mother added, her words leaving no room for doubt.

Nick's laughter died in his throat.

"You can't make such decisions for me. I am a grown man, capable of choosing my own spouse. It's my life."

His father's response was resolute. "Unfortunately, you have shown a lack of judgment in managing your own life. We can't trust you to make this decision. You need guidance."

"I run your companies, Dad. Every day, I make significant decisions," Nick argued, his voice firm.

Mr. Hill's anger flared as he scrutinized Nick's disheveled appearance. "Yes, you excel at running my companies, but you have miserably failed at managing your own life. Look at yourself."

Nick's messy hair and undone buttons became a poignant symbol of his perceived shortcomings "Just because I have a playboy reputation doesn't mean I'm incapable of settling down. Those allegations—"

His mother's voice dripped with disappointment. "We expected better of you. This is not the son we raised."

"Mom, I didn't know those women were married. It's not entirely my fault," Nick protested, his defense tinged with desperation.

His father's voice grew resolute, leaving no room for negotiation. "You've caused enough damage, son. It's time for you to find stability."

Dread coiled within Nick as he dared to voice his fears. "And if I refuse?"

"Then your rights as my heir will be relinquished, passed on to another deserving candidate," his father declared, his words a crushing blow.

Nick, stunned by the revelation, struggled to comprehend the consequences. "But who? I am your only son."

Mr. Hill's gaze hardened, his resolve unyielding. "Yes, but not my only child. Your sister will inherit everything, and you will be permanently cut off."

Nick's confidence wavered as he questioned his father's resolve. "You wouldn't truly abandon your only son like that."

"Watch me," his father replied with steely determination. "You have 48 hours to make your decision. Your mother and I will be waiting."

With that final pronouncement, his parents departed, leaving Nick alone in his office.

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