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Top Secret

Top Secret



After making lots of promises to the people of Ashanti region,Mr Adams fails to deliver on his promises after being voted into power. He steals money from the nation and doesn't care about the welfare of citizens. He is however stabbed at the back by someone close to him. Who could this person be?

Chapter 1 One

The sun rose high up in the sky. Adwoa had just finished bathing. She dressed up quickly in preparation for the interview. Hills High School was known for conducting interviews for students before recruiting them no matter the score they had in the entrance examination. Adwoa bid farewell to her parents after taking her breakfast. The driver, Meshach, drove her to the school. When they got to the entrance, a security guard came out to inspect their car. It was a Prado. After realizing Adwoa was part of the interviewees, the security guard allowed them to go inside the school.

Adwoa told Meshach to alight her behind the school building. She did not want to be seen by any of the students there. She deliberately wanted to hide her identity from them. She has had past experiences with friends who only came around her because of how rich she was and not necessarily because they wanted to befriend her. She was fed up and wanted a true friend who would stick with her through thick and thin.

After alighting from the sleek Prado, she went towards the office where the interview was supposed to be conducted. She had intentionally put on a simple dress which would not reveal that she was from a rich background. She saw some students standing at the entrance, while others were seated comfortably, waiting for their turn. She approached one of the students who goes by the name Cecilia. Cecilia seemed to be welcoming and accommodating. Adwoa asked her how the interview was supposed to go and Cecilia told her everything she needed to know. Most of the interviewees had come in very plush and sleek cars, parading their riches. Leila observed how proud most of them seemed to be. She was not moved in anyway by what they had because she had money herself, and also because she had been stabbed in the back before by people she had expected would stand by her.

The interview ended earlier than Adwoa expected. Cecilia asked her where her car was parked and Adwoa pretended to be surprised at her question. "Oh,you came here alone? You don't have a car or a driver to drive you or something? Don't worry I'll give you a ride to the junction so you'll get a shuttle there." Cecilia offered to help. However Adwoa told her she'll be fine and Cecilia bid her farewell. Adwoa quietly moved to the back of the building, away from the glare view of anyone. She headed towards the Prado and sat inside. Meshach had been patiently waiting for her and had opened the window down for fresh air. He quickly sparked the car and sped off. Adwoa closed the window so that nobody would see her in the car. When she arrived home, she told her parents about the journey and the interview process. They were excited that Adwoa had found it easy and interesting. They knew how intelligent their daughter was and we're certain of her victory. Adwoa made a request to them and at first they were hesitant in honoring it. Adwoa wanted to be driven to the school in a taxi. This did not go down well with her parents,who were well known in the society. Her father,Mr. Adams, was the governor for the Ashanti region of the country. Her mother on the other hand, Mrs Adams, had very big boutiques across the country. Her parents loved to flaunt their wealth and show off to others.

Adwoa explained to them what had transpired during her junior high school days, when some people pretended to like her and befriend her; only for them to stab her in the back one day. She literally begged them to grant her request. They were touched when they saw Adwoa's tears. They didn't like to see their daughter cry. They decided to grant her request and Adwoa was excited. She however didn't know how she was going to keep up with the plan to look like someone from a poor background. Her looks already revealed someone who looked healthy and contented in life. She decided not to worry about that. She already didn't have people to call friends and she was serious about getting real friends she could move in life with.

She went inside the room after her chat with her parents. She took her Bible which was on the bed and hugged it. She trusted so much in the word of God and was certain that praying God's word had granted her victory. There was a knock on the door. It was Afia, the housemaid. She wanted Adwoa to take her lunch. "Come on in", Adwoa said after realizing it was Afia who was at the door. Afia had introduced Christianity to Adwoa. Mr. and Mrs. Adams didn't go to Church and neither believed in God. They believed that the riches they had was a result of their hard work. They thought only lazy people go to Church. Adwoa, after seeing the light after getting saved, earnestly prayed everyday that her parents would come to know Christ. Afia entered Adwoa's room amidst smiles. Adwoa had told her not to bother herself knocking on her door whenever she wanted to come inside her room. Afia had however brushed it aside, telling Adwoa that she'd be in trouble when Mrs Adams found out.

Adwoa was the 2nd of four siblings, and Afia got along with only Adwoa. The rest of her siblings didn't respect any of the workers. Asiedu was the eldest, Cindy was the third and Jessica was the fourth. Asiedu didn't like Afia particularly because the latter rejected his persistent requests. Asiedu had wanted to sleep with Afia,who didn't want to go against her Christian beliefs. She knew that fornication is a sin, and she was determined to keep herself for the right man. She was a virgin and has been praying to God to bring the right man her way. Cindy always shouted at Afia, although the former was older than she was. Jessica was snobbish and always called the workers "poor hungry people".

Adwoa followed Afia to the kitchen to have her lunch. Afia had prepared a delicious jollof rice for lunch, and Adwoa couldn't wait to consume it. Afia had earlier advised Adwoa to pray and tell God to bring good friends her way, rather than doing what she wanted to do. Adwoa had however proved adamant. She was bent on her decision and wasn't ready to listen to Afia's advise. Mr. Adams came to the kitchen and saw his daughter chatting with Afia. He wanted to go out with Afia to the mall, seeing that his wife wasn't around. It wasn't only Asiedu who was interested in Afia; Mr. Adams was also interested in her. He pretended to want to buy some groceries at the mall,so that Afia would carry them into the car. He did this deliberately to have sometime with the young lady. Afia had constantly rejected his requests to sleep with him. Although Adwoa knew about her elder brother's desire to sleep with Afia, she didn't know about her father. Afia was afraid to tell Adwoa about it, seeing that it would break her heart; especially because she knew how Adwoa loved her mother.

Mr. Adams told Afia to come along with him to get some groceries. Adwoa offered to go with them and her father refused blatantly, saying they wouldn't keep long at the mall. Adwoa had agreed, not knowing what her father had in mind. Afia had wished Adwoa would have persisted, however it didn't work out. She sluggishly moved to the car and entered the back seat. She couldn't have entered the front seat in the glare view of anyone in the house. The driver had wanted to drive them and Mr. Adams had refused. Meshach had always suspected that Mr. Adams was interested in Afia; however he couldn't open his mouth to say it to anyone. Mr. Adams drove and came to a junction which headed towards the mall. He stopped the car and asked Afia to come over to the front seat. This was what he always did and Afia didn't like this. He drove off after she came to the front and when they got to the mall,he picked up the already packaged groceries. He had called someone earlier at the mall to package the groceries for him so that he would just pick them up without having to go round. This way, time wouldn't be wasted and he'll have enough time to spend with Afia.

When his goods were put in the booth of the car,he sped off to a quiet and deserted area. Afia was scared of her boss and what he could do. He had been threatening her and had once told her he'd have her killed if she ever opened her mouth about his interest in her. When they got to the deserted area, Mr. Adams told Afia once again about his interest in her. He promised to provide her with anything she needed. In addition,he promised to take care of Afia's family. Afia still held onto her belief and told Mr. Adams that she didn't want to have any affair with him. She used the opportunity to tell Mr. Adams about Christ and he ordered her to shut her mouth. Angrily,he asked her to go and sit at the back. He drove speedily to the house, Afia thought there was going to be an accident. She was grateful to God when they eventually got home.

Adwoa came out to hug her Dad and realized he had an angry look on his face. When she enquired to know why,her father lied that Afia was being too slow at the mall. Adwoa apologized on behalf of Afia and told Afia to be quick next time,without making any attempt to hear Afia's side of the story. After all, she believed so much in her father and never thought he would lie. She also loved him very much, just like her father loved her too. She hugged her father and they both walked playfully to the hall. Seeing father and daughter this way is part of the reasons why Afia doesn't want to tell Adwoa about Mr. Adams' interest in her. She knew it would break her heart and shatter a lovely home. She however hoped that Mr. Adams would stop pursuing her and let her be. Most often she wondered why the man is interested in her.

Mrs. Adams was a very beautiful and classy woman. She was indeed a Lady. She was in her forties however she looked younger than her age. She had a nice shape with big buttocks. Suddenly Afia remembered the sermon she had listened to the other day on her phone. The preacher said any man who practices having affair with many women before marriage, would eventually be an adulterer in marriage. She understood better why Mr. Adams seemed not satisfied with his wife and wanted to have an affair.

The day Adwoa had been looking forward to was finally here. A taxi was outside waiting for her. Her things were already packed in the booth. Her chop box was full with every kind of provision one could think of. She had told her mother not to pack up so many provisions however Mrs. Adams had proved adamant. Her first daughter was going to school and she wanted to ensure that she had everything she needed. Adwoa's plan of behaving like a pauper won't stop her. After Adwoa entered the taxi,her parents also decided to follow the taxi to the school. When they arrived at the school,they watched as the taxi driver came out of the car and brought out Adwoa's luggage. Her parents had directed him to ensure that their daughter doesn't do anything like carrying luggage. Besides,they had paid him to do this. After her parents left, Adwoa retired to her dormitory and decided to take a nap after after a quick shower.

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