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The princess and the devil arrange marriage

The princess and the devil arrange marriage

Black Reign


"Devil, I don’t need love. What I need is power." –Eclipse Caelum "What is it that you need? Wealth? Land?" I asked cautiously, but deep inside, I was genuinely afraid because of how he looked at me. "N-name your price." I'm here now in the palace of this intimidating prince, sitting on his throne like a king. His menacing golden-yellow eyes and pitch-black horns matched his hair. You could clearly see his jawline. Meet Prince Apollo Sirius Draedalus, the one who rules this vast land. The strongest and youngest ruler among the four kingdoms. Also known as the villainous prince… He's half dragon, half human, also called a hybrid in this world. Obviously, he's not yet the king since he's only 18; he needs to debut and marry someone to become king. Rumors said he killed his family to achieve power. I mean, who wouldn't believe that rumor? He owns this land, and security here is tight. I don't have a death wish, but I need to keep this one by my side in order to gain power. Since I'm just a weak princess with no power whatsoever. He's looking at me intensely, as if he's confused about why I'm here. It's understandable because, well... I'm just a nobody. I may be a princess, but I have low status. Even though my father is the ruler, I'm basically called the weak princess, and I'm not well-known. I also lack the hybrid features that my family has. "You're seriously going to do everything?" he finally asked after those terrifying glances at me. "Y-yes..." I stuttered because I knew I would regret my decision later. But whatever, I'll do anything for the kingdom. I have a vision, a certain vision of the future. Apparently, someone is going to attack and betray our kingdom, and this person could be the one... But I don't think he's going to do it, just a gut feeling. Plus, he already has everything. Why would he attack our land when he has it all? I need someone powerful by my side to ensure the safety of our kingdom. One of the three kingdoms will launch the attack. I didn't tell my family about this because they don't need to know. They wouldn't listen anyway. I kept staring at this prince, just like the rumors said. He looks so perfect as a prince, even as a hybrid because he's descended from dragons. "Hmmmm…" I was surprised when he suddenly stood up and walked toward me. He even stared at me from head to toe. What is he doing? "But I already have everything." My eyes widened; of course, he has everything. "I will bargain everything just to keep you by my side... please." I'm basically begging now. I don't care if my pride gets trampled on. My pride has long been gone because of my family. His gaze became even colder. Come on, think... Eclipse! Think— "T-then how about you'll take me as your bride." "What...?" he responded irritably. "Isn't it true you're still a prince? And you need to marry a princess to become king? You can use me instead, in exchange for staying by my side," I explained. I will achieve power by keeping this villainous prince by my side. It's now or never, either I'll marry him or get nothing. Whatever happens to me, at least I'll have a handsome husband... "Then I accept your offer." I didn't know whether to be happy or not, but instead, I just bowed respectfully. "Rest assured, there's no 'love' involved in our contract, Prince Apollo," I answered coldly. I saw him smirk, which means he probably agreed. "It's a deal." We both said in unison. I, Princess Eclipse Caelum, will marry Prince Apollo, the villainous prince, for power.

Chapter 1 1

"Princess! Aren't you going to greet the king and your siblings?" My consciousness returned when my maid said something. "It's been a week."

I paused and looked at my maid, Ellie.

"They won't acknowledge or greet me in return," I said coldly while sipping my tea, as a warm breeze ruffled my hair. "Why bother?"

I'm Princess Eclipse Caelum, the fourth child of the Caelum family. There's nothing interesting to say about myself. I have white hair instead of the light blonde hair my family has. They are all hybrids, half-human and half-lion.

Hybrids are people with animal features, like animal ears, tails, horns, wings, and more, depending on the type of animal they are. Higher status is often associated with more imposing animals.

As for me, I don't have any hybrid features. They usually manifest around the age of ten. That's why I'm the unwanted child, as I'm not half-lion like my siblings. I have white hair and am just a normal human with no animal traits.

Normal humans do exist, but they are considered at the bottom of the social hierarchy. So, my entire life as a princess has been marked by discrimination from other families. Even my own family didn't defend me; instead, they sometimes joined in the hurtful remarks of others.

I'm currently on the terrace of my room, where I've stayed for a week because of a certain "nightmare."

"I'm so sorry for asking, Princess. You used to greet them every day since you were a child," Ellie said timidly.

I just shrugged and continued sipping my tea. I used to greet my family every day since I was a child, but all I received were hurtful words in return. I have no plans to do that again; maybe it's because I've come to terms with the fact that they truly don't want me. Everyone has their limits, right?

I don't know why, but I no longer crave my family's attention. I don't care about what they do; it's none of my concern anymore. I just remembered this after waking up from a certain dream, and I suddenly changed.

"Hey, hag! The king is calling you." We were both surprised when someone entered my room. Seriously, couldn't they have knocked? We were taught manners, weren't we?

I stood up and bowed. "Greetings to the 2nd Prince of the Cygnus Empire."

This is Leo Caelum, the second child of the Caelum family. Golden hair and orange eyes, if I were to describe his personality.

Arrogant, harsh, a bully, and cheeky. But during events, he's on his best behavior because he's afraid of our older brother, the first prince.

"You're awfully respectful today. You probably did something wrong again that angered Father enough to summon you." I sighed silently. I hadn't left my room all week, and now Father was angry with me? I hadn't even seen him the whole week. Why did he summon me?

"Then I'll leave right away, Prince Leo," I replied and bowed again. I didn't want to comment on what he said. I was about to leave with my maid, Ellie, but Leo suddenly grabbed my shoulder.

Which was surprising. He usually recoiled when I touched him. "Wh-why are you... never mind. You're such an eyesore."

I just shrugged. I was used to hurtful words. So, no matter what they said, I no longer felt hurt.

"Ugh, here he is again."

"Yeah, I thought he'd stopped."

"I hope he stops for good. The king is always angry when he's here."

Even though I'm a princess, I'm still treated like this. Why do they have to raise their voices so loudly? They could keep it to themselves.

All the servants here are rabbits; I don't know why. According to research, rabbit hybrids are the best at cleaning and working.

I quickly reached Father's room. When my personal maid opened the door, Father and my older brother were inside.

Wait, why is the first prince here? I thought he was busy? "G-greetings to the King and the 1st Prince of the Cygnus Empire."

I don't know, but their presence together is intimidating. "You called for me, King Rignus?"

King Rignus Caelum, my father and the king of the Cygnus Empire. He always wanted me to address him as "King," while my siblings called him "Father." I used to call him "Father" too. Now that I've changed, maybe I'll start calling him "King" to avoid his constant anger.

"You're finally being respectful now. Good for you," the king remarked, and I just nodded.

"The reason you're here is that you didn't attend the tea party our sister Calliope hosted," my oldest brother, Prince Cavin Caelum, interjected.

"I didn't receive any letters, Prince Cavin," I replied. I really didn't, and I had been confined to my room for a week, so I had no idea what was happening outside.

"Stop lying. I know you dislike Calliope, but at least attend her parties more often. It's embarrassing for our family, you know?" he scolded me.

I thought Father was going to talk to me. Why is Cavin giving me a lecture? Did they call me here just to scold me again?

"Do I look like I'm lying?" I asked angrily, realizing it was the first time I had ever answered him back. I saw surprise in their eyes, including Father's.

I calmed myself and spoke again. It was now or never. I no longer craved their attention, which meant I didn't care about their opinions of me anymore.

"If you want, you can ask my maid if I received any letters from the princess," I added.

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