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Between Two Hearts

Between Two Hearts



Layla Jones is a 19year old girl who is forced to marry Damian Wilson by her stepmother In a bid to save her late father’s company from going bankrupt, despite her protest and several attempts not to, Layla finally marries Damian. Along the road, Layla discovers the real reason behind her marriage to Damian and files for a divorce because she feels she was being used and deceived. Now that Damian already has feelings for Layla, will he give up on his love for her or will Layla be kind enough to forgive him and give him a second chance despite having noticed she feels something for her old college mate Justin, who resurfaces??

Chapter 1 Did I Ask You To Marry Me

“ I'm sorry Miss but you can't go in there. Mr. Wilson is having a very important meeting” The maid called out as a silhouette walked past ignoring her completely with a straight face.

Layla Jones was very upset about the news she heard this morning. Her stepmom had told her she was getting married to Damian Wilson in a few days and although Layla did not have a boyfriend she was not ready to get married at nineteen.

Damian is the only son of her late dad’s friend Mr. Wilson.

Layla has known Damian since she was a kid, Damian was older than her by six years and back then anytime Layla came around to play with Kendra, Damian’s sister, He usually hides in his room because of his body. Most kids in his school back then do call him “ fatty” Damian was a plus size back then and was always ashamed to associate with others but it all came to a halt when he traveled abroad to further his education.

Damian came back looking like a hot celebrity and his physical features were like that of a model.

She pushed the door and froze instantly, the courage and boldness she had summoned to confront Damian seem to have left her immediately her eyes met his gaze.

Damian who lost his father two weeks ago was having a very important meeting with the board members and his lawyer in his private sitting room at home.

He has not gotten over his father's death and was not ready to resume work either but this meeting seems to be a very important one thus he asked his board members to meet him at home.

“ I told you, Miss, you can't come in” The maid walked up to her, and Layla’s face was covered in sweat and her cheeks were changing from different shades of pink to red at the same time.

“ Did I not tell you I do not want any form of disturbance?” Damian asked the maid angrily, ignoring Layla who looked like a lost puppy now.

His rich and sophisticated voice made Layla lose the little confidence she had left in her and she could only wish she never came here in the first place.

“ I'm sorry Mr. Damian I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen” Grace the maid replied to Damian with her head bowed to the ground and she cursed Layla for not listening to her in the first place.

“ Get her out of my sight this instance” Damian spat coldly ignoring Layla’s presence.

“ I'm very sorry for the rude interruption, can we continue, please” he added but this time referring to his board members.

Layla did not move an inch even when Grace the housemaid gestured for her to, she stood still staring at Damian with disgust, “Is this the reason he acted cold when he saw her on the day of his dad’s funeral?” She asked herself in her mind.

“ Miss, can you leave already please” Grace pleaded seeing that Layla was adamant to do so.

Damian who was trying to focus had lost all form of patience he had in him, He ignored Layla because he was not ready to deal with her yet but since she doesn't want to leave he was forced to speak to her.

“ Are you deaf, did you not hear her ask you to leave?” He said, this time around he lifted his head and made eye contact with her and Confusion distorted her face instantly as she caught a proper vision of the man in front of her.

Damian was looking very handsome and even with his cold demeanor he still looked very cute.

He was no longer the timid chubby boy she knew while she was growing up. Damian had the physical features of a model and the aura emanating from him was intimidating.

“ leave already Miss” Grace sounded rude this time around. She understood that Damian was very upset and did not want to lose her job because of Layla's’ abrupt display.

The board members were already murmuring and anger flashed through Damian's face, if there is one thing he hates passionately is for his workers to have something to gossip about his personal life.

“ Young lady, I advise you to leave already or I will be forced to… “ I will not Marry you!!” Layla yelled cutting him short from completing his statement.

Damian was not expecting Layla to be this childish, if she was not comfortable with the marriage arrangement made by both parents then she could have waited for him to finish his meeting and who knows both of them would reach an agreement on the matter. But no, she chooses to be stupid and interrupt his meeting, announcing to the whole world that she will not marry him. “How childish”

“ Young lady, this is a very important board meeting and we are running out of time. And don't you think it's very wrong of you to interrupt such with your problem?” one of the board members scolded Layla. He was greatly annoyed by her rude outburst.

Damian was furious but tried to play cool about the whole situation, he would rather die than give Layla the satisfaction that her words got to him. “ And who asked you to Marry me?” he asked coldly with a wicked smile across his face.

Layla had never felt this intimidated all her life and she cursed herself for being stupid to have come here in the first place, what was she even thinking?

Trying not to look stupid she repeated what she said trying to sound confident,

“ I will not marry you and don't think because you have the money you can force me to” Damian’s glare turned piercing and even though she wasn't looking at him she could feel it.

Her legs wobbled as he asked her in a mocking tone, “ Did I ask you to marry me?”

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