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The Cursed Pack

The Cursed Pack

Abigail Dave


Plagued by sudden deaths and misfortunes, Galaxy Pack sought to break the curse and liberate them from the curse. Out of everyone, the moon goddess chose the Alpha to embark on a ridiculous mission to restore peace and serenity to the pack. Will he accept the mission or abandon his people to perish? Find out in this intriguing story.

Chapter 1 The revelation

The rays of sunlight flickered the street of Washington DC. “Get your ass off the bed, son, your pack is in ruins," hurriedly speaking, Agatha slapped her son and forced him off the bed.

“Damn! Why did you have to do that? I swear by the moon goddess, if you weren't my mother, I would have ordered your execution. You know how much I hate to be disturbed in my slumber. What's the problem?" Alpha Diego yelled at his mother and expressed his disappointment at her.

Ignoring his rage, Agatha clapped back. "Shut the fuck up and step out. Your people demand your presence outside. You need to come see them,"

"My people? It's just 7:30 a.m. Are they jobless?" Glancing at the wall clock, Diego frowned.

"That question should be directed at them, and not me. Step out and do the right thing," Agatha buttressed.

"No, I'm not going anywhere. I wanna retire to my slumber. They can come back some other time. Ask them to leave immediately," Diego commanded.

"You know that's never gonna happen right? You will follow me. I don't give a fuck if you're the Alpha. I'm ordering you as your mother and you must heed my command," his mother sparked outrageously and forced Diego outside.

"Mother! Can you please stop? You're embarrassing me. Fine! I'll go see what's happening outside." Diego finally conceded and sauntered outside majestically unbothered. Shocked to see the magnitude of people wailing outside his pack, Diego turned to his mother and whispered. "What are they doing here? What do they want?"

"You're standing in front of them and asking me? So typical of you," Agatha shunned him and maintained a straight face. Without being told, Diego knew his Pack was on fire. Despite the loud cry and wailing, Diego appeared unmoved and unbothered. Their tears meant absolutely nothing to him.

After a prolonged silence, he finally spoke out. "I'll only attend to y'all if you learn to speak in one accord. You're not barbarians that speak without direction. Now I need one of you to explain the meaning of this madness. I'm losing my patience already,"

“Permit me to speak on their behalf, Alpha.” One of them signified, by making an upraised hand.

"Permission granted!" Placing both hands behind him, Diego consented.

Pointing to the ground, “I bet these lifeless bodies on the ground are enough evidence that Galaxy pack is in its ruins. We've come to seek your help in ending this catastrophe. Galaxy Pack wasn’t known for these misfortunes. We were fearless, powerful, and industrious. What changed?”

“Are you done? You got the wrong guy. There's absolutely nothing I can do. I’m neither the moon goddess nor the moon guardian. I’m just an Alpha. I'm equally helpless as you are. If you'd excuse me, I wish to retire to my slumber," Diego dropped the bombshell and dashed back to his chambers.

“Come back here, Diego. Don't be so mean to them. You need to do something," with full speed, Agatha went after his son and protested against his behavior.

“Mother, did you plan this? Whose side are you on, huh? You still don’t get it. I can't do anything to salvage this situation. Just let it go," Diego stood on his word.

Agatha was flabbergasted by his shitty attitude. She watched helplessly as Diego ignored everyone and resumed his slumber. All efforts to convince him proved abortive. She finally gave up trying and dashed outside to grant the Alpha his privacy.

Shortly after, Aria the moon guardian showed up in her dreadlocks, all dressed in her red robe, holding a staff in her left hand. Narrowing her gaze to Agatha, she requested, “I wish to see your son. To notify him of my presence,”

“Yes, the mood guardian” With an immediate effect, Agatha shuffled to Diego's chambers to deliver the message.

“Oh, no. Not again. Mom, what do you want this time? I thought I asked you to let me be?" Expressing his anger, Diego groaned.

“Can you just let me speak already? Good! The moon guardian is outside. She demands your presence and you must come see her now." Agatha spoke with authority. It’s always different whenever the moon guardian is involved. Nobody keeps her waiting, not even the Alpha. Diego didn't argue. He quietly tossed off the bed and stepped outside with his blurry eyes. The pack of wolves was already gone; gone to face their problems alone, knowing Alpha Diego would never listen to them.

“What a pleasant surprise. I wasn't expecting to see you," yawning in a full-body stretch, Diego said.

“I need no permission before coming to see you. I take orders from no one except the moon goddess. Your pack is in jeopardy, yet you fall deaf ears to the cry of many. Now you've become a victim of this chaos. How does that define you? A good leader?" Aria questioned Diego.

“In jeopardy? You speak in parables, moon guardian. What has the moon goddess said this time? I wish to know,” Lifting His head, Lewis became more interested in the situation because he was about to be affected. He’s never been this frightened all his life. Without being told, he knew his life was in danger.

“Years ago, your great-grandfather led a troop of werewolves and invaded the human Nation, where they slaughtered their men and held their young girls hostage while he raped a few. Now their dead and weeping souls are secretly waging war against Galaxy pack from the underworld. It’s quite unfortunate that you, Alpha Diego, would die before you turn 30 if this curse isn’t broken anytime soon,” Aria disclosed the shocker to Diego that almost made him pee in his panties.

“This is nothing but a mad joke. Why would the moon goddess subject me to such Condemnation?” Diego debunked. Anxiety enclosed his face. He lacked the right words to display his anger and frustration.

“I am only but a messenger. The moon goddess is in the best position to answer such a question. Be not dismayed, for there’s a solution,” she lit up his mood.

“Really? Please tell me." Diego's eyes widened in anticipation.

“You will embark on a journey to the human Nation disguised as a human to find the chosen one destined by Selene, the Moon Goddess. Once you find her, bring her room immediately. She must become your bride and bear you a son. Only then will the curse be broken." Aria explained.

”Hell no. How's that even possible? Why does it have it be human? Galaxy Pack is blessed with a beautiful female wolf. I should find one to break the curse. This doesn't make sense to me. What's special about this human? How do I find her? You don't expect me to be walking around asking everyone, 'Hey, are you the chosen one?' That's absurd!" Ignoring the words from the moon goddess, Diego was furious. He can’t imagine himself embarking on such a ridiculous mission.

“This chosen one shares the same lineage with the slain Nation. She needs to be used as a link to settle the dispute between the human Nation and the werewolf community. To easily locate her, she bears a dragon ball birthmark on her wrist." Aria further disclosed and disembarked the pack, abandoning Diego alone with millions of questions to ponder.

“Why me?" He asked rhetorically as the question echoed back to him. Now everything is beginning to make sense to him. His great-grandfather died before turning 30, his father, before 27 and now Alpha Lewis is just 26, he’s got less than 5 years before his demise.

"You've heard what she just said. To save your clan and future generations from sudden death, you need to abide by the rules. I know you can. Make it happen!" Agatha motivated her son.

“I’ll do it. Do I have a choice?” His mother was pleased with him for taking the bold step. She kissed his forehead and wished him well.

“Lewis, go get everything I need. You’d see me off to the riverside at dawn tomorrow!” Diego instructed one of his male wolves.

“Yes, my Alpha,” Lewis departed, but to a different route. While Diego was planning to embark on a journey to break the curse, Lewis had plans to sabotage his mission. He motioned to Alpha Fabian of Demi Pack to disclose about Diego's mission. Lewis plots to destroy Diego as an act of revenge for forcefully snatching his girlfriend years ago. And in return, get rewarded for feeding the opposition pack with sensitive information.

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