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Two worlds in my school

Two worlds in my school

Laura Vee


The story of a teen girl who was forced to go to a boarding school and at the end she discovered the existence of another world called the night world. She also found out that she is not just an ordinary girl but the chosen mortal who will save from blood suckers and save the white witches and good vampires from the night world.

Chapter 1 The News

The holidays was coming to an end and Laura's dad was a little worried to tell her that she will not only change her school but she will also move to another country. Laura Martinez is the only child of Mr Martinez who lived all her life Beverly hills Las Angeles and was quite happy with her life and love her school and friends.

Until the her father told her she will be schooling at a boarding school in England "what dad" Laura exclaimed in shock "honey I am sorry but you have to go to Leaders boarding school in England" Mr Martinez said with culpability "Dad you can't do this to me, I can't change my school and country in the same year" Laura said with tears rolling down her chicks "baby I'm sorry but you need to go" Mr Martinez insisted "but Daddy what did I do I've been really good in my academics, I have always had straight As since I entered high School" Laura said angrily "I know baby and I'm very sorry" Mr Martinez apologized "daddy must I go"Laura said with pleading eyes "yes baby you must go" Mr Martinez replied coolly "but Daddy why" Laura asked in anger "Laura, Leaders boarding school is a very good school and beside I need to do some work in Dubai and I will be there for couple of time" Mr Martinez explained "Daddy if that's the problem don't worry I can take care of myself" Laura said in a convincing manner.

"Baby that's not the problem, honey I need you to be in good hands and you are going to love at Leaders I assure you" Mr Martinez tried to convince

"Daddy you are wrong I'm not going to like it there, all my life is here in Beverly and I love my school and friends" Laura insisted

"I am sorry baby but my decision is final, and you will be leaving in two weeks" Mr Martinez said. Laura ran to her room in tears and locked herself in and didn't even go down dinner.

The next day Mr Martinez went to Laura's room to try to give her breakfast since she never came down for breakfast as well

"Honey I know you are angry or probably disappointed with me but please eat something" Mr Martinez pleaded

"I am not hungry" Laura said and did not even look at what dad brought for her.

"I'm leaving for work and I will leave the food here promise me you will eat later" Mr Martinez said and got up to go

"Ok I will" Laura said to make her father go

"And before I forget we will go and buy your school items tomorrow " Mr Martinez said and left.

As soon as her father drove out Laura called her two best friends over to tell them the news. Two hours later after she had taken a shower and change her friends Candy and Zina knocked at the door and the maid quickly let them in.

"Laura what's the problem have you been crying your eyes are swollen and red" Candy said upon seeing her

"Hey girl you can tell us anything you know that right" Zina said when Laura started crying again

"I am going to school in England" Laura said in tears

"What? Why ? " Candy and Zina asked in chorus

"Laura what happened, did you do something wrong" Zina asked

"I know you didn't do anything stupid lately or are you keeping things from us" Candy said

"I'm confused too, I didn't do anything. Dad said he will be going to Dubai and he can't leave me here alone" Laura explained

"Which school will you attend there" Zina asked

"Leaders" Laura said wiping her tears with her

"Leaders boarding school, I've heard of it" Candy said handing Laura a box of napkins

"How is the the school" Laura asked

"I have a better idea why don't we check the school online" Zina said typing the school's name on Laura's laptop. The girls sat there reading and looking at photos of Leaders boarding school for a couple of time until it was time to go home

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