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Rebecca Bruce


Blurb Amaya Ariana Jordan , a beta's daughter, is demoted to an omega after being blamed for a rogue attack on her pack. She is now the lowest ranking member of the pack and is subjected to bullying and abuse from the other wolves. Amaya must find a way to survive in this new world, but she also must find a way to clear her name and prove her innocence. Along the way, she will learn about the true meaning of strength, courage, and love.

Chapter 1 AMAYA'S VIEW


Hey, you're going to get kicked, I'll punch you, and I'll slap you.

I was startled awake by the intense pain from the pack members' beating. Despite my already-present awakening, they continued to beat me until I started to see black dots. Once more, I felt dazed. despite the fact that I was already awake and until I started seeing black dots. I was feeling hazy once more.

My body's wounds were immediately stinging when I abruptly opened my eyes. When I opened it, a set of green eyes were peering into my silvery eyes as if they were searching for something. I immediately recognized those pairs of eyes as belonging to Beta Enzo when I saw him carrying a pail.

You query how you get here.

Actually, I was in one of my home's more basic rooms.

Surely the pack members provided transportation for me to get to the pack residence, but where are they now?

My issue is not with it.

I sprung to my feet quickly, expecting to take another round of beatings, as Alpha Clifford's face was etched with wrath.

Ah! I've got a serious problem.

I had just woken up when I began to feel pain in my body as the pack members beat me till I collapse.

I promptly dropped my head in greeting and uttered, "Gmeeting Stings to you, Alpha and Beta sir." At me, they laughed and laughed.

Why did you sleep in so late when you might have been cleaning, fishing, and cooking? The Alpha yelled at me as I lowered my voice to take on his Alpha tone, fully cognizant of how surprised I might be by the tone.

I was still lowering my head and saying, "I... I..... I." I kept stuttering because I couldn't fully open my lips due to the severe pigmentation damage from all the beatings that had occurred on my face.

Do you wish to speak with me? The Beta screamed at me, and I immediately knelt down. Ouch! Urgh!

There, I was harmed, but I didn't remember it.The speaker admits, "I kind of slept in last night and didn't set my alarm."I haltingly as I replied.

The beta provided me alarms so I wouldn't have a reason to ignore the alert, and while we're talking about alarms, I have them.

You're not in school today as a result, and your workload has tripled. Before leaving, Clifford Alpha said.

Beta Enzo immediately followed, giving me a disappointed and indignant glance.

It wasn't that much work once I was done with my penance, since I had already performed most of it before going to bed the previous day. They had scheduled for me to wake up at 6:30 AM to cook breakfast for the group, so the previous night I went to bed at 1:45 AM.

It is not an easy task, as I have learned during the previous ten years of doing it.

I put in a lot of effort. They were quite diligent, all because of them.

The time, food, or sleep I have to search for my wolf is insufficient. I wondered.

'Run!' I exclaimed.

I changed shapes, undressed, and became my wolf. I grabbed my clothes, holding them between my teeth, and walked out.

"Woah! Great work was done. My wolf, Fiona, screamed, "Hey, be careful and stop yelling, I'm in here," in my head, to which I responded.

quite soothing, in a good way.

There was a light breeze touching my fur as I dashed through the trees. In fact, this is perfect.

Alienation was something I felt. I felt a lot of freedom.

Why are my manners missing? I'm sorry. My modest self was not introduced. Due to my rambling speech on the issues I'm facing, I forgot.

As a reminder, my name is Amaya Ariana Jordan. Daughter of the late Hugo liam Jordan, and her late mother name was Kimberly Hanna Jordan, a former Beta male of the vengeful eyed pack.

I am 19 years old. You know that kind of height; I'm neither very tall nor very short. I have injuries all over my pale body. There is not a single area of my body that is free of blemishes or wounds.

Silvery eyes are something I have. The name of my wolf is Fiona. With hazel brown fur, she has cream-colored hair. She has blue eyes, that's for sure. Lastly, she has been thinking a lot about her partner, lest I fail to add that.

Speaking about Mate, I don't think he would want us. My hair is not very well combed, and I only use my hands to untangle it because I am an omega who wears torn clothes and is not particularly attractive.

Hey, don't talk about a mate like that; we haven't even met him yet, so don't think about rejecting him just yet. I got a warning from her.

Fiona, my wolf, has always desired a partner who will take care of her, love her, respect her, and guard her.

Were we even recognizable to him, look at ourselves. I said to her,Because we are not as attractive as other girls, he would prefer not to recognize us. I said to her,We were blamed for things we had no knowledge of, which is why the spiteful eyed pack made us this way. Then Fiona said.I commanded them to stare at their repulsive faces.Hey, you have a disgusting face, not me. Fiona said with a roll of the eyes."Really?" you ask. My query was the one she answered.But I didn't hear anything back.Up till I reached a lake, I kept going before stopping. I kept looking at the water's reflection. I reverted to being a human. I didn't mind that I was naked because I was thinking about how and when I became this way.

Everyone kept talking about how their family had been slaughtered, not the fact that I had been left an orphan. Each and every one of them had a sibling or other who is still alive. However, nobody seemed very concerned about my mother's pregnancy with my younger sibling. . I mistakenly believed that I was the only one on earth.

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