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Beautiful scar

Have you ever heard of a masked singer. There are these four singers known as the masked singer's,tho not all of them do put on mask but the leader always had a masked on . Ian:his the leader of the masked singer's,he always had a masked on,he was rated to be the cutest amongst them all even tho he was on mask, he had the best dance move avd andnobody has ever seen his face,his the quite type calm and friendly,his networth alone can buy the whole of Korea. Bethro; Is the second in command after Ian, his the most kindest amongst them all and the sweetest,with his charm . Carrim: he is the third member of the masked singer's his rude grumpy,hate dirt and poor people . Jeremy:his the youngest and most stubbornness amongst them,his a complete Playboy or prostitutes,he changes women like wrapper . The masked singer's couldn't attend the same school with other's so they have their school,masked high school,a school meant for only the rich . Meet jenice ramundo,the senior child and daughter of her parents,she had three siblings,triplet, two boys and a girl,teddy Troy and tie, her parents where stinking rich. Jenice was known to be the most beautiful girl in Korean but tragedy struck when her parents got into an accident and they both post their lives. Her dad only brother cliamed all her parents properties and she had no choice but to work hard as a slave in her own parents house and to Carter for her younger one's. Her beauty made her uncle wife to hate her more because she was beautiful than her two daughters, Kate and Kathrine. Jenice woke up one day on a hospital bed with a very ugly scar on her face,ugly and irritating,you can't even look at it twice,she was so ugly . She was mocked and chased by all,but that didn't make her give up in her dream of being a singer because she got an angelic voice,she was the biggest fan of the masked singer's and had a huge crush on Ian,but because of her uglyness she's never noticed. In a twist of fate jenice found herself in masked highschool . The two eventually met and the unspeakable happen was it love or hate something that would change her life for good

Chapter 1 My dream

Jenice 😍

I heard a loud bang on the door and my eyes sprang open immediately.

I rushed towards the door and open it,only to be followed my cold water.

I looked at the person that poured water on me and it was Kate my cousin sister.

You this useless girl,you have the right to sleep huh, don't you know I need to get ready for school she yelled at me angrily.

If you want to go to school then go get dressed am not your maid I yelled back at her angrily.

What did you just say,her mom said coming in,that means trouble .

I didn't say anything I starmmered.

You liar you called me a bastard Kate said crying suddenly.

How dare you her mom yelled at me furiously and before I knew it,she slapped me .

You this stupid girl,how dare you raise your voice on my child , aren't you happy that we are even clothing you,that useless mother never thaught you any manners you this ugly creature she said.

Mom she looks so disgusting Kate said in an irritative way .

Her presence alone wanna make me puke,let's leave before she infects us with her disease her mom said and they walked away making jokes of me .

I let the tears run down,sorry for introducing myself,my name is jenice and and the senior child of my parents,tho they are late,I have three siblings teddy Troy and tie they are triplets.

Life has really being unfair to us,since our parents died,my uncle took over all his properties with force and made me work like a slave in my father's house,they treated me like trash.

I woke up one morning in the hospital with a very terrible scar on my face,that was the most misrable day of my life,the once pretty girl became so ugly I can't even look at myself in the mirror twice am just so ugly .

I had thought about commiting sucide but I couldn't because of my siblings, they are just five years old,I need to protect them.

I Remerber times when my parents where alive my uncle was all lovey dovey to us,but suddenly he changed .

My uncle was so cruel,most times I had reported him to the police but he always had his way and he would beat me and starve us .

My heart is filled with hate for his wife because the last time I disobeyed her which was a year ago she did something terrible,she brought four boys to rape me .

Those bastard took away my dignity,my uncle wasn't aware of it but it was of no use because anyway his gonna support his wife .

Kate and Kathrine are no difference infact they are worst .

I haven't gone to school for a whole semester my uncle said he couldn't train me,my cousin where attending masked highschool with my dad money while am home here .

My siblings do attend but I do pay the bills so have to work daily .

I have a very nice voice,I had always dreamt of being a singer but it died with my parents.

I only sing when am in pains and talking of the masked of the singer's,they are the biggest boy band in Korean,gosh they are so cute and charming they don't attend same school with other's,they have their own school masked highschool.

They consist of Ian, dethro,Jeremy and Callum.

Ian had always been my crush even before my parents died,I have hope of meeting him but not anymore,he always had a masked on and was rated the most cutest charming and lovely amongst them tho his their leader,no one has ever seen his face I wish I could meet him, but it's just a dream.

Sis are you okay teddy said breaking me out of my thought.

When did you wake up I asked.

Some minutes ago he said starring at me .

Ok you go bath your siblings while,I make your breakfast I said .

I walked towards the kitchen,the quantity of food am to cook is always small so I have to leave it for my siblings,I can't take much because there are cameras everywhere.

When I was done getting them ready,I put their lunch with them and carried tie in it hands while teddy and Troy Walked,there school wasn't far so it wasn't a problem .

My mom had a garden at the back of the house,tho my uncle hasn't seen it because it's like a secret passage that what we have been feeding on.

Ian 💗

I stared at the plane as it flew,we had just one hour to land.

The boys and I went for a concert in India and we are no our way back .

My name is Ian and am the only child of my parents,am also the leader of the masked singer's,tho am the only one on masked because of how handsome I was and it was all mom's idea.

I don't have eyes for girls after going through two break up,they are all after my money,some said am gay but who the fuck does that,a guy loving a guy is one of the most worst thing I can ever think about I Rather die than do that .

Dethro walked into the room and lay on my legs .

Are you crazy do I look like a prostitute I half yelled.

Calm down dude I love pussy he said with a smirk on his face

Yes not until you dad forced you into into being a singer I said .

Dethro never wanted to be celebrity but his dad forced him to when he found out he could sing .

Damn does girls where so good last night Jeremy said coming in.

You had a threesome Callum asked surprised.

Of course and it was so mind blowing,the girls gave me an awesome blow job and the first thing am gonna do when I leave this place am gonna fuck a lot of pussy he said and the three of them entered into a discussion about girls .

I stood up and walked out and that followed with a laughter but who cares I just wanna go home I miss my momma

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