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My partners

A very gentle and rather shy omega never imagined that she would meet her partner. She thought she would never find him, but what she didn't know and never imagined. Fate had prepared for her not just an alpha, but two lupus alphas. But unfortunately she didn't know that they were her alphas. Because of her mother. Her mother gave her medication to prevent heat for six years, and because of this, it had side effects on Aurora's body. As a result, she was no longer able to transform into a wolf, making her lower wolf always tired and sleepy. And because of this, her wolf didn't recognize them as companions. But they did. And she discovers that they are mates after they spend the rut together.

Chapter 1 ♥Chapter 1♥

Aurora Evans.

I never imagined that I would suffer so much in my first heat. I'm eighteen and my heat has been delayed for a long time because of my mother. She's a very protective woman towards me and she's also crazy, I confess that. She's been forcing me to take medication to prevent my heat since I was twelve, her excuse being that I shouldn't have to spend this period in pain on my own. - But that's normal, everyone has been there.

But unfortunately my pain would be very strong because I am an omega lupus. Our heat is quite intense and much worse than the heat of a normal omega. - If my heat had come normally, I wouldn't be suffering the consequences now. Because the doctor said that the medication I was taking was giving my body side effects, not only affecting me, but also my she-wolf.

She's been sleeping a lot because of the medication, and I've been vomiting a lot. My skin color is dark, but because of the drugs, I've become quite pale. My light brown hair has started to fall out, I've lost a lot of my hair because of the effects of the medication. - My body used to have more curves and more flesh, but as I let it all go, I became so thin you could see my collarbone.

And the medicine had yet another effect on my body, the worst effect in the world. It started to stop me turning into a wolf. I've tried several times and I can't, I get really bad headaches and the doctor says he doesn't know how long I'll be like this. I blame my mother for this, she took it away from me because of her protection. - I used to be able to run around freely in my beautiful wolf form, but now I can't even do that.

I can barely hear my wolf's voice because of this damn medicine. I hate my mother because of this, she took something special away from me, she took away my wolf form. - But unfortunately I can't do anything about it, I live in her house and depend on my parents.

I haven't even found my partner yet. And I don't even know where he is, I just want to have him in my arms, to have our alpha protecting us and looking after us. That's all I want most.


07:30 - School - USA - New York.


I look at the building in front of me, I don't even feel like studying today. I just stand there watching people go into the school.

Why do I have to come to school? It's always the same, there's nothing different. All I can think about for twenty-four hours is my rut, this is going to be my first term and I'm really scared. It's going to be so intense that I think I'm going to ask to die, I'm a virgin, I can't even use toys to try to satisfy myself. I'm really scared.

- Aurora! - I look ahead and see my best friend waving at me.

Laura is an eighteen-year-old beta, her skin is white, her hair is reddish, and what stands out even more is the color of her beautiful light brown eyes.

She's a bit taller than me, while I'm six feet tall, she's six feet seven.

- Good morning, Laura. - I greeted her with a kiss on the cheek as usual.

- Good morning, Aurora. How are you, friend? - I sighed at her question. - What's wrong? What's with the sad face?

- I'm really worried about my heat coming on, girlfriend. I don't even know when it's coming, it could be today or tomorrow. Being taken by surprise is giving me a lot of anxiety. And to make matters worse, the doctor says it's going to hurt a lot.

She sighed and wrapped her arms around us.

- I'm sorry for what you're going through, my friend. - She nodded. - It's all your mother's fault for stopping you from having your first heat. It's funny that it won't be her who suffers, but you. It's all her fault. - She said angrily.

I don't blame Laura for this, because I also blame my mother for what I'm going through. Even the doctor said she shouldn't have done it, and what she did could be considered a crime. Preventing the first heat is one thing, but preventing it for six years is worrying.

- Yes, I blame her too, Laura. But in her mind, what she did was for my protection. - She snorted next to me.

- Fucking protection! She knew what she was doing. You're a lupus omega, and lupus omegas are more sensitive than a normal omega. She was aware that preventing you from having your rut would make you suffer a lot. And look what happened, because of the medication you can no longer transform into your wolf form.

I sighed tiredly at all this.

- Let's just try to forget about it for a moment, please. I don't have the mind for it. - Now it was her turn to sigh.

- Very well. Only because you asked me to. - I smiled slightly.

- Thank you, Laura.

Laura and I have known each other since we were children, we went to the same kindergarten and she has always been very kind to me because I have omega lupus. Many people bullied me for being a lupus. They said I was too cool, until one day, an alpha boy used his voice on me. My ears are very sensitive and they started to bleed. Laura took me to the infirmary, but it didn't help, I had to go to hospital. After that day I never went to school again, but Laura always visited me and our friendship grew stronger.

- Anyway, did you hear that two beautiful new boys have joined? - She asked as we walked down the corridor.

- No. I didn't know that. - I answered without caring.

There are always new arrivals, so it's no surprise.

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