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My Destined Human Mate

My Destined Human Mate

doudou kylie


Christopher stared at Little Angel in disbelief and anger. "You're a fucking werewolf? You're an animal!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with shock. Tears welled up in Little Angel's eyes as his words crashed upon her. She had hoped he would understand, that their love would conquer her true nature. But now, in her wolf form, she felt exposed and rejected. "I'm sorry," she whispered, tears choking her voice. "I never meant to hurt you. I love you, Christ, with all that I am." Christopher turned away without a word, his disappointment evident in his slumped shoulders. Their love seemed lost in that moment. Little Angel watched him leave, consumed by heartache. **** During the Shadowboom unveiling ceremony, Little Angel, an 18-year-old wolf, did not have a mate. The Goddess of the Moon only made one decree. Pleased with this, the alpha of her pack claimed her as his mate. Fleeing her fate, she stumbled upon the human world and met a boy Christopher Miller who was charming yet arrogant. As their love grew, her true nature remained hidden. How will Little-angel react when she discovers hat he is her destinated mate? And how will he react when he uncovers her werewolf nature?

Chapter 1 1

Chapter 1

little-angel POV.

The funeral of the alpha of the Moonlit Claws pack had ended just a few days before. Life was slowly trickling back to normal, the hush of grief giving way to the anticipation of the upcoming ceremony. "The Shadowboom Unveiling", that sacred rite where the Moongoddess would designate the new alpha and show us our mates for under 18.

I was joined by two of my childhood friends, Sunshine and Sunrise, as we made our way towards the apple groves .

we strolled through the enchanted woods. Our footsteps were drowned by the rustling leaves beneath our feet, and the gentle breeze whispered secrets in our ears. Our conversation revolved around the upcoming ceremony, where dreams and desires intertwined.

"So, who do you think she'll choose for you?" Sunshine asked, her eyes sparkling with intrigue. Her question hung in the air, waiting for an answer.

"I don't know," I replied, "But, I do hope that I get a mate who is both charming and stunning, and would never reject me." My voice shimmered with hope, my heart fluttered with the thought of a future filled with love.

Sunrise laughed, her voice was light and teasing, "Dreaming big, aren't we?"

We all burst out laughing, our laughter echoed through the forest,

Just as we were lost in our girlish fantasies, a patrol of Warriors emerged from the shadows of the forest. At the front was Stone-heart, a young wolf whose arrogance matched his strength, his stoic, handsome face carved with responsibility far beyond his years. He was just 22. He signaled his men to move forward, his gaze fixed steadfastly on me. I felt my heart skip a beat.

"Go on," he commanded them, "I'll join you later." His voice was a low rumble, echoing against the towering trees around us.

Sunshine and Sunrise exchanged glances before trotting off, leaving me alone with Stone-heart. My heart pounded in my chest, my palms felt clammy against the basket handle. I watched them disappear around the bend, suddenly feeling very alone.

"Little-angel," Stone-heart's voice cut through the silence, his eyes meeting mine. "We need to talk."

I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat. The air between us crackled with a strange tension, a mix of anticipation, confusion, and something else I couldn't quite place.

As he made his way towards me, I couldn't help but feel a rush of anticipation. His presence commanded attention, exuding a sense of superiority that both intrigued and unnerved me. This was Stone-heart, a man who wasted no time in expressing his deepest emotions.

"I have loved you for what feels like an eternity," he declared, his voice dripping with arrogance. "Tell me, what will it take for you to reciprocate my affections?"

His words hung in the air, and I found myself torn between being honest and sparing his feelings. Taking a deep breath, I mustered the courage to respond. "I will await the Shadowboom Unveiling to make my decision," I said softly, concealing the truth that his pride and pretentiousness repelled me.

Stone-heart's eyes narrowed, his face contorting with a volatile mix of frustration and wounded pride. "Regardless of who the Moongoddess chooses as your mate," he vowed, his voice laced with determination, "no one will ever reach my ankle."

I couldn't help but feel a pang of annoyance at his words. His arrogance had reached new heights, making it all the more clear that he was not the one my heart yearned for. Deep down, I knew I desired more than just grandiose declarations of love.

Suddenly, Stone-heart take another step forward, arrogance radiating from his every word. "You may think you're special, but mark my words," he declared. "One day, I will ascend to the highest rank among the warriors. And at that moment, I won't even remember your name."

His words cut deep, but I refused to show it. With a heavy heart, I turned away and continued on my way, my thoughts swirling like the leaves caught in a whirlwind.

Rejoining my friends, Sunshine and Sunrise, I attempted to push the encounter with Stone-heart to the back of my mind. We continued our journey through the apple orchard, the vibrant colors of the trees providing a temporary distraction.

But despite the beauty surrounding us, the weight of Stone-heart's words lingered, casting a shadow over our carefree adventure. It was as if his presence was still haunting me, even in his absence.

Sunshine couldn't help but ask what had transpired between us.

"What did he say to you?" Sunshine inquired, concern etched on her face.

" Always the same old things, that he loves me and blablabla! “I say not wanting to dwell on it too much.

Unable to contain her curiosity any longer, Sunrise voiced her confusion. "I don't understand why you rejected Stone-heart," she said, genuine confusion in her voice. "He seemed so interested in you. I mean, his eyes never left you!" She said with envy.

Little did she know that Stone-heart's advances only served to irritate me.

I sighed, trying to find the right words to explain my feelings. "It's not that simple," I finally replied. "There's more to love than just someone being interested in you. Sometimes, you have to consider what's best for both parties involved."

"Love isn't just about giving in to the first person who shows interest," I continued. "There's a deeper connection that needs to be established. And with Stone-heart, I couldn't see that connection. It wouldn't have been fair to either of us."

As we continued to pick apples, Sunshine, ever the mediator, chimed in, reminding me of something that had slipped my mind , whispers that had traveled through our pack. "I can't deny the rumors, though," she said softly, her eyes filled with insight. "Stone-heart accomplished the rare feat of shifting into his wolf form at such a young age. I think at 8 years old ." she said thoughtfully.

I looked at her, intrigued. "What does that mean?" I asked.

"It means he has a great destiny," Sunshine replied. "All the girls in our pack want to be his second chance mate."

" It's a sign of immense strength and a great destiny awaiting him. No wonder so many girls covet the title of his second chance mate." She added.

Her words tugged at my heart, making me question my resolve. Maybe I was being too judgmental, too quick to dismiss him. After all, every one of us desired love and acceptance. But deep down, I knew what my heart truly longed for. I craved someone who possessed both strength and humility, someone whose love would cherish me without conditions.

"I appreciate your concern, both of you," I finally said, my voice laced with determination. "But I can't ignore my intuition. Love should be more than just destiny and appearance. It should be about heartfelt connection and genuine respect."

Sunrise and Sunshine exchanged glances, their eyes filled with understanding. They knew that ultimately, this was a decision that only I could make.

I bid farewell to my friends Sunrise and Sunshine as we finished picking the apples. With a final wave, I continued my journey homeward, the forest seeming to whisper its secrets as the fading sunlight cast long shadows on the path before me. Feeling the weight of uncertainty threatening to consume me, I trudged on.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the darkness, causing me to stop in my tracks. It was Silent-tooth, the rejected mate of Stone-heart. Her eyes were filled with a mix of desperation and anger as she approached me, her voice laced with warning.

"Foolish girl," Silent-tooth sneered, her voice laced with bitterness. "Stone-heart is mine, and I will not allow you to come between us. Leave him be or face the consequences."

Fear gripped me momentarily, but defiance replaced it swiftly. I refused to be intimidated by her empty threats. After all, I didn't even like Stone-heart. I had no intention of pursuing him.

"I have no interest in Stone-heart," I replied firmly, holding my ground. "Your jealousy is misplaced, Silent-tooth. Find someone else to blame for your misfortune."

Silent-tooth's eyes glinted with anger, but she seemed taken aback by my defiance. She raised her voice. "You lie. I just saw you together and I saw the look you gave him. Ignore my words at your own peril! " She warned.

" You have no power over me, Silent-tooth. I have no interest in Stone-heart, so your threats hold no weight."

Silent-tooth narrowed her eyes at me, her fury evident. "Don't think this is over," she hissed, her voice filled with venom. "I will make sure you regret crossing me."

With those final words, Silent-tooth turned on her heel and stalked away, leaving me standing there, my heart pounding with a mix of defiance and uncertainty. While I had no desire to be involved with Stone-heart, I couldn't help but wonder what Silent-tooth was capable of.

As two days of the Shadowboom Unveiling approached, my excitement mingled with a sense of worry. I could hardly contain my anticipation, but a nagging fear crept in, making me wonder if I could endure the wait any longer. The burning desire to discover my destined mate consumed me.

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