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An Alpha’s Tale

An Alpha's Tale

Faii Angel


One year after her passing, Darius, the Alpha, still carries the weight of guilt over his family. Rebecca, a determined young woman, becomes pregnant at her own free will. As Rebecca's belly grows, Darius discovers the shocking truth - she is his mate. In this tale of unexpected connections and love's complexities, they must confront inner demons and find healing for their wounded hearts, embracing a future together.


Darius POV

"It's been a year. One year since you left me," Darius wrote for the first time in a year in his journal. He had stopped writing in his journal ever since she left. He just couldn't anymore. She was his inspiration, his muse. But not anymore. Death had claimed her when he took her from him. Not just her, but his whole world. Their baby. His baby.

The weight of that loss had been unbearable. Each day was a struggle, and the nights were even worse. He could still hear her laughter in the wind, feel the warmth of her touch in the sun's embrace, but she was gone. All he had left were memories, and they were slipping away, fading like an old dream.

Darius had never known pain like this. It was a relentless ache that gnawed at his soul, a void that could never be filled. He had tried to drown his sorrow in alcohol, seeking refuge at the bottom of countless bottles. It had become his way of coping, or perhaps, his way of not coping.

In the early days after her death, the burn of whiskey had provided a brief escape. It dulled the sharp edges of his grief, numbing the pain for a while. But it was a dangerous path he had walked, and it had only led him further into darkness.

'Thank God for Damian', he thought, his thoughts drifting to his Beta, his friend. Damian had been a steady presence in his life since that fateful day, when Darius had lost not only his Luna but also his sense of self.

He glanced at the door, where Damian had been waiting patiently. Damian had seen him at his lowest, had witnessed the once-mighty alpha reduced to a shadow of his former self. But through it all, Damian had never wavered in his support.

"You can't keep doing this to yourself, Alpha,"Damian had told him more times than he could count.

Darius sighed, acknowledging Damian's wisdom. "I know, Damian. I just... I don't know how to be the alpha they need anymore."

His voice was a mere whisper, a reflection of the hollow man he had become. Darius felt as if he were adrift in a sea of pain, unable to find his way back to solid ground.

Damian's hand on his shoulder was a comforting presence, a reminder that he wasn't alone in this journey. "You're still our alpha, Darius. Your pain is real, but so is your strength. You just have to find it again."

Darius couldn't find the words to respond, but he gave Damian a grateful nod. The pack needed him, and he needed them. That much was clear.

He rose from his desk and moved to the window, gazing out at the moonlit night. The full moon was a painful reminder of what he had lost, of the love that had once filled his life.

"What am I now?" he wondered, his voice a mere thought in the stillness of his mind. "Without my wolf, my Luna, and my soul mate, what am I?"

He closed his eyes, trying to connect with the part of him that had once been fierce and unyielding-the part that had been Toha, his wolf. But there was nothing. In the past year, Toha had fallen silent, leaving Darius feeling like a mere man, stripped of his primal connection to his wolf and his Luna.

"Toha, where are you?" he thought, sending a silent plea to his wolf. "I need you now more than ever."

As he stared out at the moon, a profound sense of loneliness washed over him. The once-constant presence of his wolf, even in silence, had been a source of comfort. Now, it was as if he had truly lost a part of himself.

The moon that had once been a painful reminder of his loss now held a glimmer of hope. He knew that he would never stop missing her, but he had learned that life went on, and so did love.

"For you, my Luna," he thought, gazing up at the full moon one night. "I will be the alpha you believed I could be".

And with that promise in his heart, Darius embraced his role as alpha, his connection with Toha, and the love of his pack. His journey was far from over, but he was determined to face the future with strength, resilience, and the memory of a love that would never fade.

But there was a void that still remained unfilled-the silence of his wolf. Despite Toha's return, their connection remained broken. Darius had hoped that with Toha's presence, the bond between them would be rekindled, but it was not to be.

As the night wore on, Darius remained in the den with the pack, but a palpable sense of loneliness lingered. He longed for the days when Toha's presence had been a constant, even if they didn't speak. Now, the silence felt deafening.

Damian continued to watch him with concern, but Darius couldn't find the words to convey the depth of his isolation. He had lost his mate, their child, and now, the connection to his wolf. It was a triple blow that had left him adrift in a sea of sorrow.

He excused himself from the den and ventured outside, the cool night air providing little relief from the weight of his emotions. The moon, once a source of solace, now seemed like a cruel reminder of what he had lost.

"Toha, why won't you respond?" he thought, his voice a silent plea into the night.

But there was no answer, only the rustling of leaves and the distant howls of the pack. Darius felt a tear slide down his cheek, a stark reminder of the pain that still gripped his heart.

He returned to his empty room, the silence echoing around him. The loneliness was suffocating, and he longed for the days when he had felt whole.

As he lay in his bed, staring up at the ceiling, Darius couldn't shake the overwhelming sense of being alone. It wasn't just the absence of his mate and their child; it was the absence of the very essence of who he was-his wolf, Toha.

Darius was enveloped in a profound sense of loneliness, the weight of his losses pressing down on him like a suffocating blanket.

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