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Don't keep me waiting

Don't keep me waiting

Akande Ayodeji


Once upon a time, there was a young woman who was desperately in love. She spent her days hoping and praying that the man she loved would return her feelings. But as time went on, her hope began to fade. She began to feel that maybe he didn't love her after all. Just when she was about to give up hope, she received a message from him. It simply said, "I'm waiting for you." With renewed hope, she rushed to meet him, only to find that he wasn't there. But as she turned to leave, she saw a flower at her feet.

Chapter 1 The First Encounter

Chapter 1: The First Encounter

Sitting in the cozy corner of the bustling café, I felt a peculiar mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through my veins. It had been weeks since we first connected online, and tonight marked the moment we were finally going to meet in person. My anticipation grew with each passing second, and I couldn't help but sneak glances at my watch.

The café was alive with the soft hum of conversations, clinking of coffee cups, and the gentle melody of background music. It provided the perfect backdrop for this momentous occasion. I'd arrived a bit early, wanting to choose the best spot and make a good first impression, yet now, as minutes stretched into eternities, I wondered if I'd arrived too soon.

I checked my phone for the umpteenth time, ensuring that it was on silent, and my messages to you were still unread. Part of me hoped for a text message, perhaps indicating that you were on your way or already here. The other part wondered if you had a change of heart, reconsidered our meeting, and decided not to show up.

My heart pounded in my chest, and my palms grew slightly sweaty. I took a sip of my lukewarm coffee, its bitterness barely registering on my taste buds. A swirl of emotions danced within me-excitement, anxiety, hope, and doubt all vying for my attention.

People came and went, some alone, others in pairs or groups, lost in their own worlds. I watched the door, my eyes darting toward it every time it swung open, my heart racing in anticipation of your arrival. It was as if time had become a mischievous jester, delighting in its slow, torturous pace.

In that quiet corner of the café, I pondered the uncertainty of this encounter and how it could change the course of our lives. The clock ticked on, but my thoughts lingered on you, wondering what our first face-to-face meeting would reveal about the connection we had nurtured through screens and words

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