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Two sides of a coin

Two sides of a coin

Lisa Gold


Malia is married off to a ruthless billionaire Grant Huston, in order to end a long feud that had lasted for years. But she regrets her decision as her life is filled with torments and problems. She finds solace and peace in the hands of the billionaire's twin brother Andrew, she also discovers that there is a dark secret being kept from Andrew and the rest of the world.


"You are surprisingly very cool for someone who is to be married in two hours."

Malia turned slowly and stared at her sister, Amanda. It was almost dawn, meaning that it was almost time for the most important ceremony of her life - her marriage.

"Uh huh," Malia said, her mind miles and miles away from her situation. She heard Amanda sigh but it sounded very faint.

"Why do I feel like you're really numb right now?"

Malia rose to her feet and began to pace the floors of her luxury hotel room. "Maybe because I am?"

Amanda shook her head and rose to her feet. She grabbed Malia by the shoulders, forcing her sister to pause in her tracks. Amanda stared into Malia's blue eyes which looked very vacant.

"You'll be fine. I know this."

Malia scoffed. Then she began to laugh. "Are you joking?! I'm about to be married off to a man I had no idea existed until what....three hours ago?!"

"I know this...."

"And you stand here and tell me that I will be okay?! What the heck does that even mean?!"

"Yup! I knew it. You were too calm to be okay."

Malia sighed heavily lowering her head. Her long black hair fell over her face in long lush waves of black ink. She hugged herself, slowly rocking on the heels of her feet. "I don't know, Amy. I don't know what to do."

Amanda felt her heart break. She desperately wanted to help out her sister, but there was only so much they could do against their father. His word was final, and he often didn't think about anyone but himself. Amanda was truly shocked to hear that Malia would suffer a fate as cruel as being forcefully married off. This was because Malia was the one out of the both of them who was a perfect obedient daughter, never spoke out of turn, never went against their father.

He was truly a cruel father.

Malia groaned out loud and rose to her full height. "It's so boring in here! Let's play some music!" She grabbed her phone from the bed and began playing an upbeat song. "That's more like it!" She screamed on top of her lungs, moving her body to the beats.

"Yup, you'll definitely be okay." Amanda said more to herself. She joined her sister in the dancing and celebration. Life was shitty, but they always found a way.

Three knocks sounded on the door, interrupting the sisters' fun time.

"Who is it?!" Malia shouted, lowering the music.

"Darling," The sisters jumped upon hearing their father's booming voice on the other side of the door. Malia ran to the door and threw it open. In the doorway stood Aaron Stone, flanked by stylists. He was a tall man, with a dignified look and greying hair.

"Father," Malia said, a bit breathlessly. "Why are you here?"

Aaron laughed loudly, a deep rich sound. "Why, to see my daughters of course!"

"Are you here to tell us that Malia doesn't have to get married anymore?!" Amanda shouted, coming up beside her sister. Aarons face twisted into a frown

"What? Of course not. Where did you get that idea?"

Amanda shrugged, meeting her father's icy blue gaze squarely and without fear. "I dunno, maybe something whispered to me that maybe you still have some human sympathy in there." Her tone was biting and cold.

"Amanda..." Malia said, already sensing storm clouds.

"Now is not the time." Aaron said sternly, glaring at Amanda. He turned to Malia and smiled brightly, a gesture that looked forced. "Get ready darling, the ceremony starts soon." Her turned to the stylist, nodded and walked out.

"What a dad," Amanda grumbled under her breath, glaring at his back till he vanished from sight.

Concealing her hurt, Malia put on a bright smile and faced the stylists. There were two of them, staring at her with a mixture of awe and pity.

"Please," She said. "Come in."

"Thank you." They said and walked into the hotel room.

Malia turned to Amanda. "That was unnecessary, you know that."

"I was looking out for you."

"You know his word is final, he can never change his mind."

Amanda rolled her eyes and walked away to help the stylists set up their materials. Malia joined them. They began work on her hair and makeup. As their skilled fingers worked, Amanda was saying something in the background. Malia slowly zoning out. Their words became muffled as she stared into her reflection in front of the mirror. All she could see was a sad bride.

She wanted to run.

But she couldn't. Something bigger than her chained itself around her neck, pinning her to the chair. She watched as her hair was made into a bridal plait, adorned with headpins of gems - rubies, diamonds, emeralds, all gifts from her father. She watched as her makeup was applied layer by layer, her lips stained red as cherries. She realized she was craving a chocolate bar, maybe a cherry flavored chocolate bar. Amanda helped her into her wedding gown, held her shoes for her as she slipped her dainty feet into them.

Malia stared at her full length reflection in the mirror. She looked exactly as she had imagined so many years ago, young beautiful and about to be wed to the love of her life. Except she wasn't, she didn't even know her husband. She felt bile rise in her throat and she swallowed forcefully. He palms felt sweaty and hot. Her stomach fluttered with nerves, she began to breath through her mouth. Before she knew it tears were clouding her eyes.

"Malia?" Amanda called out, concern in her voice.

Malia covered her face with her hands, her body shook with sobs. She began to cry uncontrollably.

"Oh no, you'll ruin your makeup!" One of the stylists said and rushed to her side, cradling her shoulders. Malia shook her off and reached for her sister. Amanda held her close, rubbing her shoulders.

"I'm so scared!" Malia cried, her voice ringing out through the room. "Amanda I'm scared! What am I going to do?!"

Amanda bit her lip to prevent herself from crying. "It's okay, you've got this. You'll be a wonderful wife." She didn't know what else to say, her heart was breaking. And all she wanted to do was shaker her father till he called off the wedding.

Malia cried for a minute and stopped. She raised her head in a start, scaring the stylists. "Redo my makeup" She said. "I'll be late."

Amanda exchanged a look with the stylists, silently telling them to obey. They began to redo Malia's makeup silently, exchanging worried glances between themselves.

Malia stared at her reflection, she felt her eyes harden. She would do this, because that's what she did. She got things done. Because she was Malia Stone, it was her identity. If it was going to benefit her family, she would do it in a heartbeat. There was no time to whine and cry like a baby. It was time for action.


The church wasn't filled. On the contrary, only selected friends and family attended the event. But it was lavish. The pews were decorated with dozens of white lilies - Malia's favorite flowers. The scent of flowers was heady in the air, but she liked it. The morning sunlight filtering through the stained glass windows gave the school a magical feel. Malia felt like a princess, until she was reminded that this wasn't her fairytale wedding.

"I hope you won't disappoint me." Her father whispered beside her. Malia stared at him through the corner of her eyes. He had one of his 'marketing smiles' on. Malia nodded.

"I wouldn't dream of it."

"Fabulous." Aaron replied, his hand tightening around hers. Malia turned and faced forward, toward the altar where her soon to be husband stood.

From afar she could tell he was tall and well built. As she got closer, the breath was stolen right out of her throat. Her would be husband was Greek god handsome. He looked well over six feet, with shoulders so broad she was sure she could comfortably sit on them. His hazel eyes met hers, shining with mirth. His brown hair was exquisitely styled, giving him a mysterious yet alluring look.

He was perfection.

At least she scored in that area.

Her father handed her over. The priest began to call out their vows. Malia reminded herself to breath as her would be husband held her gaze with his magnetic eyes, smiling softly at her. Her voice came out light and airy as she said her vows, his a stark contrast - bold and deep.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride."

Malia felt her heart in her mouth. Her now husband moved closer to her, his eyes moving to her lips. In that moment she briefly wondered if her lipstick would stain his lips red. Now that would be a sight. He leaned in and gave her a quick chaste kiss. As he was about to pull away he leaned din to her ear and whispered

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment."

Malia should've felt butterflies in her belly, but instead she felt a shock of fear. He pulled back and smiled at her sweetly, still holding her hand in his. He touched the ring on her finger, twirling it twice. Malia felt fear choke her as she stared at him. She tried to remind herself to smile, but her lips felt frozen. Her husband turned to the small crowd, turning her with him. On his face was a charming smile. Malia wanted to run.

She wanted to run so bad.

She searched for her father in the audience, he was clapping and smiling like nothing. Amanda was staring at her with pity in her eyes. The tests of the audience couldn't care less. She didn't even know most of them, probably friends of her husband.

She wanted to run but her legs felt like lead.

Dear heaven's, what had her father gotten her into?!


The after party was a livelier affair than the wedding itself. Malia felt the fear gone, most of it at least. With the alcohol, she loosened up a bit. In between congratulations and well wishes, she danced with her husband. She had a sinking feeling he was puting on a show for publicity.

Grant Houston. Who didn't know him? Known for being a fierce and goal oriented CEO. He was rich, he was famous, he was handsome. The women he was spotted with were always famous or rich or daughters of billionaires. Malia wondered how exactly her father had gotten entangled with a man like this, and what she did to deserve the title of his wife.

Malia Houston. She didn't like the ring at all.

"Something on your mind?" Grant said, pulling her close to him. She could feel his heat radiating through his clothes.

Malia stared up at his eyes, she realized how easy it was to get lost in them. "Nothing much, just thinking about..." He twirled her under his arm and dipped her

"How what?" He asked, amusement in his tone.

"How I'm not married." Malia finished, blushing a bit.

"Oh," He said. And he said it like 'oh, what a waste of time.' Malia felt herself dim.

"So, tell me, what do you..." She was cut off by a phone ringing.

"That's for me," Grant said and picked the call, all the while his eyes on her. After a few seconds, he turned and left without saying another word to her.

Stunned, too much to speak, Malia watched him leave. Her mind did a hundred miles per second, thinking to herself if he just left her without words. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment and shame. Tears pricked her eyes and her heart hurt. Standing in the middle of the dance floor, abandoned, she wondered the kind of husband she had married. She didn't know when a tear breached her eyelashes. She quickly wiped it away.

What a cruel bastard.

She drew in a deep breath and straightened her back. She raised her head and wore a mask, a mask of composure, one of the many she had. She turned in a flourish and walked back to her seat. She drank a glass of wine in one go and ate a piece of fruit.

She knew deep down that she had married a monster.

A handsome one.

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