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Alpha's reluctant mate

Alpha's reluctant mate



Lisa's heart has always belonged to Fred, her childhood friend. But destiny had different plans, entwining her with Vegas, a formidable werewolf leader, in an arranged mating. Their journey unfolds with forbidden desires and concealed truths. Amidst pack politics and hidden threats, can love kindle like a flame in the darkness, defying ancient traditions?

Chapter 1 1

Lisa was just returning from a run with Fred, and they had frolicked and played in the cool, shaded woods that surrounded her home. Fred had been her best friend since they were pups, and recently, their friendship had blossomed into something more. He had hinted at asking her father for permission to become her mate, and she couldn't have been more thrilled at the idea. Many of her friends were already mated, and as her nineteenth birthday approached, she was growing restless, eager to experience the bonding of a lifelong partnership.

She had already gone through two heat cycles, but her father had held off on choosing her a mate. Lisa had initially thought he was waiting for her to find someone who suited her, but she now realized that was never the case. Her father, while loving her deeply, was first and foremost their Alpha, and he had to prioritize the well-being of the pack above all else. Her older brother and sister had mated with packs to the north and south, and with the sea at their back, an alliance was crucial to the east. When Vegas had become the new Alpha of that territory, the Elders had determined that a mating between the packs was necessary to ensure continued stability.

On that particular day, as she was just returning, laughing at something Fred had said, Jack, her father's Beta, greeted her at the door. "Lisa, you are needed in the assembly room."

Something in Jack's tone hinted that all was not well. With a slight wave to her friend, she followed Jack, wondering what could possibly require her presence. The assembly room was typically reserved for general pack meetings, but usually, her father and the council of Elders handled all important matters.

As she pushed the door open, a wave of emotions washed over her—excitement, worry, curiosity. She was sensitive to moods and puzzled over the strange mixture. Her eyes scanned the room. The Elders seemed excited and pleased, engaged in conversation with a group of older individuals who were strangers to her. Her father wore a deep frown and was in conversation with a man of about twenty-five. Lisa hadn't met him before and took a moment to study this newcomer.

The man was taller than her father, at least six foot four, and had a powerful, well-built frame. His broad shoulders and muscles rippled beneath his shirt as he gestured while making a point. Dark, faintly tousled hair crowned a handsome face, with sculpted cheeks and a full bottom lip. Sensing her inspection, he turned toward the door, and his amber eyes locked onto hers. There was a certain intensity about him. Slowly, he studied her from head to foot, lingering on her breasts and then her hips before returning to her face. Lisa felt herself flush under his scrutiny. He offered a brief smile, and for a moment, she thought she glimpsed a hint of softness in his eyes, though it vanished quickly. He then turned his attention back to her father, as if dismissing her presence.

Her father noticed her arrival, sighed, and concluded his conversation. He walked toward her, still wearing a scowl. "Lisa, I see you've been out running again."

She stole a quick glance at her reflection in the nearby mirror. Her long, disheveled brown hair bore the marks of her outdoor adventure, and a delicate sheen of sweat lent her sun-kissed skin a dewy radiance. Spotting a smudge of dirt on her pert nose, she swiftly wiped it away. Turning her attention back to her father, she flashed a sheepish grin, hoping to charm him out of his somber mood. "It was such a beautiful day, Dad."

"But you know what I told you, Lisa. It's not safe to roam in your wolf form alone, especially during hunting season. Even though our property is marked, humans don't always respect—"

"I was with Fred, Dad, and we stayed far from the property's edge. We're not foolish."

"Ah, Fred..." Her father's expression darkened, followed by a resigned sigh. "Lisa, there's something I need to tell you. You may have heard that the eastern pack has a new Alpha, Vegas." He nodded toward a man standing across the room, prompting Lisa to steal another curious glance at him. With feigned interest, she turned back to her father. "He's come to meet you?"

"He's here to meet both of us," her father replied.

"Me?" Lisa's surprise was palpable, and an unsettling sense of unease began to gnaw at her.

"Yes, you. The Elders have decided that, with a new Alpha in power, we should forge a fresh alliance. Vegas is willing to make you his mate, ensuring peace between our packs."

"Mate? With me?" Lisa's mouth hung open in shock. Her eyes darted to Vegas, who regarded her impassively with his hands clasped behind his back. She returned her gaze to her father. "But what about Fred?"

"I understand you have feelings for him, but this is for the greater good of the pack. We need strong alliances to protect against human threats. Moreover, allied packs provide broader territories and roaming areas." Her father paused, his hand resting on her shoulder. "I know this is unexpected, but Vegas is a good man. He'll be a fine mate for you."

Her mouth had gone dry, and her fists clenched at her sides. Was this how her sister had felt when she'd been bound to a male from the north? Back then, Lisa had been only twelve and more interested in the festivities than her sister's emotions. Now, the tables had turned, and she found the situation decidedly uncomfortable.

"But this is archaic thinking! We don't need alliances anymore. We've moved past pack wars, and most humans don't even know we exist!" In her desperation, Lisa began to present facts and arguments to counter the decree that had just been imposed upon her.

"Packs coexist peacefully because of the long-standing tradition of alliances," her father explained, his tone measured, though it was evident he didn't relish having to clarify this to her. He was a staunch adherent of the old ways, as were many in their pack, and unquestioning obedience was the expectation. Being the youngest in the family, Lisa had received more leniency, with lower expectations. She could sense the implicit lecture in her father's words, the unspoken suggestion that she should have paid more attention to pack politics and taken a greater interest in what was happening around her.

He continued, "And the human threat is still real. Not that they know we exist, but they persistently encroach on our territories. We need unity to defend our land against developers."

Lisa wanted to protest, but her father's stern gaze silenced her, leaving her words unspoken. Resistance was futile. The Elders had made their decision, and the Alpha had concurred. Going against the pack's edicts meant exile. Lisa had spent her entire life within the pack, and the thought of being alone was unfathomable. Yet, the prospect of bonding for life with a complete stranger was equally abhorrent. "When?" She managed to utter a single word.

"Tonight. There's no reason to delay. Vegas and his council are here. Dinner is being prepared, and the pack is being informed. We'll conduct the ceremony as the moon rises."

Three hours. In three hours, she would be bound to a man she had never met, her mate. The rest of what mating entailed was too overwhelming to contemplate at the moment. She was familiar with the concept, and sex wasn't a taboo topic within the pack, but she had always assumed it would be with someone she knew and cared about.

Suddenly, she realized that someone was addressing her. Looking up, she saw Vegas standing beside her father. "I'm pleased to meet you, Lisa," he said in a deep, steady voice, his gaze locked onto hers.

Licking her lips, she managed to croak out a greeting. Vegas seemed even larger up close, and she wished she had more height to her. At five feet six inches, she was of average stature, but next to the new Alpha, she felt positively petite. Her father nudged her with his elbow, and she realized that Vegas had extended his hand toward her. Tentatively, she reached out and took it. The warmth of his skin immediately enveloped her and shot up her arm. Startled, she craned her neck to look up at his face and noticed a faint smile flicker across his lips.

"I think we will suit each other," he remarked, nodding to her father before giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. "I'll see you later, at the ceremony." Vegas glanced her up and down once more before taking his leave and heading over to where the councils were convening.

"Lisa, I must go. There's other business to attend to today before the ceremony," her father gently announced, bestowing a kiss on her forehead and then nudging her toward the door. "Go and find Sarah. She's been instructed to help you get ready." Sarah, Jack's wife and something of a surrogate mother to her, had been a constant presence in her life since her own mother's tragic demise at the hands of hunters. Her father had never taken another mate.

Briefly, the idea of running away and hiding crossed her mind, but she quickly dismissed it as impossible. There was nowhere she could hide where she wouldn't be found, unless she stole a car and drove off, but then what? She had no money and nowhere to go.

The remainder of the day passed in a blur. Lisa attempted to voice her reservations to Sarah, but she was promptly silenced. It was all for the greater good of the pack. Being mated to an Alpha would elevate her status. He would take good care of her... These well-intentioned words swirled around her, offering little comfort.

She longed to seek out Fred, to cry on his shoulder and feel his comforting embrace one last time, but that too was denied her. It wouldn't be proper, and there was no time. Were these genuine reasons or mere excuses? Regardless, the outcome remained the same. She found herself seated at a table beside a stranger.

As she glanced around, her heart pounded heavily in her chest. She noticed that the hall had been adorned with fall mums, the finest china had been set out, linen cloths graced the tables, and an array of dishes filled with meat, vegetables, rolls, and salads covered the surface. Lisa marveled at how Sarah could conjure a feast for an army on such short notice. The food was undoubtedly delicious, but she couldn't bring herself to eat. Well-wishes from pack members followed, along with speeches from the Elders, and then the bonding ceremony commenced. Vegas escorted her to the front of the room, but the words spoken seemed distant and incomprehensible. The most painful part was the exchange of agonized glances with Fred across the room as the final words were spoken and her wrist was bound to Vegas's by a ceremonial leather rope.

Bound together, Vegas led her from the hall to one of the guest cabins near the central house where the Alpha resided. He hadn't spoken directly to her since their initial meeting, and she cast furtive glances at him as they walked across the moonlit lawn. Should she break the silence with some words? Her mind raced for an appropriate comment, but nothing came to mind. Small talk about the weather seemed absurd given the circumstances, and she was too nervous to come up with anything else.

It wasn't in an Alpha's nature to be unkind to a pack member unless they openly defied his authority, but Lisa hoped Vegas would be considerate of her. She knew the first mating could be painful, and given his size, she held little hope that it would be a gentle experience. If it had been Fred, it would have been different. She had feelings for him. The thought of being with Fred excited her, creating a warmth deep in her belly, while the idea of being with Vegas only made her stomach muscles clench in anxiety.

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