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Crazy Billionaire Couples

Crazy Billionaire Couples

Divine Peace


Rose Mangan,a lady that could make any man crave for a taste of her. She got everything a man could ever dream of in a lady. Because they are all after one thing in her and that is her body not her love. An incident happened at the steakhouse she work at which almost got her rape.




The Steakhouse was busy as usual with the waitress walking up and down serving the customer.

"Here is your food sir " Rose smiled, dropping the food on the table.

" Sweetie, come let's eat together " The man said.

" No sir " Rose declined politely.

" What's your name? " The guy asked.

" Rose "

" What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl like you " The guy smiled staring at her boobs.

" Can you call your boss for me? " The guy said.

" Okay sir " Rose said and walked away.

The guy kept on staring at her backside till she was out of sight.

After calling her boss,she went back to her best friend at the Steakhouse.

" What does he want? " Daisy asked.

" I don't know but he wants to see the boss, " Rose replied.

" You know how it will end, " Daisy laughed.

" What did you mean by that "

" You know how it will end, he probably wants a one night stand or a dinner with you " Daisy laughed again.

" It not funny "

" Which one is it "

" Dinner, " Rose said.

" You probably should have answered him,you know what Mr Steven is going to say " Daisy said as Mr Steven walked toward them.

" What are you two doing here? " Mr Steven said.

" Nothing sir," Daisy said.

" Get back to work Daisy, Rose wait behind" Mr Steven said and Daisy left.

" Rose why don't you have dinner with him"

" Just have dinner with him, it won't kill you," Mr Steven said.

" Okay boss " Rose said and walked back toward the guy.

" Have a seat dear" The guy said when she got in front of him.

Rose sat down quietly staring at the man as he chewed on the steak in front of him.

" Why don't you try some sweetie "

" Am full sir, " Rose smiled.

" Stop this sir thing, you can just call me by my name is Olivier " Olivier said.


" What are you doing here, you are too beautiful to be working as a waitress "

" Why don't you work at my place? " Olivier said.

" No, Thanks sir " Rose said standing up.

" Stop with this sir thing " Olivier said and stood up.

" Here is my card, just call me if you need anything, " Olivier smiled.

" Thanks, " Rose said, collecting the card.

She was about to leave when Olivier grabbed her *ss.

Rose looked shocked and slapped him immediately.

The whole customer gasped in shock.

Mr Steven who was watching the scene quickly ran toward them.

Olivier spank her @*s which really annoyed Rose.

Rose kicked him in his dick and slapped him again.

" Rose," Mr. Steven called.

" Meet me in my office" Mr Steven said and Rose Left.

"Am really sorry for her misbehavior, " Mr Steven said.

" It's fine " Olivier left the Steakhouse.

Mr Steven went back to his office.

Olivier went toward his boys outside the steakhouse.

" Boss, what wrong with you "

" A girl kicked my dick" Olivier said.

" What "

" What did you want to do about her"

" Let's just wait inside my car till she comes out of the steakhouse " Olivier said as they walked toward his car.


Mr Steven entered the office and locked the door and removed the keys.

Rose just stared at him.

" What is he doing? " Rose thought.

Steven started moving close to Rose and she started shifting back till her back hit the wall.

" Why are you so s*xy " Steven said as he leaned closer to her with his hand aiming for her boobs.

"Boss " Rose called in shock when Steven grabbed her boobs.

Rose's hand went to the fry pan she brought in when coming.

She hit the pan very hard on Steven's head and snatched the key from him.

" I guess I'm quitting this job today " Rose said and walked toward the door.

She was about to open it when Steven grabbed her back and forcefully kissed her.

Rose managed to push him away and grab a bottle from Steven's table.

She hit it on his head and it broke into pieces.

" My head," Steven cried as blood started dripping from his head.

" I'm really sorry, " Rose said and left the office.

Daisy, who was about to go to the boss office, bumped into Rose.

Rose quickly dragged her into a corner breathing heavily.

" What's wrong with Rose? " Daisy asked.

" The bo...ss...the boss is bleeding "

" What "

" How "

" He tried to raped me in his office so I had to hit a bottle on his head " Rose said fearfully.

" What ? You need to leave now before he comes out " Daisy said as she dragged Rose out of the steakhouse.

" Take this money for a cab " Daisy said and went back into the steakhouse.

" Thanks "

She waited for a while but she didn't see any cab so she decided to start walking home.

On her way home she noticed a black car following her.

She stopped walking and faced the car.

"Why are you following me?" Rose yelled at the car.

Olivier came down from the car with his boys.

Immediately Rose saw Olivier, she started running.

" Follow her" Olivier yelled and his boys started running after her.

Rose bumped into a guy and she almost fell but the guy grabbed her by her waist to prevent her from falling.

Rose slapped him when she felt his arms around her waist.

" All men are the same, get your fucking hand off me" Rose yelled pushing him away and continued running.

" I wonder what's wrong with her, " The guy said, rubbing his cheek.

He was about to enter his car when some boys ran past him.

Soon the boys dragged Rose past him again.

" Help, Please help " Rose screamed.

" Maybe she's just a thief " The guy said and entered his car.

He suddenly remembered Rose's statement earlier.

" All men are the same " The guy muttered getting down from his car and followed the boys.


" Please stop," Rose cried as Olivier forcefully tore her clothes.

" I really wanna have a taste of you " Olivier said as he pecked her neck.

He grabbed her boobs and squeezed it.

" Ouch! " She moaned painfully.

The guys got to the scene and his eyes widened.

He moved closer to them, he was about getting close to Olivier and Rose, when Olivier boys stopped him.

" I want to see your boss, " The guy said.

" As you can see over there our boss is busy "

" So I can't see him"

" Yes, baby face " One of them said and the guy punched him and two of his teeth flew out.

The rest of the boys gasped in shock and started moving back.

" I hate it when people call me baby face, " The guy said, moving close to them.

Olivier stopped squeezing Rose boobs and moved close to his boy.

" Why are you running away from this baby face "

" Kill hi.." The rest of the words were shortened when a punch landed on his stomach by the guy.

Olivier passed out.

" Just take him away, if you guys don't want to get hurt next " The guy said and moved toward Rose place.

The guy turned back at the boys.

" Take him home, " The guy yelled.

The boys quickly carried Olivier into the car and drove off.

The guy bent beside Rose on the floor and carried her in his arms.

" Drop me I have legs, you men are all the same " Rose yelled throwing her legs in the air.

" Let go of me," Rose yelled.

The guy ignored her and carried her into his car and drove off.

" Where are you taking me to? " Rose asked.

The guy kept quiet until they got to a hotel.

They both got down.

" What are we doing here huh"

" Are you also trying to rape me " Rose said.

The guy ignored her and dragged her inside.

" What is he doing? " Rose said, staring at him as he talked with the receptionist.

" That bastard Olivier, how could he tear my clothes? " Rose muttered.

Soon the guy came back with a key in his hand.

" Let go, " The guy said coldly.

" I'm not going anywhere, " Rose said.

" Do you want me to carry you again "

" If you do that am going to screamed that you want to rape me " Rose smiled.

The guy looked at her dress and could see that her blouse was really torn.

" If you are not coming with me, you can just go back outside and get raped " The guy said.

Rose ignored him and started walking toward the door.

She opened the door and was about to go out when it started raining heavily.

She closed it and turned back and saw the guy going upstairs and she quickly ran after him.

" Hey jerk, wait for me, " Rose said.

The guy stopped walking when he got to a room and opened it.

He walked in and Rose followed.

" Why did you come back, I thought you already left, " The guys said.

" It's really raining heavily outside, " Rose said.

" Oh" He walked toward the window.

" It not that heavy "

" What? Do you expect me to go home inside that rain? '' Rose yelled.

" Yes, since you're so scared of getting raped " The guy said putting off his jacket.

" What are you doing? " Rose asked.

" What does it look like, I want to take a shower " The guy said walking into the bathroom.

" Should I take a shower also? " Rose thought, walking around the room.

" I don't have any clothes to change into and this one is torn already thanks to that bastard," Rose said and walked toward the closet.

She opened it and she was shocked.

" Wow, does he live here? " She said, staring at the cloth in the closet.

" What are you doing there? " The guy said, coming out of the bathroom.

Rose turned back and met him with only a towel around his waist.

She opened her mouth staring at his full abs and six pack.

" How can he be so handsome? " She thought.

She didn't know when he got in front of her.

He flicked his finger over her face.

" Hey, stop daydreaming, " He said.

" Huh!" She was shocked to see him standing in front of her so close.

She mistakenly pulled down his towel.

" Arrggg " She started screaming


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