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Lorelei Moore Mary me.

Lorelei Moore Mary me.



Ā Ā  Nathaniel's parents taught it would be funny to tie his inheritance with a condition.Ā  He has to get married normally he would not care but now his number one competition was catching up and he needed. Lorelei Moore manage to get a job as a secretary for Bronze enterprises. When she receives a proposal from her boss Nathaniel bronze. For the next three years they would be married, they would attend events together, she would bare his last name. And after the three years they would divorce and return to their normal life. A lot of challenges come with dating and being married to a handsome billionaire . Will they face these challenges head on or will they allow the pressures of society defeat them. Stick around and see Nathaniel and Lorelei battle distinguishing friends from foes.

Chapter 1 Will you marry me


"Hi Lorelei, good morning"

"Good morning Danielle"

"The usual?"

"Yes! the usual".

I take the coffee when she's done with a smile.

Dani's coffee shop is just across the office and they make the only coffee Nathaniel Bronze will drink.

"Morning Lorelei"

Betta at the front desk greets me as I walk past.

"Morning Betta, Hit me"

Betta is dating Nathaniel's driver so she is always updated with his mood every morning.

"He went to see his parent's lawyer this morning".

That can not be good.

"But Mr Lowell is coming later so there may be hope for us yet".

Michael Lowell is Nathaniel's best friend. Whenever he is around, he takes all the boss's attention from the rest of us.

"Thanks Betta, what will I do without you!"

"Lose your job" She jokes.

I run into the elevator and press the top floor on the button. I clutch the rails to steady myself, I do not like elevators, they make me feel dizzy.

I step out of the elevator and in a hurry, I have to make sure everything is perfect before he arrives. When I am done I go to my own smaller office.

My office is just an extension of his, there is only a glass door separating our offices.

Nathaniel's office is as plain as plain can be, all his furniture have one color and that is gray, there are no picture frames or any decorations to prove that someone works there. Mine on the other hand is the exact opposite. When I was just hired I didn't decorate because I scared I would be fired any day but when I developed my routine and discovered how to do everything right, I started to touch the place up. On my desk there is a picture of my mother and another of my cat and hanging on the wall is a painting that was gifted to me by one of my exes.

In exactly forty six seconds my boss will walk through this door.

I draw my jacket closer to my body. Nathaniel likes the office cold even, that was one of the things I had to get used to when I was first hired, now all my work outfit consists of a jacket or a coat.

Three. Two. One.

I count in my head and then I rise, almost immediately Nathaniel Bronze walks in and he is followed by Michael Lowell.

"Good morning Mr Bronze, Mr Lowell"

I bow and great. Michael answers me but Nathaniel doesn't, actually he never does. I actually believe he doesn't know I exist.

After they walk into his office I take a seat and sigh.



I flip through the file of potential women Mick gave me.

"I am not marrying any of these women"

"Why not Nat, they are beautiful women, the most eligible in all of new york"

He explains. I flip the page

"Sandra bass, blond hair, blue eyes, 5'6, daughter of multi millionaire And creator Bass industries, Helrod Bass"

I read out the information on the file.

"See she is perfect, she is beautiful and from an influential family"

Mick explains

"She is a drug addict"

I informed him.

"She got busted last year but her father spent a lot to keep it off the press."

"Okay, cancel her out"

"All these women have one problem or another, whoever I decide to marry gets forty percent of my inheritance, that approximately is forty billion dollars, do you know what that means?. Anyway I want someone I would be able to tolerate, at the very least"

I explain to Mick but he is staring at my secretary.

"Michael, this is important"

"I know, what about her?"

"My secretary?Are you out of your mind?"

"No listen, she is perfect, she is someone you can tolerate, she is literally the longest secretary you have ever had, she is beautiful and she actually needs the money."

"How do you know she needs money?"

"That, I can't answer, but you don't have to marry her till death do you part, just until you get your money, after which you can come up with some creative reason for a divorce and both go your separate ways. you would get to save your business and she would be a billionaire Win. win."

"I can not believe I am considering this, it may work"

I observe her slowly, I can't remember how long she has worked for me, I know she is good at her job and I have never had any problem with her, I have never also payed much attention to her, she never really did anything to grab my attention, she walks around like a cat quickly and quietly, it's very impressive actually.

"Fine, but what makes you think she would agree."

"Oh!, Trust me my friend, she will"

He smiles.

"Okay so there is only one problem left. What is her name?"

"Lorelei Moore"




It's almost time for Nathaniel's meeting with the shareholders, I ready all the files he will need.

He has been in his office since he arrived discussing with his friend, whatever they are talking about is not business related so I don't have to listen in.

I notice him rise so do the same, I place the files in my handbag and wait for him to come out.

"Lorelei, cancel my meeting with the investors and come with me"

Sorry, what. I almost spit out he has never canceled a meeting last minute, what is so important and why do I need to come with him.

"Yes sir "

I reply instead.

"May, I ask where we are going, sir"

"Yes" he says

I walk pass, Betta and she gives me a *what is going on look*

I shrug my shoulders I reply.

"Take us to The tavern "

Nathaniel tells the driver.

The Tavern is a fancy restaurant, we sometimes hold meetings there. So this may just be an important impromptu meeting, they have happened before but not when another meeting is already set.

"May I know who we are meeting at The Tavern boss".

"No one"

He answers

Talk about vagueness.

We arrived at the restaurant not long later. One of the servers led us to a Table with three chairs.

"Sit down,let's Talk"

Well this is it the day I get fired.

"Please sir, don't fire m..."

"I am not firing you, let me speak"

"Okay, sorry sir"

"I have a proposal for you"

He says, then signals to the waiter.

"Wine please, red"

The waiter leaves. I do not know if it is just me or, He looks nervous.


"Will you marry me?".

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