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Cold CEO Happily Marries Substitute Wife

Cold CEO Happily Marries Substitute Wife

Bugzy M


Michelle Richard is a shy and naive girl who was forced by her father to substitute her step sister as a bride to a man that was rumoured to be impotent and was also on a wheelchair. Daniel Anderson is a passionate, powerful man and the heir of the Anderson group of companies, he has made the companies reach greater heights. He was still trying to collect enough evidence to provide the police so they can arrest his stepbrother for the bomb he planted in a restaurant only in the name of killing him. That day not only was he hurt but lots of people were injured and killed, he needed to pay for his sins. "Do you Daniel Anderson take Michelle Richard to be your lawful wife to love and to hold, for richer for poor till death do you part." Daniel looked at the old man and he was very surprised he does not remember the last time he saw the old man this happy.This just proves to him that if he leaves right now the old man would be very devastated and the wealthy society will be talking about it for the whole year. 'Damn what do I do' he thought to himself. Michelle was sweating she thought to herself that if this handsome man leaves her on the pulpit, in front of so many people she will definitely leave this city and never come back. "Yes I do" said Daniel. Wait what! did I just hear this handsome man say yes, then she heard the officiator call her name. She was still in a daze when she said yes. She came back to her senses when she felt a warm hand touching her then she heard the handsome man who was dressed in a tailored navy blue suit say "give me your hand so I can put the ring on your finger." Read as you discover what happens to these newlyweds, will they be able to overcome it all and grow to love, trust and depend on each other. Will Daniel be able to make her change her mind?

Chapter 1 Marriage conspiracy

I will not marry that impotent man, no matter how rich he and his family are." Stacey yelled at her parents. Her mother also did not want to see her daughter get in this kind of a marriage.

Her mother was an opportunist. The reason why she invested so much on her daughter was because she wanted to remain rich till she dies.

She knew that in order to have enough in life, to last till death was if you produce an heir. So how could she allow her daughter marry someone that cannot impregnant her.

The fact that he was impotent was a sign that he will not inherit the family business anymore. Since that was the case then she should let her daughter stick to the fish she has recently caught.

The father was also reluctant, he had always imagined himself playing with his grandchildren on amusement park. He has always dreamt of having more children because he was the only child but fate did not grant him his dream.

For him it was never about money or inheritance. He just wanted to have grandchildren and he wanted to avoid any scandalous news.He knew very well that his daughter was sexual active. Marrying someone that could not satisfy her would lead to her cheating which will cause a huge commotion between the two families.

When he thinks about the fact that the two families made a marriage alliance when the children were young, he felt his heart grow heavy. Whatever ideas they come up with, it definitely has to be good ideas that will not drag down the family name as that will also have a huge impact on the family businesses.

He tried to wreck his brain, thinking of a solution for this problem but the truth of the matter is he was running out of time. They were only left with two days before the marriage.

His beloved daughter has already threatened him that he will kill herself if they forced her to this marriage. "Hubby, the contract that was signed back then, did it have the children's names?"

While he was still thinking of a solution, he heard his wife ask such a question. He looked at his wife with a complicated look, trying to read his wife's mind before she could speak.

He wanted to understand what she meant by asking such but he failed to read her mind. So he had no choice but to reply with a no. There is one thing he was sure of, whatever plan his wife comes up with, will definitely not affect the family business since she loves money more than anything.

He saw his wife's eyes lit up, her smile even reached her ears because of joy. "Oh that is perfect, I finally have an idea, why don't we let Michelle take Stacey's place. We can at least defend ourselves with that it was not specified which granddaughter of the Richards will marry into the Anderson family. The fact that she is the first born will make us have more "

There was complete silence after she spoke. Stacey was overjoyed when she heard her mom say such, she looked at her father, trying to read her father's expression.

She saw her father frown but quickly covered the frown with a smile. Then he said " I don't know if father will agree to this, it might make his illness worse." Mrs Richard had already expected this reply. She has already quickly formulated a plan that will work.

She smiled and said "hubby do not worry about the old man, we will make sure he does not know this until the preacher says you may kiss the bride, by then it will be too late to stop the wedding. In order for both families to not lose face in the wealthy society.

They will accept this. After all I do not think they all know which girl will we give them." Mr Richard accepted this new idea,.

He was the one that pampered Stacey more than anyone after all, for Stacey he would do anything to make her happy.

The way he pampered this girl made it impossible for him to keep her as a secret to his wife by then, who was Michelle's mom.

He used to lie that he was going for a business trip while in actual fact he was taking his mistress and illegitimate daughter out of the country for vacation.

Although Michelle's mom was also a business woman who was very busy too but the moment her husband stopped taking them to places like the amusement park she started suspecting him.

Although they were both busy with the businesses but they both made an agreement that no matter how busy they were, they will always spare some time for their daughter.

Even though their marriage was arranged by both families. He did play his part as a husband at first. Michelle's mom died while still blaming herself for her failed marriage.

When Michelle's mom asked him about it, he would be so defensive that it made Michelle's mom confirm her suspicions.

Receiving photos of the three having a picnic happily when he had said he was going for a business trip was just a cherry on top.

After her investigation she found out that it was that woman who hired people to take pictures of her and him then send it to her so she can file for divorce.

But that woman under estimated because when she signed that marriage contract she vowed that she will not divorce her husband no matter what. She vowed that only death will separate them.

The photos she received were not the only thing that the woman did to break them up. One day her husband came back home from a business dinner with lipstick on the shirt collar. There was also a time when she found under wear on the bag that he used when traveling to a business conference. She ignored all of that because she knew her husband better than anyone. He was not aware of all these things that the woman was sending to her.

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Other books by Bugzy M

Deceived Into Marriage By The Mafia King

Deceived Into Marriage By The Mafia King



Melinda Davids is a double orphan who lives with her grandmother. However, she is the most hated person in the family. Her siblings hates her because their grandmother told them that her mother was the reason of their parents' failed marriage. Her grandmother hates her because she is the granddaughter of her old nemesis. Leonardo Valentino is the beloved son of Grandma Valentino. He is now the Mafia Don. He is a cold, ruthless killer and everyone is afraid of him. He may be strong in the outside but he is broken in the inside. He hates women because his mother abandoned him the minute he was born. He was thrown at his grandmother's gate the moment he was born. His father hated him because he lost his beloved sweetheart on that fateful day. Unfortunately since his mom was a one night stand and nobody saw her when she placed him next to the gates. The guards were inside and only heard the sound of a baby crying, nobody saw the woman. His father usually sleeps with different women every time he goes to a club, he couldn't remember who he impregnated. That's the reason why his fiancée left him. DNA test was made and indeed this was his grandson which made Grandma Valentino very excited. He did not care about the fact that her son did not want this baby. So she decided to raise him like his own. She decided to teach him the business so that she can hand over everything to him. Even though his grandmother took care of him very well, which he is grateful for that but he was still broken. If there is one thing her did not want in his life, is having a woman by his side. Leonardo's and Melinda's grandmothers both made an arranged marriage for their grandchildren. Unfortunately Melinda's grandparents and mother died when she was very young which resulted in her being raised by her father's family. Grandma Valentino did not know how to execute the contract they both signed with her friend until she decided that she will hand over everything if her grandson Marries Melinda. Leonardo is very angry at his grandmother's condition especially because he hates women, in fact he wants no relationship with anyone. Melinda does not believe in marriage but the whippings she gets from her grandmother from time to time makes her pray for marriage. Melinda thinks she is signing an employment contract when at the actual fact she was signing a marriage contract with the devil. She is now the legal wife of a Mafia Don without her being fully aware of it until she discovers it at a dinner party. She does not object of it because she want anything that can make her get away from her grandmother. However, one is an ordinary girl and the other one is a mafia don. They both do not believe in marriage. Will they give this marriage a chance just as their grandmothers wished? Or they will decide to end it?

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Cold CEO Happily Marries Substitute Wife

Chapter 1 Marriage conspiracy



Chapter 2 Invited to the family dinner



Chapter 3 Wedding must go on



Chapter 4 Night before the wedding



Chapter 5 Wedding part one



Chapter 6 Wedding part two



Chapter 7 wedding part three



Chapter 8 wedding part four



Chapter 9 The Reception



Chapter 10 The wedding night



Chapter 11 Daniel took a bath



Chapter 12 Michelle was scared



Chapter 13 Daniel's friends



Chapter 14 At the scott mansion



Chapter 15 Missing my mom



Chapter 16 I promise to love you



Chapter 17 So will I



Chapter 18 Going to a honeymoon



Chapter 19 Traveling out of the country



Chapter 20 It's time to go



Chapter 21 Why don't you open up



Chapter 22 Old master Richard



Chapter 23 Stacey and her boyfriend



Chapter 24 Hotel suite



Chapter 25 Daniel was admitted



Chapter 26 A spy was found in their hotel room



Chapter 27 Daniel was ready to tell her more



Chapter 28 Mr Richard was enlightened



Chapter 29 Daniel's friends followed him



Chapter 30 They were both ready for intimacy



Chapter 31 Michelle met Daniel's friends



Chapter 32 Michelle discovered another side of her step mother



Chapter 33 Daniel told Michelle the truth



Chapter 34 Truth was told



Chapter 35 Evidence was enough



Chapter 36 A new estate was given to them



Chapter 37 They accidentally shared a bathroom



Chapter 38 Mrs Hill was happy



Chapter 39 Their first intimate night



Chapter 40 Doing it again
